Guest paltaper Report post Posted March 9, 2002 Near perfect 1st generation copies converted into Pal (or SECAM etc.) each time I make a copy. New Japan -SXW Extreme 2 Days 2002 (Jan 24th '02) Hiroyoshi Tenzan and Satoshi Kojima vs. Kensuke Sasaki and Osamu Nishimura Big Japan - Go Way 2002 2002 (Feb 3rd '02) Great Sasuke vs. Ryuji Ito Toryumon - T2P Desember Camiento II (Jan 23rd '02) Milano Collection AT, Stevie Tsujimoto, and Masato Yoshino vs. Anthony Mori, Ryo Saito, and Takayuki Yagi Rainbow Promotions -Rainbow Festival 2002 (Jan 20th '02) Masato Tanaka vs. Tomoaki Honma Michinoku Pro -Cruel Passion 2002 (Feb 3rd '02) SASUKE Performa 346, Chabinger, and SASUKE vs. NANIWA, Masked Tiger 2, and Sasuke the Great Michinoku Pro -How About It? (1994) Great Sasuke vs. Shinjiro Otani New Japan -SXW DOME QUAKE 2001 DVD (July 20th '01) Masa Chono vs. Keiji Muto Tape prices are: £6 for any event up to 3hrs £10 for any 2 events up to 2hrs each Tape prices include postage & packing for UK & Ireland (prices in Sterling) I also have 100+ original lucha libre mexican wrestling tapes, with new shows regularly coming in. You can check out the full list and read plenty more details here- Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites