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Guest ElectricRaccoon

Best and Worst Controllers

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Guest ElectricRaccoon

A post in another topic got me thinking of this - what would you say are the best and worst stock/first party controllers in console history? Considering all the various Mad Catz/etc. stuff out there (and the slick arcade-style rigs that would sweep first), it's too hard to include third party gear.

In my opinion, the PS2 Dual Shock is the best, and the NES Control Pad the worst (massive hand trauma from the great combination of square corners and 'Nintendo Thumb'). The Power Glove gets an honorable mention for sheer uselessness.

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Guest starvenger

The Dual Shock is the best one I've used, although the MS Wingman is pretty good as well.


Worst is either the XBlock controller or the Dreamcast controller. Colecovision had a crappy controller as well despite haveing some decent games.

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Guest razazteca

worst 3rd party controllor is the Performance color for Dreamcast as the thing is huge wannabe PSX controller that broke easily. But the Performance Dual Impact color for PSX is my prefered controllor, the analog sticks work great on fighting games and THPS.


Madcatz Dual Force for PS2 is great but it does not work for the Dreamcast PSX convertor. Great D-Pad.


I never had any luck with arcade sticks for any console.


the NES MAX is the greatest controllor ever made

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Guest converge241

PS2 Dual shock easily


Dreamcast and original XBox controller are far and away worst ever..those things KILL my hands

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Guest Pegasus Kid

While most would disagree, I've always loved the feel of the DC controller. It fit my hands perfectly. Triggers can be an issue when executing combos but if you're big on fighting games then buy a MASS Fighting Stick anyway.


Worst controller is probably the first US version of the X-Box controller, which was big enough to kill most wild animals with. Then everyone realized the Japanese version was beyond better and the new roll out had the Japanese version so it's all good.

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Guest JangoFett4Hire
the NES MAX is the greatest controllor ever made


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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I find the SNES controller to be the best. At the risk of getting too metaphysical, it's like an extension of my hands. I try to get a third party controller that's as close as possible to it for every system I play.


I say worst is the N64 controller, the joystick has rubbed my thumb and palm raw too many times.

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Guest Razor Roman
the NES MAX is the greatest controllor ever made

NES Max WAS the bomb!


But I also liked the NES Advantage (the arcade stick :-) )

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Guest ElectricRaccoon
But I also liked the NES Advantage (the arcade stick :-) )

Damn straight. That thing was built to last.

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Guest razazteca

the only game I use a regular Dreamcast controller for is Crazy Taxi, every other game I use a PSX 3rd party one thru an adaptor

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

The Wavebird is an awesome wireless controller.


I'll agree that the NES controller was horrible...

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Guest Renegade
the only game I use a regular Dreamcast controller for is Crazy Taxi, every other game I use a PSX 3rd party one thru an adaptor

What adapter do you use? I use total control and it really kills to pull any moves or combos (since you have to use R1 rather than L2).


Dreamcast gets my vote for worst controller. As well as that I never got used to the dreamcast arcade stick, I have one collecting dust in my drawer since I either use my Dragoncast six button pad or the ASCII pad.


Anyway Madcatz usually make some of the best 3rd party controllers.

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Guest razazteca

I do not know it came in a bundle pack which I got from Electronic Boutique a few years ago, it had a PS2 duel shock controller with the adaptor which is a white square with a switch for steering wheel option. I think the company was called Pelican, it cost me about $30 as a bundle.

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Guest redbaron51

Best: X-Box controller, and the N64 controller


Worst: Definitly the gamecube controller and the power glove on the NES

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I too love the Black Boulder X-Box controller. The dreamcast controller is another one of my favorites.


The worst is either the original Genesis controller with the unbelievably short cord, or else the gamecube controller. God I hate that tiny piece of shit.

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Guest treble charged

I've always liked the Genesis 6-button controller. The start button may be kind of hard to reach with your thumb, but other than that, it's great.


The NES controller did suck, also, as has been noted many times already.

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Guest Mad Dog

PS2 shock controllers are the best


X-Box the worst


Honorable mention for worst goes to the NES controller. I have big hands and it's way too small.

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Guest KoR Fungus

The best controller I've used is the PS2 dual shock, although it's still a little clumsy for fighters. I really need to find myself a good joystick.


The worst controller I've used recently is the Dreamcast controller, which not only had the cord coming out of the wrong end of the controller (inexcusable!), but also had a digital pad that was so lose that I was always worried that it was broken or something. Runners up honors goes to pretty much all home DDR pads, which seem to break every two weeks, sigh. *Goes to eBay to buy yet another set...*

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I don't get all the gamecube controller hate. It fits my hands perfectly, and its not too heavy or too light..the button layout coulda been a tad bit better (z button could be on the underside like the N64 controller) but overall its a very good controller.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Oh my god I hate that thing. It's like they took a cutout of the controller, and threw darts at it to decide where the buttons went, and the d-pad is miniscule.

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Guest EricMM

Best: Playstation 2 Dual Shock


Worst: Gamecube. It's like, removing basic convention usually isn't a good thing. The controller makes Tony Hawk unplayable.

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Guest DrTom

I always liked the Dreamcast controller. Then again, I have big hands, so its size never bothered me. The best part about it, though, was the VMUs. It was awesome to play one of the NFL2k games against someone and use the VMUs for playcalling.


I'd say the best out there now is the PS2 Dual Shock. I also like the X-Box controller, but again, that's probably a big hands thing. The button layout on the smaller "S" style contoller is more intuitive, but it's hard for me to adjust to the smaller controller after using the larger one.


The worst is definitely the Game Cube controller.

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Guest J*ingus

Worst Controller Ever (not counting gimmicky crap like the Power Glove) should easily go to the Atari Jaguar, whose cumbersome setup made the Gamecube's look like a marvel of design.


Best: gotta go with the NES Max here.

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Guest KoR Fungus
I don't get all the gamecube controller hate. It fits my hands perfectly, and its not too heavy or too light..the button layout coulda been a tad bit better (z button could be on the underside like the N64 controller) but overall its a very good controller.

I don't have a problem with the GameCube controller either. It is comfortable in my hands, and the button layout, although a bit weird, tends to work pretty well with Nintendo first party games. The microscopic digital pad makes fighters unplayable, but other than that it's a perfectly fine controller in my opinion.

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Guest CanadianChick

I like PS and PS2 controllers. I don't like the old N64 controllers very much.

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Guest TheArchiteck
While most would disagree, I've always loved the feel of the DC controller. It fit my hands perfectly. Triggers can be an issue when executing combos but if you're big on fighting games then buy a MASS Fighting Stick anyway.

I agree.

Dreamcast controller was on the best feeling controllers i've used.


Guess people here got feminine hands. :P

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