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Guest Chuck Woolery

House Show Predictions!

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Dance Dance Revolution Exhibition

Ced Ordonez vs. El Luchadore Magnifico

- Thoth and Annie. Most likely.


Chokeslam of DOOM match

Hollywood Spike Jenkins vs. Manson vs. H Ville Thug

- Oh, dude. Manson wins.


SJL TV title match

Annie Eclectic vs. MVS (Champeen)

- Me.


Puro Match of Puro-ness

Dace Night vs. "Deathwish" Danny Williams

Special Ref: Ced Ordonez

- Dace.


Pool Joust match

Frost/Memphis Eel and a Bear (Or whatever) vs. Z and some Asian school girls

- The Memphis Eel


Last Man Standing

Silent vs. Judge Mental

- Silent, naturellement


3-out-of-5 falls table match

Tom Flesher vs. Insane Luchador

- Ash jobs them both.



Barbed-wire rope, Stairway to Hell match

Iceman vs. Noka

- Everybody.

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Guest Dace59

Mike, dude, please don't pimp me.

Danny is going to take me a school, college and university.

But damn will it be fun.

And if I win...

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Guest Ace309

Dance Dance Revolution Exhibition

Ced Ordonez vs. El Luchadore Magnifico

- Open Source brings in da MMR.


Chokeslam of DOOM match

Hollywood Spike Jenkins vs. Manson vs. H Ville Thug

- How can you go against Manson?


SJL TV title match

Annie Eclectic vs. MVS (Champeen)

- Annie, by interference from the Boston Librarian.


Puro Match of Puro-ness

Dace Night vs. "Deathwish" Danny Williams

Special Ref: Ced Ordonez

- The fans.


Pool Joust match

Frost/Memphis Eel and a Bear (Or whatever) vs. Z and some Asian school girls

- Me when I take the schoolgirls home and explain to them the American custom of engaging in hot, sweaty sex with your host after every meal.


Last Man Standing

Silent vs. Judge Mental

- Silent no-sells t his match to go beering.


3-out-of-5 falls table match

Tom Flesher vs. Insane Luchador

- No prediction.



Barbed-wire rope, Stairway to Hell match

Iceman vs. Noka

- Someone else's cousin.

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Guest Dace59

Dance Dance Revolution Exhibition

Ced Ordonez vs. El Luchadore Magnifico




Chokeslam of DOOM match

Hollywood Spike Jenkins vs. Manson vs. H Ville Thug




SJL TV title match

Annie Eclectic vs. MVS (Champeen)




Puro Match of Puro-ness

Dace Night vs. "Deathwish" Danny Williams

Special Ref: Ced Ordonez


Danny, hopefully not by too much, and like Tom said, the fans.


Pool Joust match

Frost/Memphis Eel and a Bear (Or whatever) vs. Z and some Asian school girls




Last Man Standing

Silent vs. Judge Mental




3-out-of-5 falls table match

Tom Flesher vs. Insane Luchador


Tom Flesher



Barbed-wire rope, Stairway to Hell match

Iceman vs. Noka



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Guest CED Ordonez

Dance Dance Revolution Exhibition

Ced Ordonez vs. El Luchadore Magnifico

- Finally, something I have a chance to toast ELM at!


Chokeslam of DOOM match

Hollywood Spike Jenkins vs. Manson vs. H Ville Thug

- Akira Taue...


SJL TV title match

Annie Eclectic vs. MVS (Champeen)



Puro Match of Puro-ness

Dace Night vs. "Deathwish" Danny Williams

Special Ref: Ced Ordonez

- All we need is a Japanese Announcer about to have a heart attack and we're set. 60:00 time limit draw and millions of satisfied fans.


Pool Joust match

Frost/Memphis Eel and a Bear (Or whatever) vs. Z and some Asian school girls

- The Asian schoolgirls...after I run in to play my own version of Joust. *somebody whispers into Ced's ears* WHAT? They're *12*? Oh, Bas Rutten... Z in a match for the ages.


Last Man Standing

Silent vs. Judge Mental

- No sell! No sell! Silent.


3-out-of-5 falls table match

Tom Flesher vs. Insane Luchador

- IKEA is a winner!



Barbed-wire rope, Stairway to Hell match

Iceman vs. Noka

- Blood Banks and wrestling vampires around the world...

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Dance Dance Revolution Exhibition

Ced Ordonez vs. El Luchadore Magnifico

- MOTYC. And, I'll just say, Ced...


Chokeslam of DOOM match

Hollywood Spike Jenkins vs. Manson vs. H Ville Thug

- This is obviously punishment towards me for doing something in my past life that some how harmed animals at the zoo....err...nevermind. No Comment.


SJL TV title match

Annie Eclectic vs. MVS (Champeen)

- Annie.


Puro Match of Puro-ness

Dace Night vs. "Deathwish" Danny Williams

Special Ref: Ced Ordonez

- I don't watch Puro....so uhh, Danny.


Pool Joust match

Frost/Memphis Eel and a Bear (Or whatever) vs. Z and some Asian school girls

- The Bear eats everybody.


Last Man Standing

Silent vs. Judge Mental

- I lost to both these guys... but Silent since he can hurt me more now.


3-out-of-5 falls table match

Tom Flesher vs. Insane Luchador

- Tom...



Barbed-wire rope, Stairway to Hell match

Iceman vs. Noka

- Nobody.

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