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Guest ManKinnd

So what's the tentative WMX9 card?

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Guest the pinjockey

If ratings don't pop in the next month:


Goldberg/Rock will happen


Bet on:




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Guest Downhome
If ratings don't pop in the next month:


Goldberg/Rock will happen


Bet on:




Throw in Hogan/Austin, Steiner/?, Vince/Bishoff, and Benoit and the rest of them and we have a hell of a card in the works.

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Guest bob_barron

Hogan v. Austin??? Vince v. Bischoff?


How do those matches make it a 'hell of a card'?


Do Austin v. Benoit instead

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Guest CanadianChick

Will Nash be able to compete at Wrestlemania? I thought he might be injured still..

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

The only match I care about there is Brock/Angle. Didn't they learn anything from bringing in the old farts last year?

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Guest Choken One

We have about 3782 Threads on this fucking topic...ever since KOTR.






are pretty much confirmed...




For World Title






What I think?




HHH/Booker (World)

Austin/Eddy (Gimmick)


Rey/RVD (Intrapromotional)

Batistia/Orton Vs Dudleyz (Tag Title)

Edge/Kidman Vs Team Angle (Tag Title)

Rey/Chavo (CW Title)

Rhyno Vs The Big Show

Ric Flair/Steiner

Kane Vs Nathan Jones

8 man Jobber Tag (Christian, Storm, Regal and Nowinski) vs (Maven, Goldust, Test andSpike)

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Guest Kibagami

I sincerely hope Michaels/Jericho doesn't last 'till Wrestlemania. I Wrestle...FOR JESUS vs. The Jobber Who Has Lifts In His Boots. Not appealing. No.



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Guest Choken One

Nah, with Jericho/HBK we get good (when not interupted) promos and they will be willing to make each other look good.

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Guest Army Eye

I don't get why Rock/Goldberg is getting so much play. Austin/Goldberg would be much more of a draw, and I think Rock could have a great feud with Steiner.


Is it just that they're not as sure about having Austin available, or do they expect to keep Goldberg in longer, and therefore will bring him in vs. Rock and not have him fight Austin until SummerSlam or something..

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Guest Brian

HBK's promos lately have been pretty bad.


Assuming we still keep with plans:


Brock vs. Angle

HHH vs. Steiner (assuming neither is injured)

HBK vs. Jericho

Hogan vs. Vince

Austin vs. Benoit


Hogan's coming back for the Vince match, not the Austin match, and Austin's probably not coming back for the Hogan match.

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Guest Mole

Yeah, I think Austin/Goldberg is a better idea. Their friends, so I don't think they will have a problem jobbing to one another.


Just like last yeah with Rock/Hogan. Austin is much more of an icon than Rock. It should of been Austin, not Rock, in that match.



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Guest bob_barron

No it shouldn't have been.


Rock and Hogan are both more mainstream wrestlers- They've done movies and all that.


Austin was more of a blue collar wrestler who just happened to be really good at kicking ass.


That and the fact that Austin hates Hogan would also make the match a bad idea

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Guest Army Eye

They should've done BOTH. I could've lived with Rock/Hogan and then Austin/Hogan later on. That would've required Austin not walking out, and Hogan not getting jobbed out. Who knows what would've happened..

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Guest converge241

what I think it will end up as:

Rock- Goldberg

Brock- Angle

Trips - Nash (if hes healthy ..im assuming trips - steiner rematch maybe if hes not)

HBK- Jericho

Vince- Hogan (or Vince- Bisch or even Vince -Hart )

Regal/Storm - Bookdust

Taker- Show

maybe RVD vs Kane or some tag macth involving them


theyll probably put Benoit, edge, Rey, Eddy, Matt or whomever in a 4 way or something like that


Victoria - Trish (i guess??)

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Guest Razor Roman

Is Austin-Goldberg really a priority? Especially since in the past all the smarks have suggested it was a bad idea, since Austin is fairly delicate from all his injuries, and Goldberg is fairly stiff.

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Guest nikowwf

id think guerreros will be on crash course with team angle...just seems logical...



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Guest converge241

oh duh forgot about Team Angle


(how could I?)


Guerreros - Team Angle

and just take Eddy out of that 4 way schmozz


i hope they give Benoit his own built up match but i just dont think there would be room (in WWE's eyes).. Maybe Benoit- Edge??

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Guest Zero_Cool

As long as we get Angle/Brock, I think that's enough of a card. Think about it...


They don't need these "supercards". When WWE was at their highest point, WM-X7. all they needed was Austin-Rock...and it worked.

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Is there a tentative card for WMX9? What matches are pretty much given?

Lesner/Angle and Golberg/Rock are currently the only two currently planned (though Golberg/Rock totally depends on whether or not Golberg pisses off Vince with contract demands to the point that Vince doesn't sign him just to spite Bill).


HHH/Shawn Michaels has been name-dropped in the last couple of months and recently came up again. If they go ahead with that, expect HHH and HBK's current sparing partners BPP and Jericho to end up wrestling together while the members of the Clique jerk each other off in the ring.


Also rumored is Hogan/Vince in what was planned to be Hogan's swan song match but with Hogan on the outs with the WWE, it's most likely not going to happen.


Austin's return also is up in the air. Given Austin's demand that he have Eddy Guerrero and Chris Benoit as his own private wrestling partners before he went on sabatical, I could possibly see the WWE possibly doing Los Guerreros vs Benoit/Austin though such a match would most likely be stuck in the undercard, where Austin was pissed off at being shoved into befoe he left though....

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Guest bob_barron

Since WMXIX is pretty much a sell out they don't need Goldberg any more.


Benoit v. Austin is the way to go if they bring Austin back.


Like someone said earlier- they don't need to load up the card with every dream match. The show is gonna sell out and do a good buyrate regardless

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

And if the rumor is true, Goldberg will really only be there for this match and that's it. Sounds like a waste.

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Guest bob_barron

Plus a rematch at Backlash where I assume Rock would go over.


Do heel Rock v. RVD- that could really help RVD since his momentum has been stalled

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Plus we've gotten like one RVD/Rock match and it was on a TV show. It'd be good for PPV.

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Guest bob_barron

They've fought three times-

The first one Rock went over due to botched interference

The second one was a big schmoz

The third RVD won thanks to Jericho I think.


But it'd probably be a very good match and since Rock is willing to put people over- it's perfect for RVD

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Guest Brian

My card, that I've worked on and changed based on how things are going down:


Brock vs. Angle

HHH vs. Steiner

Benoit vs. Austin

HBK vs. Jericho

Hogan vs. Vince

Booker T vs. Golddust

Regal/Storm vs. Dudleys

I'm hoping they don't do it, but Show vs. Taker

Knoble vs. Mysterio

Guerreros vs. Edge and Christian

RVD vs. Kane (maybe streetfight?)


I'm just expecting most of the tag teams, or guys they paired up; that they have now are starting to crumble (Jericho/Christian, RVD/Kane, BookerDust). Then, that opens up a Christian face turn around No Way Out, some time off, get Edge re-involved with the Guerreros to the point where he needs a mystery partner and boom. Kane turns on RVD. Golddust on Booker for dropping the titles and probably jobbing in a re-match. Austin would be very smart at this point to come in and work with Benoit. HBK/Jericho and Brock/Angle are close to set. Since Steiner and Triple H haven't fought yet, and this is one of the good things about those stupid segments, they can draw their feud out longer. Mysterio's knee gets taken out by Knoble with Nunzio pushing him on (and put the title back on Knoble). Regal/Storm keep the titles before the Dudleys finally get their win. Don't worry about big names or an overloaded card, this is what they need. Just enough to appeal to mass audience, with nostalgia (Hogan/Vince), good wrestling, sports entertainment, cruiserweights, legend vs. young lion, and maybe a gimmick.

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Guest bob_barron

Definetley- he should be back any day now.


Turning Goldust heel will kill his heat. Since Rock will be back- why not do Rock v. RVD

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