Guest DawnBTVS Report post Posted January 9, 2003 I would show clips of these 22 matches throughout the show with some clips being briefer then others. Feel free to add/dispute any choices. My Monday Night Raw 10th Anniversary January 25th, 1993 Loser Leaves Town: Mr. Perfect vs Ric Flair May 17th, 1993 IC Title: Marty Jannetty vs Shawn Michaels October 11th, 1993 IC Title: Razor Ramon vs Rick Martel January 10th, 1994 Tag Titles: 1-2-3 Kid/Marty Jannetty vs Quebecers March 27th, 1995 No Holds Barred: Bret Hart vs Owen Hart November 20th, 1995 Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels(Michaels' Collapse) October 14th, 1996 Shawn Michaels vs Steve Austin(1st Ever Meeting I believe) February 10th, 1997 IC Title: The Rock vs Triple H(Kicked off Rock's Heel run) March 3rd, 1997 European Title: British Bulldog vs Owen Hart March 17th, 1997 Steel Cage: Sid Vicious vs Bret Hart(Kicked off Bret's heel turn) May 26th, 1997 Tag Titles: HBK/SCSA vs Owen Hart/British Bulldog July 21st, 1997 Flag Match: Bret Hart/Owen Hart/British Bulldog vs Dude Love/SCSA/Undertaker March 30th, 1998 Steel Cage: New Age Outlaws vs Chainsaw Charlie/Cactus Jack(Formation of New DX) January 4th, 1999 WWF Title: Mankind vs The Rock(Foley's 1st Reign) February 7th, 2000 Triple H/X-Pac/Benoit/Malenko/Saturn vs Cactus Jack/The Rock/Rikishi/Too Cool May 15th, 2000 Submission: Chris Benoit vs The Rock May 21st, 2001 Tag Titles: Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho vs Triple H/SCSA May 28th, 2001 Chris Benoit vs SCSA January 28th, 2002 Steve Austin vs Kurt Angle May 27th, 2002 IC Title Ladder: RVD vs Eddie Guerrero August 26th, 2002 Hardcore/IC Title Unification: RVD vs Tommy Dreamer November 18th, 2002 #1 Contendor: RVD vs Booker T. vs Chris Jericho Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted January 9, 2003 some Undertaker vs Mankind matches Edge & Christian as members of the Brood....just for the music! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kingpk Report post Posted January 9, 2003 You KNOW they will show the Vegas TLC match, since they believe it was SO great. I'd show the first ever RAW match (it involved Yokozuna, I believe). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted January 9, 2003 Those are good choices, but I suck with remembering matches, though. If I haven't seen them more than once, they don't stick in my mind in all (partly why I am collecting the good PPVs on DVD now). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DawnBTVS Report post Posted January 9, 2003 I just cheated and used the Wrestling Information Archive site Luckily I remember most of the matches and have the SWANK~! May 26th, 1997 Tag Match b/w British Bulldog/Owen Hart vs SCSA/HBK. Anybody know how I could cap this and put it online for you all? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Aero Report post Posted January 9, 2003 Good choices. The only addition I can think of is Razor Ramon vs. 1-2-3 Kid Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LaParkaMarka Report post Posted January 9, 2003 Meh, the Dreamer/RVD match? I don't think it's nearly as good as some of the other matches listed. Good choices though...lovely pick with the Benoit/Jericho vs HHH/SCSA match. Loved that match to bits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Harry Hood Report post Posted January 10, 2003 and they can easily show the hhh, scsa/benoit, jericho match becasuse even though HHH's team lost he came out of it fighting through the leg injury, which makes him look good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DeputyHawk Report post Posted January 10, 2003 good addition with the razor ramon - 123 kid from (i believe) may 1993. as i remember, it was that match which gave raw its initial 'anything can happen' feel. kid was only ever portrayed as a jobber to that point, and beating razor was a huge upset at a time when squash matches were the unalterable norm. that match really shook things up and put raw on the map as something different. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Mick Foley vs Terry Funk, No Holds Barred, May 1998(Led to Over the Edge) Cactus Jack vs Triple H, Sep 1997(MADE HHH and brought back ECW memories) Bret Hart vs 123 Kid, WWF title, June 1994(Awesome match) Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart , WWF title, Dec.28/1997(Owen's first match post-Montreal) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted January 10, 2003 From what I understand, there are gonna be no matches... Its an awards ceremony.. There might be clips though.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted January 10, 2003 I would have liked to have Dude Love's debut match on there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites