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Guest Some Guy

Should JR start pointing out Psychology?

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Guest Some Guy

This bothers me, that he almost never explains why certain guys are doing certain things anymore, he used to in WCW and the begining of his WWF run.  Paul E. did at the begining of his run (see Angle/Benoit Mania 17) and then was muted down.  To me if you're selling wrestling to people, it would help if you explained why certain moves are applied.  If the announcers pointed out little thinga that the wrestlers did then the fans would have a greater understanding of a wrestling match and might not sit on their hands for the whole thing up until the finish.  

And I've had enough of the annoucers talking about other shit while there's a match going on, it's disrespectful to the wrestlers and to the fans.  This is especially annoyiong on a PPV when I already know waht the matches are and why they are happening.

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Guest Carbon Tiger

Focusing on wrestling what a noval idea !!


Serously this is the WWF. It's not about wrestling anymore its about using wrestling to further bad plots. The wrestling is na afterthought why should the announcers care about the matches anymore further the dumb plot, talk about the women's tits from 5 segments ago, hell push the hoss becaus the matches are 2 mins and you can't get over by wrestling anymore it's all look.  


Get soem wrestling going then get some announcers who can call it and we'll be on to something. I don't mind story in wrestling just make it good.

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Guest mastermind

This is another thing about the wwf. I'm not even nitpicking. When I was watching Livewire or whatever with my friends that night when he was laughing at me about the cinder block and net thing he was saying what's wrong with Jim Ross. He said he sounds like he has a hernia always screaming. I don't know the wwf got some good praise for the ironman match when JR and King actually commentated on the match because King couldn't say puppies for a damn hour. JR couldn't scream my god for an hour either. I don't know if the company knows that people actually got into the match. I like how they put the emotions and motives of the wrestlers through commentary, but can you call a damn match anymore? JR is becoming a character and so is the King when they should more be real commentators. At least JR is pretty slick covering up mistakes like Mcmahon slipping in the pedigree and saying he was trying to escape. King can be good, but why try when the company probably wants him to play up being a dirty old man as his character.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

JR should take some senility drugs or something. I love his work but he is slipping.

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Guest One Bad Apple
JR should take some senility drugs or something. I love his work but he is slipping.

Hopefully he's slipping on his neck.  And breaks it.  Then he will go the hospital and the doctors will put him down.  


When I'm asked to give the eulogy at his funeral, I'll insult his legacy with swear words.  Then I'll knock the barbecue sauce out of his wife and daughters and anybody with good genetics who can put a sentence together.


Of course ... they won't be able to that second one anymore when I finish with 'em.

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Guest Mole

"Hopefully he's slipping on his neck.  And breaks it.  Then he will go the hospital and the doctors will put him down.  


When I'm asked to give the eulogy at his funeral, I'll insult his legacy with swear words.  Then I'll knock the barbecue sauce out of his wife and daughters and anybody with good genetics who can put a sentence together.


Of course ... they won't be able to that second one anymore when I finish with 'em."


Dude, that is the worst thing that I have ever heard. Your one sick sick sick man.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

nope, jr shouldnt start focussing his commentary on psychology.  a brief mention here and there would be nice, but really the only people who appreciate good psychology know what to look for and when it is happening anyway, so JR would only be wasting his breath.  imo the only time he should really play it up is if the psychology is being used to set up a submission which hasnt gotten over yet.

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Guest imajackoff?

The other day I found myself watching Wrestle War 89 and noticed how attentive Ross was to the psychology of matches in those days.  I realize that was a different company during a different time and they had contrasting philosophies in how present their product, but JR made a 23 minute match between Micheal Hayes and Lex Luger very engaging by simply following and interpreting the action.  An announcing style of this kind would certainly be helpful when the creative staff is slumping with their storylines.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It would be nice to see JR talk about anything but what is coming up later in the show.


His commentary is demeaning to everyone who wrestles and isn't a "hoss".


Hoss's suck.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Definitely focus more on psychology.  Even if it's simple, like "Undertaker's using his onslaught of power moves to keep Jeff Hardy grounded and on the defensive," it's something.  Any sort of interpretation of psychology, or explanation of why the wrestlers are doing what they're doing makes the performers look a lot smarter, makes the product look a lot better, and helps the fans feel smarter too.  If JR tells me that Jericho is using backbreakers and stomps to the back on Austin to get him weakened for the Walls of Jericho, I feel smart because I can follow along.


I understand that it's the commentator's job to sell the show for the rest of the night so that people will stay tuned in, but hell, ratings have been stagnant anyway.  Maybe talking about what's happening right at the moment rather than what's happening in 10 minutes would help a bit.  In commentary especially, the WWF tends to get ahead of themselves.

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Guest Van-Daminated

i agree with edwin macphisto, i would definetly like to hear jr explain things more,like why the wrestler is using this certain move,etc,etc. The only time i feel they shouldn't is when something MAJOR just happened take for instance the n.W.o smashing the ambulance with the semi in situations like that they should put it over like they did, with jr apoligizing for not being able to concentrate on what was happening in the ring

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Guest Brian

For someone who preaches about psychology, I doubt he knows much about it. Could he really be expected to pick up on little things like "stomping someone with your bad leg because you don't want to collapse from putting pressure on it". Or how Rock and Austin (WM17) worked.

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