JasonX 0 Report post Posted January 2, 2003 Up until now, Eric Bischoff has strictly been an on-air talent for WWE Raw, and stays to himself backstage, not really drumming up any political support. However, there are reports that Vince McMahon is considering giving the creative control for the Raw brand completely over to Bischoff. McMahon is worried about differentiating the brands, and believes that if he has total control over both brands, it would be impossible to make them distinct. However, it is unclear whether McMahon is truly prepared to give total control away for one brand, especially to someone who was once a hated rival. Apparently McMahon is aware that his booking staffs are both writing shows that cater to what he likes, and he is looking for a solution that will allow a new creative voice to be heard, and Bischoff could be the answer. Credit: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted January 2, 2003 If this means McMahon has come to his senses and realized his daughter is a stupid bimbo who is flushing Raw down the crapper, than TESTIFY!! However, Bischoff? Isn't this same guy who came up with gems like the infamous Beach Blast and White Castle of Fear mini-movies? The one who rode his one good angle into the ground with constant rehashes? Hmm...I dunno. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted January 2, 2003 If this means McMahon has come to his senses and realized his daughter is a stupid bimbo who is flushing Raw down the crapper, than TESTIFY!! However, Bischoff? Isn't this same guy who came up with gems like the infamous Beach Blast and White Castle of Fear mini-movies? The one who rode his one good angle into the ground with constant rehashes? Hmm...I dunno. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JimmyHendricks Report post Posted January 2, 2003 The key word in that article is "considering". Vince hasn't given Eric control yet, and I doubt he will. I've always said that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Remember, this is Vince McMahon we're talking about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BoboBrazil Report post Posted January 2, 2003 This will never happen. Vince has too big of an ego. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted January 2, 2003 CLINK CLINK CLINK This is the sound of Eric Bischoff carving the headstone that will adorn the grave where the WW_ will be buried. If he gets the book, consider this bit of overexaggerated melodrama a foregone conclusion. CLINK CLINK CLINK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrTom Report post Posted January 2, 2003 Bischoff also came up with the NWO angle, which was good the first time they used it. Other than that, he really hasn't shown any acumen for running a wrestling promotion. Hell, before WCW, AWA's "Team Challenge Series" was his idea, and that was so bad, it ended up being the straw that broke Verne Gagne's back. I think if he can bring something to the creative table, they should use him. With an actual wrestling company overseeing him, as opposed to a bunch of faceless Turner suits, Bischoff might be able to get some good ideas on the air. It's worth a try, at least. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BoboBrazil Report post Posted January 2, 2003 They need to give Mic Foley full control over creative. He turned down a consultant job, but I think he would come back to fix the WWE if he was given creative power. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted January 2, 2003 I think Vince should give the job to Eric. It would be better than anything Gertwiz has done. The only thing that Gertwitz has done well is the BookDust angle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted January 2, 2003 Oh. My. God. I really don't know what to say other than good for him, and I'm all for him having the shot. HOWEVER... ...if he fails, he'll be fired VERY soon, he will not be given a lot of time. Vince will say it was all his fault, and he'll be gone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted January 2, 2003 Bischoff also came up with the NWO angle... According to the RSPW FAQ: Off-and-on booker Paul Orndorff is generally credited with the creation of the "invasion" angle, and Nitro booker Terry Taylor is credited with coming up with the details (the t-shirt selling, the black and white, the attitude). Hulk Hogan was given much leeway in his own angles (as usual) and improvised a great deal of the mannerisms and catchphrases (as did Hall and Nash). And it should be noted that Eric Bischoff had almost NOTHING to do with the nWo's creation, although he often takes credit for it regardless by stating that it was based on the New Japan-All Japan feuds. Which means he didn't create it, he just borrowed it from somewhere else. I personally have no faith in Bischoff's booking abilities, and foresee many MatRats-esque lame angles if this rumour comes to fruition. Of course, this might be an improvement... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest geniusMoment Report post Posted January 2, 2003 He also came up with the idea for Nitro. He also gave away main event matches on television on a weekly basis. He also was the first major promotor to bring cruisers to america in serious angles He had some innovative concepts like Nitro on the beach during spring break (which I liked) He not only came up with the NWO, they were able to keep the angle hot for about 2 years He signed away talent such as Raven and actually brought him in and used him in a storyline that accentuated his strengths instead of exposing weaknesses like vince does now. I'm not saying Eric is a great booker, but don't write him off as someone who never had any talent Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest oldschoolwrestling Report post Posted January 2, 2003 He's NOT Stephanie. Good enough for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Rob Edwards Report post Posted January 2, 2003 If he does get control his penmanship woul dbe Vinceified anyway Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted January 2, 2003 1) He not only came up with the NWO, they were able to keep the angle hot for about 2 years 2) He signed away talent such as Raven and actually brought him in and used him in a storyline that accentuated his strengths instead of exposing weaknesses like vince does now. 1) The nWo fizzled out once they started allowing anyone and everyone to join. Guys like Konnan and Ray Traylor should have never come anywhere near them. 2) Raven basically booked his own angles because all the other bookers were too busy with their nWo lovefest. That's the only reason he got over. Bischoff had zero to do with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ram Report post Posted January 2, 2003 Eric Bischoff under moderation may be a good thing. Although, this story is a little too thin to take seriously. I mean, Vince could have said jokingly "YEAH, AND THEN I'LL GIVE BISCHOFF CONTROL! HAW HAW!" and somebody took it seriously. Hey, you never know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted January 2, 2003 At least let him try. I like Bisch. Don't ask me why, it's not something I can back up. I just do. I get this sleazy yet intelligent vibe off of him. He made alot of mistakes but we don't know how much of it was him. Remember, WCW had so much crap going on backstage that we don't know who was in control. Also, I'm sure Turner suits were running major interference, too. I'm interested. I hope Vince lets him try at least, though it probably won't happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted January 2, 2003 ...this story is a little too thin to take seriously. I mean, Vince could have said jokingly "YEAH, AND THEN I'LL GIVE BISCHOFF CONTROL! HAW HAW!" and somebody took it seriously. Hey, you never know. Hot dog, we have a weiner!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest geniusMoment Report post Posted January 2, 2003 I knew raven came up with his own angle, but bisch still had to okay it. he didn't hold down or say no just because he had such a big ego that he didn't create the angle then it sucked. PART OF BEING A GOOD BOOKER IS TAKING GOOD IDEAS FROM THE TALENT AND USING THEM. How in the hell you can use this against bisch is beyond me. Also my agrument was not when you were tired of the nwo, it was when the public was and ratings continued to rise for almost 2 years Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AM The Kid Report post Posted January 2, 2003 I feel this could really work out well, with Bichoff controling Raw and the Mcmahons on Smackdown we can actually get some competition. Also, the ideas will hopefully be new and not Mcmahon-groomed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AM The Kid Report post Posted January 2, 2003 Sorry, double post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted January 2, 2003 WCW was better under him that it was under Russo, and look what WWE accomplished with Russo (granted, there were a lot of negatives with Russo, especially if you were a smark, but he made a product when under control that had a huge mark following.) It's not Steph, and that's about all I can say. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted January 2, 2003 From what I understand, Bischoff was so busy with his booking of the nWo (and subsequently his on-air role within it) that he neglected many of the minor midcard feuds that were going on, so he basically gave everyone carte blanche to do what they would. Thus Raven was able to do his Flock thing. It's also evident in how Jericho crafted his campaign against Goldberg, which eventually came to nothing because the higher-ups didn't think it was a credible feud. If Bischoff the Great was so good with the talent, why would he okay Jericho's tirades against the bald asshole if he was just going to cut it off at the knees? And I doubt the ratings for Nitro rose solely on the strength of the nWo. They had tons of cruisers who actually wowed the crowds with wrestling instead of tired catchphrases and sign language, Goldberg's unimagined success, the Horsemen, the aforementioned Flock... If you're going to paint Bischoff as the genius behind the nWo (which he wasn't), how do you explain the Ultimate Warrior? Or the Fingerpoke of Doom? Or the B-Team? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the 1inch punch Report post Posted January 2, 2003 Ravens on Raw...Jerichos on Raw Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted January 2, 2003 He's better than Stephanie and the other mother fucker. I forgot his name. Geritwitz, that's it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Joejigatame Report post Posted January 2, 2003 As he was Vice President (and later President) of WCW, Bischoff received most of the credit for the success, and ultimately, failure of the promotion. That said, does anyone actually remember some of the things he came up with during his stay in power, if anything? As has been said, he can't take credit for the nWo angle, Konnan was heavily influential in the role that the cruiserweights had, and Taylor-Sullivan were a decent booking team. Didn't Bischoff say that he wanted to phase out tag teams completely? I guess everybody has forgotten about Judy Bagwell, tag champion. Bischoff hasn't proven anything in terms of innovation, something that RAW desperately needs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted January 2, 2003 Ravens on Raw...Jerichos on Raw Yeah, but so is HHH. So no matter who they put "in charge", whether it's Bischoff, Gerwitz, Russo, Sullivan, Jimmy Hart, Bret Hart, or Vern Gagne's ghost, it's still the Anabolic Game who will still be pulling the strings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheArchiteck Report post Posted January 2, 2003 I hope its true....Raw needs something new to come along. Maybe he'll tell spoilers of Smackdown on air...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest geniusMoment Report post Posted January 2, 2003 He did come up with the concept of nitro he brought the cruisers to wcw and treated them like they were legitimate wrestlers He gave away main event matches that made television more exciting He decided to go live every week He decided to expand the show to 2 hours, can you imagine only one hour of wrestling that is taped four weeks ago now Bisch still had the final okay on mid card angles I didn't say he was a genius or a mastermind and without question he became burned out near the end, but he also was the only promoter who ever competed and won against vince. I have no problem admitting he didn't create the nwo (don't tell me he didn't help though) You seem to have a problem with admitting he did anything right I'm not blind I saw what Nitro was like in 1999 and how much it sucked but I also know he was burned out then and I also know he helped make nitro pretty damn good from 95-98 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jester Report post Posted January 2, 2003 I don't know if this rumor is true or not, but really, why not give Bischoff a chance? Just keep him heavily reigned in like Russo probably was during his successful WWF time. This last year we've seen angles like HLA, Katie Vick, the elimination of every belt, the creation of two world champions, the NWO Part 832, UT cheating on his wife... At this point turning it over to a crack addicted chimp who hated wrestling would be an improvement. Bischoff would have to work very hard to do something worse. Not that I'm saying it can't be done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites