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Guest Banky

2003 Wrestler of the Year: Eddie Guerrero

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Guest Banky

Eddie has the clean slate this year. New doo, new attitude, and big face push. It will be the year of Eddie. So put all things 'Eddie' in this thread. Then next year at this time, we can all tell the world that WE believed Eddie would be the man in the 2003. Go Eddie. In fact, he'll hold the Smackdown World Title in this year. I told you all first.

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Guest Ravenbomb

Eddie is the best. Everybody loves Eddie. Eddie's in the mix. Eddie's to the max. How does Chavo pick things up if he's not wearing any Marzipants?

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, he's already 2002 Wrestler of the Year to me, so yeah, I see a 2-peat coming on, BABY!

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Guest Banky
Well, he's already 2002 Wrestler of the Year to me, so yeah, I see a 2-peat coming on, BABY!

But Eddie will actually get a strong push this year. He won't be the heel to make the pushed look good. He'll be the pushed carrying the lowly heel. And he'll win the majority of his matches too.


Boy, am I setting myself up for disappointment or what?


Fuck that.


Eddie rules regardless.

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Guest Steviekick

Even though Eddie may not have been a regular main eventer, Eddie propably had the most really good matches than anyone else I can think of, excluding Angle and Benoit.


Eddie as a face could be really cool...I would love to see him with the WWE title...and then feud with the evil heel Benoit.

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Guest razazteca

It will take something big for Eddie to become the Man of 2003, something like winning the Royal Rumble or King of the Ring and he would have to drop the bad accent.

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Guest Anglesault

It's Eddy's ball to run with. I can't have him be the WWF wrstler of the year for 2002 because he missed the first three months, but, I can't see anyhting stopping him this year.

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Guest AndrewTS
It will take something big for Eddie to become the Man of 2003, something like winning the Royal Rumble or King of the Ring and he would have to drop the bad accent.

I think he does that to patronize Vince. Like Lionel would do to Archie Bunker, "I did whatcha axed me, Mista Bunka."

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Guest Mole

Drop the accent? That is his whole character. And if anyone remembers from the past, I think Eddie is a much better as a heel.



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Guest Banky
Drop the accent? That is his whole character. And if anyone remembers from the past, I think Eddie is a much better as a heel.



If Benoit or Angle can get somewhat over as a face, Eddie Guerrero can too. Eddie will always be a rudo at heart, but I think its a positive step forward character-wise to try his luck. For the most part, it won't be about Eddie's work as a face, we've all seen it can work, rather it'll be about how the people respond to him. But if he can get the King of the Ring push or something huge like that, Eddie could go to the top. Honestly, would there be much of a difference between making Benoit a World Champ over Eddie? No, they are essentially on the same plain. And the fans were practically begging for Benoit to win in 2001 against Austin before his injury. With the right build, the sky is the limit for Mr. Guerrero.

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Guest razazteca

Eddie is a Rudo in which the character was all about the MULLET~


I would prefer a Blood In Blood Out character instead of a Cheech & Chong one.

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Guest Banky
Eddie is a Rudo in which the character was all about the MULLET~


I would prefer a Blood In Blood Out character instead of a Cheech & Chong one.

His mullet wasn't as big of a deal until he came back this year. Before, he occasionally cut it to no fanfare. Its only weird because he got a buzzcut.

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Guest razazteca

I have seen a Black Tiger match with the MULLET~ sticking out of the mask in all of its glory.


got a pic of the recent hair cut?

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Guest Gimmick Poster.com

I think the only reason Eddie is a face is because John Cena is the *stronger* heel. Hmph, imagine that.

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Guest Banky
I think the only reason Eddie is a face is because John Cena is the *stronger* heel. Hmph, imagine that.

Get out of this thread. Do not disgrace it with your parch shenanigans or I'll get you banned. There's limits. Crudding up any thread is fine, but this one belongs to Eddie FUCKING Guerrero.


Razazteca, I do not have a new picture of Eddie, sorry.

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Guest CanadianChick

I think that Eddy is the face because he can be. There is no way that Cena could be a face with his gimmick...

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff



Ultra-rudo Eddy blows away lame ass wannabe heel Cena 8 days a week.

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Guest Banky
No, I'm serious. Cena was the stronger heel.

Did they give Eddie a chance to combat that? No. Eddie was getting way more heat with Chavo than Cena was. Cena has only started to get huge reactions when making racist comments at Eddie. Don't get me wrong, I dig Cena, but saying he was drawing more heat than Eddie is ludicrous. Also, the two rappers are getting a push and there would be no one else to make them credible as a team except Los Guerreros. They are getting 'the rub' from Los Guerreros if you will.

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Guest Gimmick Poster.com

Of course there is no way that Cena can be a face with his Vanilla Ice gimmick, yet if Eddie was the stronger heel, it would have killed his (Cena's) heat, which it didn't as we all saw. Instead Eddie was turned face.


I've never seen this *rudo* Eddie you all speak of. He's never been more than an average heel to me. The only time I've ever been impressed by one of his heel tactics is when he cornered an opponent and then begin punching him, each punch becoming lighter until he was shadow boxing. He then began bouncing around the ring doing this and stopped short and looked at the crowd and yelled, "What?!" and they went insane. That was it. I'm tempted to say D'Lo Brown is a better heel because I've seen numerous matches where he just glared at the crowd and drew a huge heel reaction.

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Guest Gimmick Poster.com

Oh, and any face team could have given Cena and B-2 "the rub." But I actually think that Cena/B-2 could give another face team a rub because they are so annoying and rapidly becoming the most over heels on SD sans Show and Team Angle.

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Guest CanadianChick

This thread reminds me, where are all the face tag teams anyways? The only established tag teams on Smackdown are Team Angle (heels), Cena/B-2(heels) and Los Guerreros (were heels).

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Guest razazteca

Classic Rudo move by Eddie would be the stepover stomp on an opponets face and of course the low blow or any of the Cheat to Win tactics.


Just like the character of Benjamin Pratt in Blood In Blood Out, Eddie can work both as a heel or a face.

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Guest Anglesault
I think the only reason Eddie is a face is because John Cena is the *stronger* heel. Hmph, imagine that.

I think Eddy is the face because the fans wanted to cheer for him. They wanted to like Eddy

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Guest Rob Edwards

Eddie looks good for me UNLESS the rosters merge and HHH squashes him twice a week

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Guest The Superstar

I would LOVE to see an Eddy/Benoit series of matches for the World Title. I think Eddy should get the title first, because not only is he an awesome wrestler, he has the charisma to back it up. As much as I like Benoit, I was cringing last night when he was doing that "tick tock" promo.

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Guest Anglesault

They let him cut another promo? (I missed the show, to tell you the truth, I couldn't be bothered to watch it. It looked good on paper, though) I think someone gets a good laugh from giving Benoit the mic almost every week. I don't care what you guys on this board say, his promos are NOT getting better.

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Guest Anglesault

Because I've seen all the other "100 x better" promos. And "Cringing" seems to suggest "Bad"

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Yeah whatever. At least he speaks in English unlike that "other" World Title challenger. Funny how you take one person's suggestion and run with it, yet if someone else supports someone you don't like (names need not be mentioned), it's no-sold.


It really makes me wonder why you wanted this feud so badly, after all the kvelching last fall. But I've seen too many AS arguments to fall for another one.

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