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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Stasiak coming back to WWE?

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Shawn Stasiak told No Holds Barred this past Sunday night that he would be returning to WWE sometime in mid-January. Stasiak was scheduled to do an interview with NHB was opted not to because he did not want to get heat on himself with WWE so soon after being brought back.


WWE has yet to confirm the signing of Stasiak, and it is unknown whether he is being brought in fulltime, or just to work the Royal Rumble.


Credit: NoHoldsBarredWrestling.com

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Guest converge241

Brian Christopher's been spouting the same nonsense since he got fired dont worry/get excited about it



i mean whats he going to say? the truth? "im a schlep who the big guys want nothing to do with". And then get all the indy promoters excited by that?!?


Planet stasiak (RIP) will probably not be coming back into orbit

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Guest Eagan469

I thought he was let go because he was depressed about his status within the company, and they didn't want a suicidal mid-carder on their hands.


Well, at least we can chant "BEAT THE MEAT" again :)

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

...Whatever. As long as he is not seen or heard on Raw or SD, I couldn't care at all what his deal is.

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Guest YouDaFoo

Remember his retarded tag team in WCW with Chuck Palumbo?


Stasiak was a bum! He should of never been apart of the NATURAL BORN THRILLERS!


Actually really the only wrestler I like in NBT was "Above Average" Mike Sanders. Whats up with him?

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Guest converge241

yes and that too Choken


who's the other guy thats always saying he gets called to come back in these interviews?


Christopher is by far the worst so I always remember him..


Maybe Luger?

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Guest YouDaFoo

Why did the WWE get rid of him anyway? Him and Elix Skipper were my favorite wrestlers in WCW during the low point.

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Guest Ram
yes and that too Choken


who's the other guy thats always saying he gets called to come back in these interviews?


Christopher is by far the worst so I always remember him..


Maybe Luger?

It's Vampiro, I'm pretty sure.

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Guest converge241

"It's Vampiro, I'm pretty sure"


yes that sounds right..Luger is another guy who has been saying it ..but you know what's scary? Vince is such a big guy mark ..Lex has a better shot than all the other bozos

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Guest Mole

Hey, did you guys know the Mole will be signed by the WWE? Yeah, I am going to wrestle for them!!!


Oh, wait, that is BS just like what Stasiak said.

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Guest converge241



wait i just read in the Torch that you were being signed


oh wait that was gamecop's b.s. nevermind

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Guest Incandenza

I enjoyed that Planet Stasiak gimmick. Whether or not Stasiak was aware of it, his act was a fairly amusing parody of the Ultimate Warrior.


That doesn't mean I want to see him back, however.

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Guest buffybeast

Maybe Shawn will turn up on the RAW anniversay special. I can't see them hiring him back as a permanent member of the roster.

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Guest Will Scarlet
Why did the WWE get rid of him anyway?


Wasn't that some sort of political power play because he was friends with Kevin Nash?


Lex has a better shot than all the other bozos


Maybe they will give him a nostalgia title run. Heck knows all those people who were riding on the Lex Express back in '93 have waited almost 10 years for Lex's big run at the title. That would put asses in the seats, for sure!

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Guest Mikazuki

Cool! He's not a horrible wrestler, and his entrance music RULES! It sounded like something out of Earthbound. :D

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Guest midnight_burn

The last thing the WWE needs is another useless bum nobody cares about on the roster, hence he'll be signed shortly.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Dave Meltzer said this about Stasiak in one of his latest website updates:


"--Here's the scoop on Shawn Stasiak. He's nuts. He's also not coming back to WWE."

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Guest Repo Man jr
Dave Meltzer said this about Stasiak in one of his latest website updates:


"--Here's the scoop on Shawn Stasiak. He's nuts. He's also not coming back to WWE."

I thought you were takin the piss but he really did say that!

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Guest bravesfan

Shawn stated in an interview (forgot the website), that those comeback comments were made by someone posing as him.


The imposter fooled a few websites and radio shows by appearing on them, then talking about his (Stasiak's) return.

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