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Guest Brian

RAW - 12/10/01

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Guest Brian



Hudson and Tenay update the cruiserweight tournament. Going into the last week of action, Rey Mysterio leads “Bracket A” with six points, while Matt Hardy, Essa Rios, Shane Helms, and Juventud Guerrera all have four points. The most stirring development in that bracket was Helms’ transformation away from the superhero, which cost him two matches, to Shane Helms where he is riding a two win streak. In “Bracket B”, Billy Kidman has the lead with six points. Tajiri and TAKA each have five points and a match this weekend. Christopher Daniels has four, Chavo has three, and Funaki has one.


Billy Kidman vs. Chavo Guerrera

Chavo defeates Kidman with a tornado DDT at 8:54.



<Commercial Break>



Ric Flair comes out with Jericho and says that last night at Vengeance was a very big night. Chris Jericho defeated Triple H to retain the WCW championship. Vince McMahon’s hitman taken out by Jericho. So tonight, Chris Jericho has earned the right to be the first wrestler to draw his number in the Royal Rumble, for a shot at the WWF championship at WrestleMania. Flair reminds us that even if Jericho draws a low number, he can always do what Flair did in 1992 and go the distance. Therefore, Jericho will also take the night off at Royal Rumble. (Jericho draws number 17) HHH’s music his and he comes out. First, Triple H says he has a signed statement from Vince McMahon about the rumble. There will be a six-pack challenge on SmackDown pitting Kurt Angle, Ken Shamrock, Chris Jericho, Steve Austin, Booker T, and Triple H for a shot at the WWF title. Also, Triple H will take on Jericho tonight for the WCW championship, and Jericho will have an opponent for Royal Rumble. Triple H storms the ring as Flair and Jericho bail. Triple H reaches in and grabs number 12.



<Commercial Break>



Test tells Booker T that tonight he will beat RVD. Booker gets up from preparing and asks Test if he can dig that.


Intercontinental Championship

Christian vs. Tazz

Tazz catches Christian in the tazmission, but Test runs out prompting Tazz to let go and fight him from entering the ring, while Christian gets the belt and hits him from behind, getting the three at 7:28.


Jericho and Flair are in the back with Austin. Austin tells Flair that he should be the first to draw numbers since he has some business to handle with the Rock. Flair lets him pick his number, but tells Austin that the number one contender’s match on Thursday is his first line of business. Austin picks number 27, and smiles.



<Commercial Break>



Backstage, Eddy walks into Regal’s office. Eddy asks him who he has left to face, and Regal says just get ready and stop bothering him or else Regal is going to teach him a lesson. Eddy tells Regal that if he wants to teach him a lesson, he might as well do it tonight in the ring. Regal tells him to get out again.


Tag Team Championship

Dudleys vs. Impact Players

Credible and Storm prep for a double superkick on D-Von but Palumbo and O’Haire run down and pull D-Von out of the ring, causing a DQ at 5:03.



<Commercial Break>



United States Championship

Booker T vs. Raven

Back and forth match from these two. Erupts onto the floor at about 4:30 and Raven controls the brawling. Booker transitions with a superkick and rolls Raven back in the ring for two. Old school build up from there as Raven scores nearfalls with a suplex and a bulldog. Booker T defeats Raven with an axe kick at 9:51.



<Commercial Break>



Hardcore Championship

RVD vs. Test

Test dominates early but RVD fights back with his kicks. Brawl erupts to the outside which RVD dominates hitting most of his spots. Back in the ring, Test takes control before missing the big boot, which gives RVD a chance to hit a spinning heel kick and the five star frog splash for the win at 6:11.



<Commercial Break>



European Championship

Eddy Guerrero vs. William Regal

Regal starts it out stiff, gets Eddy to the ropes but Eddy comes back with a monster lariat. Eddy works over Regal’s neck before Regal comes back. Regal works stiff and opens Eddy up, before Eddy transitions with a swinging neckbreaker. Regal gets up first and tries to lock in the Regal stretch, but Eddy doesn’t let him and breaks out. Goes for a brainbuster but Regal breaks and tries for a German suplex, but Eddy comes around and hits the German suplex, rolling through for a bridge and pin at 8:49.



<Commercial Break>



WCW World Championship

Chris Jericho pins HHH at 17:07 when Austin inteferes and hits HHH, allowing Jericho to hit the Breakdown for the pin. Austin slides in and they double team HHH, leaving him in a bloody mess as the show goes off the air.

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