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Guest areacode212

Have you ever cut a wrestling promo on someone?

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Guest areacode212

Have you ever been in an argument with someone, or just yelled at them, when you started talking and cutting a promo like a wrestler? I tend to do this when I'm "rehearsing" cutting into someone, and I actually did it once at my old job a few years ago. I was yelling at some idiot who ratted me out to my supervisor, and I started talking into Austin-speak. I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was very Austin-esque, and I think I even lapsed into a slight Texan accent (which may have sounded odd because I'm a Filipino guy who lives in NYC).


BTW, old-school heel Austin had some pretty good lines for that kind of thing, "Yer pathetic! Lookatcha! With yer stupid <fill in the blank> and yer little <fill in the blank>. Yer nothin' but a---LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKIN' TO YA!!!"

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Guest Daredevil21

I can relate to what you're saying and sometimes you wish you could act out with a promo in a real life situation. Yeah Austin had some great stuff when he was a heel. I don't know why more people didn't buy it, but I always thought he was a good heel. That was when "What?" was at its best, as it pissed the crowed off so much and back then, Austin actually said it when there was a point. Now he just says it at any random moment, but back then he would use it while bitching out an Alliance member. "What? What? You Suck!" Classic.

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Guest Tony149

I happen to go into a little Ric Flair once and a while. Flair also had some great lines like "I'll take your wife and make a real women out of her, pal!" Which I used once.


Austin's "What?" seems to have caught on. I was at a store last time and some kids were saying "WHAT?" back and forth.

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Guest WWF4Life

My friend and I tend to cut E&C-esque promos. Y'know, calling women hosebeasts, inventing new words, generally doing the whole routine. We're both single at the moment for some reason. ;)

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

when the what thing was new last year (ie before it was butchered by overexposure), me and some 'smart' mates had a good time just whatting people in general conversation.  and also sometimes when people really piss me off i launch into a promo-style diatribe, though the form doesnt really fit any wrestler in particular, its still great fun.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I would do that stuff, but never in public. My favorite promo style to do was Rick Rude.

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Guest Annoyed Grunt

I once quoted Austin and told someone 'You make me so sick I want to vomit all over you".

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Guest Flyboy

Interesting topic because on Friday my ex's boyfriend and I got into an arguement that almost lead into fists.


It was a basketball game at my school--students versus the teachers, and I'm sitting with my friends watching the game and he comes along talking shit.


We get into heated words, which leads into him to say "WHAT?!  WHAT?!  WHAT?!"  everytime I had said something.  A simple: "Fuck this shit, I don't have time to argue with little kids.." shut his "What?s" up REALLY quick.  


People have been doing the 'What' shit too much at my school... although it was funny when a friend of mine did it to our coach.  But, now everyone is doing it... and I was the ONLY one doing it when Austin was doing it when he was a heel.  Weird.


Now, I regret not doing a heel Austin-esque promo on ex's new boyfriend:


"You're a piece of shit!  What?  You make me sick!  What?  Your current girlfriend gave me head!  What?"


Oh the joys...

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Guest The Electrifyer

I did The Rock's promo before. You know, with the "What did you just say?.... It doesn't matter what you just said". Then I'd proceed to talk in third person and call him a "jabroni" and "candy-ass". I do the "What" thing a lot now. What?

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Guest areacode212

Yeah, some kids on the bus did the "WHAT! WHAT! WHAT!" thing back and forth for about 30 seconds. It was pretty annoying, and I was like, "yeah, this really helps wrestling's image". But I guess only wrestling fans would understand what they were doing.


But Austin's original "What?" shtick was great, when he used it as an intimidation tactic ("You're a coward! What? I said you have no spine! What?"), and if I ever cut another wrestling promo on someone, I will be sure to use it.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I used to use Benoit's "PROVE ME WRONG" and ROck's "KNOW YOUR ROLE" alot. I say "AND THAT"S THE BOTTOM LINE" sometimes but mostly i just go with the nWo method of dealing with people and attack them with cinder blocks and then run over their ambulance in a semi truck.

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Guest Kinetic

I used "What?" a lot at work when Austin first introduced it.  It seemed really novel at the time.  I felt like a real monosyllabic bad ass.


On a side note, a group of young males were "What?"-ing the decidedly unfunny nonsense the lead singer of a local band was spouting in between songs at a concert I went to recently.  I managed to restrain myself.

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