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Guest Brian

Smackdown - 12/06/01

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Guest Brian

WWF SmackDown – 12/06/01


Spike Dudley vs. Matt Hardy

Matt dominates most of the match with Spike getting sporadic offense. Matt wins in 6:43 when he reverses Spike’s Dudley Dog into a twist of fate from the second rope.


The Impact Players, Dudleys, and Palumbo & O’Haire all arrive on splits screen. JR says they are here for a special announcement about Vengeance.



<Commercial Break>



Backstage, all three teams are in Foley office arguing. Foley says he won’t make any announcement until he gets in the ring. Foley says they can’t fight with each other until Vengeance.


European Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Al Snow

Eddie comes to the ring with a mic. He tells Snow that if this is all the competition the Vince has for him, he might as well be fighting Ric’s boys on RAW. Snow jumps him to start. Quick paced match that ends when Guerrero hits the double underhook brainbuster at 7:20.



<Commercial Break>



Mick Foley comes out and says that it’s about time the Vengeance card gets the finishing touches. First, the tag team titles don’t seem to be on the line yet. He invites the WCW and ECW teams out, and says that at Vengeance the Dudleys will defend against the Impact Players…and the Hollys. O’Haire and Palumbo get pissed, while the Dudleys and Impact Players walk off backstage. Foley tells O’Haire and Palumbo to be quiet and settle down, because there is one more announcement to make. Eddy Guerrero seems to feel like he has no competition. Well, at Vengeance, he’s going to face a special, hand-picked opponent. Foley walks off backstage as Palumbo and O’Haire follow, yelling at Foley.



<Commercial Break>



O’Haire and Palumbo continue to argue in Foley’s office. Mick says they better get out before he gets the APA to haul them off. O’Haire says fine, than tonight they’ll bet the APA. Mick books the match.


Light Heavyweight Championship

X-Pac vs. Jeff Hardy

Back and forth match with Jeff taking control in the last two minutes. X-Pac pinned Jeff Hardy when Matt distracts Jeff while he goes for the swanton bomb, and X-Pac recovers and hits the top rope X-Factor at 5:38.



<Commercial Break>



APA vs. Palumbo and O’Haire

Big brawl from the start, as it turn into a clusterfuck inside the ring. Palumbo pins Bradshaw in 4:26 after a double superkick.


Matt and Jeff argue backstage. Lita tries to break the argument up and get in between them but Matt pushes her away into the wall, and Jeff tends to her. Matt leaves and says that Jeff better be ready to lose again.



<Commercial Break>



Hardcore Championship

RVD vs. Ken Shamrock

They brawl up to the titantron where Angle comes out and hits the Angleslam on Shamrock for an RVD pin at 8:18. Angle pounds Shamrock with a chair as RVD exits and the camera fade away.



<Commercial Break>



Intercontinental Championship

Christian vs. Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle is in the ring as we return. Christian comes out and they duke it out. About 6:00 in, Shamrock starts to come to the ring. At 6:40, Shamrock gets on the apron and starts jawing with Angle. Angle knocks him off, but allows Christian to roll him up for the pin at 7:23.



<Commercial Break>



Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. HHH

Austin comes out with a mic and jaws with the fans before HHH emerges. Both men brawl outside for the first few minutes. HHH rolls Austin back in the ring. Austin rakes the eyes and takes control of the offense. HHH tries to power out multiple times but gets blocked At about 9:10, Austin goes for a stunner, but HHH blocks, spins him and hits a backdrop. Both men are down. They get up at eight and start slugging it out, and HHH takes control. Suplex for two. Knee for two. DDT for two and a half. Triple H brawls with Austin in the ring. At about 10:20, he goes for the pedigree. Austin drops to a knee and lowblows out of it. He pushes Triple H against the ropes and whips him across. Lou Thesz press and some right hands. Austin bounces off the ropes and nails an elbow. Cover for 2 and three quarters. Austin whips HHH again but Triple H comes off the ropes with a clothesline attempt. Austin ducks and Triple H turns on a dime, only to get a kick to the gut from Austin. Triple H pushes Austin away from hitting the stunner. Austin goes into the ropes and Triple H gives him a kick to the gut. Triple H locks in the pedigree but Jericho runs out. Triple H breaks the hold sending Austin to the outside. Jericho slides in the ring and starts brawling with Hunter for the DQ at 12:33. Jericho gets him down and goes for the walls but Rock runs in and breaks it up. Jericho and the Rock stare down before they start to brawl. Jericho gets knocked out of the ring. Austin rolls in and hits a stunner on the Rock. Triple H hits the pedigree on Austin. Jericho comes back inside while Triple H has his back turned and hits the Breakdown on Triple H. Cameras fade out with Jericho celebrating.

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