Guest fairtoflair7 Report post Posted March 9, 2002 This is the 2nd review. The 1st one is on the Smarks Krew. - I’m back, and ready to do the 2nd week/episode of the WWF Superstars tape from 2/92. My email is [email protected], for those who want any of the tapes. Feedback is welcome, good/bad, here on this site or at the e-mail address - WWF Superstars from 2/92 -Opening montage for Superstars - From The Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. This arena looks similar to the every week superstars arena. At least we don’t get those arena managers saying how welcome they are to have the WWF. Imagine if we had that today. - Hosts are once again, Vince and Mr. Perfect. They hype WM8 and Perfect says that Hogan is stupid to wrestle Flair. This week, we have the Funeral Parlor with the guest as none other then Ric Flair. We also have in action Jake ”The Snake” Roberts, Virgil, and Papa Shango (His debut) in action. Last week, they said they would have Marty Jannety in action also but I guess the WWF wanted to start the angle where Marty would come back to Shawn for revenge, so he probably laid low for the time to come. -Opening match: Natural Disasters w/ Jimmy Hart vs. Bob Avery and Raymond Hammer- Vince calls them the most mammoth tag team in WWF history and Perfect thinks that’s good reasoning for them to become Tag Champions. There is nothing like having 2 fresh jobbers get destroyed. I smell a squash. Quake starts and pounds away on Hammer. He throws the innocent jobber into the corner. Tenta then hits a belly to belly suplex. He continues to pound away with big forearm shots and then delivers a huge elbow on to the back of Hammer. Quake flexes his fat....I mean muscles. He chokes the jobber on the ropes and takes in Typhoon/Shockmaster/Tugboat/Fred Ottman, whatever you want to call him. Irish whip to the corner and Typhoon nails him w/ a clothesline. He sits on Hammer’s back. Hammer’s name speaks for himself because that’s what he is getting, hammered. Ottman, then runs to the ropes & elbows Avery to the floor. Then he uses the momentum & he sits on Hammer’s back once again. Perfect then has the nerve to call the Disasters “wrestlers”. There has been only 1 wrestling move so far. Another whip to the corner, and Typhoon hits another lame clothesline. He does the same thing but this time he splashes him in the corner. I can’t stand to watch these guys wrestle. Avery tries to encourage his partner by clapping, while I chuckle, but that won’t save this match from negatives. Both Ottman, and Tenta splash the fallen jobber at the same time. Avery tries punching Quake and he no-sells and kicks his ass. The disasters then proceed w/ a double shoulder block on Avery. Typhoon chucks him out of the ring and Quake powerslams Hammer. The Earthquake followed by the Typhoon splash finishes this poor match off. 3:15 (-4) This match made me sick and disgusted. Perfect, must have been smoking to call these 2 “good wrestlers”. What a waste of my time, as well as tape space. This isn’t too good of a way to start off the show. -Update from the WWF magazine w/ Mean Gene Okerland- He hypes WM8 w/ Hogan vs. Flair. He also talks about the upcoming SNME w/Piper vs. The Mountie for the IC title He informs us that Bret Hart will challenge the winner at WM8. Also on SNME is Flair & Taker vs. Hogan & Sid. Gene claims there is trouble between Sid & Hogan. Duh, I would be pissed to if my partner pulled me out of the Rumble. They show highlights from the conference, which was on last show. Read my comments from the last show to see what happened. Basically, Hogan gets named for the match at WM and Sid is pissed and gives a hell interview saying Hogan won’t be Flair on his best day but he can. Then shown is a different interview w/ Sid by himself saying he was misunderstood and he apologizes to Hogan. O yea, Sid is just going to forget about the whole conflict right. Watch the SNME to see if he really did mean his apology. (-1) The same crap from last week + the “genius” Okerland informs us about the “trouble” brewing. -Virgil vs. Kato- Once again, like I said last week, another member of the Orient Express, Kato, is going to lose to Virgil after having some good matches in the past couple of years or so. There is something wrong with that. V + P talk about the main event tonight. They lock up and Virgil goes for a schoolboy but only get 1. They lock up again & Virgil takes the arm but Kato elbows him in the face. Irish whip by Kato but V goes for a roll-up but Kato hooks the ropes. Kato misses an elbow & V capitalizes w/ a shoulderblock. Then he tries a backslide but only gets 2. Whip to the ropes & V tries a monkey flip but gets 2 once again. We see Repo Man in the corner and he says he is going to repo Virgil’s career. Perfect finds this amusing. Kato controls w/ some chops in the corner. Whip to the other corner is reversed by Virgil , but Kato jumps away and goes for a clothesline but misses. Kato tries a kick but gets caught with an atomic drop and he goes face first into the buckle. V then hits 2 big clotheslines but then gets caught going for a 3rd one and he goes flying to the floor. Virgil gets on the apron but Kato suplexes him back into the ring. He goes for the pin & gets 2. Kato throws him to the buckle but it has no effect. He does the same thing, like Tatanka last week, dancing around the ring, very Hogan-ish. He blocks K’s punches and knocks Kato down w/a punch of his own. The former bodyguard of M$M, then rams K’s head into the buckle 10 times. Irish Whip to the corner. Kato reverses but Virgil does a flip out of the way and K goes into the turnbucke. Virgil then applies the Million $ Dream for the submission. 3:27 (+3) Good little match on Superstars. Nice to see a non- squash and a much better match following the atrocious display from the last match. -We now go to Mooney. Great, What Fun! He talks about a house show coming up in San Diego. 2 matches on the card are LOD/Bret Hart vs. Nasty Boys/Mountie & Piper/Hogan vs. Taker/Flair. Both matches shouldn’t be bad at all. We see an interview w/Flair & Taker. Flair says he is going to handle Piper then Hogan has to deal w/Taker and he won’t make it to WM.Hogan & Piper then give an interview. These guys used to hate each other. Hogan says he always can depend on Piper. Piper says this is going to be a big fight. He then goes crazy.(+1) Some good interviews -Jake” The Snake” Roberts vs. D.D, Russel- Jake’s “Trust Me” music kicks ass. P & V talk about what he did to Elizabeth. They also hype tonight’s match between Jake & Savage. Perfect says you don’t mess around w/ Elizabeth. Who knew that would be Flair’s angle against Savage at WM 8. They lock up and go to the corner. Since Jake’s a nice guy, he breaks easily. Vince tries getting Jake over as a heel to no avail. They do it again and Jake controls w/some elbows and rights. He then chucks Russel out of the ring. While V & P talk about tonight’s match, Jake slides out of the ring and slams the jobber on the floor. Roberts then goes in and back out of the ring while he argues w/ the ref. He throws Russel back into the ring. Vince calls this a tune up match for tonight. Ha, Russel definitely has the same capabilities as Macho Man right, Vince. Jake hits his patent short clothesline, which always lines up for the DDT. The crowd is w/ Jake as they cheer him for the DDT. He gets him in the hold but lets the jobber go. The jobber looks at him in shock. Jake punches the jobber and now he hits the DDT to the fan’s delight. 2:27 (+1) Jake’s psychology is awesome. This gimmick of “Trust Me” was great and the fans still cheered him. -We go back to Mooney again. He hypes SNME and then he hypes the house show action, which are the same as before. Piper/Hogan vs. Taker/Flair, Nasty’s/Mountie vs. LOD/Hart. This time an interview is shown w/ the Nasty Boys & The Mountie. Moutie says they are all respectable citizens and former champions who got robbed. The Nasties just laugh and they can’t stop fidgeting around. We then got to LOD w/ Hart. Hart says LOD is going to clear the way so he can kick the Moutie’s ass. LOD says the Nasties are still crying b/c they lost thier titles. (Even)1 bad and 1 good interview. -“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan & Sgt. Slaughter vs. Bill Badd & Jim James- We are scraping low in jobber barrel here, as I have never heard of these 2. It doesn’t help that we get Duggan & Slaughter in the same match. Vince hypes there match tonight on SNME against the Beverly Brothers. Duggan gets the USA chants going. Both jobbers attack from behind but Duggan and Sarge see it, and start pounding away on the jobbers in the corner. They whip both of the jobbers into each other. Perfect says there is not a lot of wrestling going on in there but he said the opposite for the Natural Disasters. They hit a double clothesline on James, then do the same to Badd. Slaughter brings James into the ring and pounds him with some rights. He hits a decent clothesline on the jobber. Sarge goes at such a slow-moving pace. For some reason, he helps James tag Badd into the ring. Sarge controls w/some knees. He hits another short clothesline. Tag to Duggan and he WHOAA’s right into Badd’s ear. Sarge whips Badd from the corner and Duggan hits his 3 point stanc eclothesline for the pin. After, they clothesline James. Perfect leaves to go to the Funeral Parlor where the interview w/ Ric Flair is coming up. 2:24 (+1) Better then I expected out of these 2 and they looked like they were having some fun in the ring, so I will give them a point. -Funeral Parlor w/ Ric Flair- The newly crowned champion, Ric Flair, comes out with his executive consultant Mr. Perfect. Paul takes about tonight’s match. Perfect gets on the mike first and he says Sid & Hogan are going to get destroyed. Flair talks about the match too. Flair calls Hogan “The Former” champion. It looked like he loved calling him that. Flair says the 4 greatest superstars in the WWF today are going into the ring tonight. He states the Undertaker is more powerful then Sid and Hogan is a nothing. Flair says he is going to walk-that-aisle tonight and he gives a big WHOOOO!! (+1) Good interview but I’m getting tired of this SNME hype. -Wrestlemania moments- Mary Hart w/ Elizabeth, the famous Piper’s Pit w/ Morton Downey Jr, (+1) That Piper’s Pit is always funny. -Debut match- Papa Shango vs. Longtime jobber Dale Wolfe- Vince is shocked w/ Papa Shango costumes and the voodoo items he comes out with. Who knew this would be the Godfather. Shango stalls putting his gear into the corner. Wolfe is intimidated and backs up but Papa attacks w/ some hard boots & rights. He chokes Wolfe on the ropes. Whip to the ropes and Shango hits a backbreaker. Shango then hits his patent shoulderbreaker for the pin. V & P are in shock. Shango then laughs and says some shit into the camera.1:27 (-1) Nothing squash for Papa Shango in his debut. -The Mountie vs Mike Casey- No kick ass music for the Mountie. Vince, once again, calls this a warm-up match for the Mountie who will face Piper for the IC title. Mountie controls w/ some kicks and punches to start. Rougeau whips Casey to the ropes and hits a beautiful flying elbow. He then rams the jobber’s face into the buckc;e a number of times. He then does his famous “III’MMMMM the Mountie” which draws heat from the crowd. Casey then takes a huge bump as he is thrown out of the ring by Rougeau. We see Piper talking about his match tonight. He will “mount” the Mountie and then he does his best M.C. hammer impression by saying he’s “2 legit 2 quit”. Boy, Piper can be funny. Mountie throws Casey back into the ring and he starts to bite him. He proceeds to choke Casey on the ropes. Whip to the ropes and Mountie hits a beautiful dropkick for the pin. He then “shocks” Casey with the cattle prod. 1:31 (+1) The Piper bit was hilarious and an entertainingly good squash by Rougeau gets a point. -Back to Mooney again. He announces another match for the house show: IRS vs. The Texas Tornado. IRS gives some words about how he is sitting in the weakest part of the tornado right now and how the tornado is a tax cheat. He takes tax cheats very seriously and the Tornado will pay. Mooney also says another match on the card: Repo Man vs. Virgil. Virgil gives an interesting talk about how the Repo Man gets real low, looking around for others. He says the Repo better hope he has eyes in the back of his head because Virgil will come out of nowhere and destroy. Virgil calls him a thief. That was pretty funny. Mooney then proceeds to go over the whole card. (-1) Nothing interesting here -Next week on Superstars will be Rowdy Roddy Piper, Shawn Michaels, The Nasty Boys, and highlights from SNME. We hear comments from the Undertaker & Paul Bearer who gives a weird interview. Hogan gives an interview saying he accepts Sid’s apology and that they both are going to wipe the floor w/ Flair & Hogan -Overview- The show ended with a +2 rating. This show started out terrible but I got better as the show went on. The Flair interview + the Virgil - Kato match was good. The Disasters match and some of the interviews and squashes were terrible. Stay tuned for the next episode to see what happen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites