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Guest Banky

2003 Wrestler of the Year: Eddie Guerrero

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Guest TheGame2705

*sigh* arguing is useless because I'm arguing with Angle and Eddie fanatics. Nevermind.....*sucks the cock of Guerrero* Yay WWE Champion for all of 2003 unifying both belts by beating HHH, Taker, Goldberg, Rock, Hogan, Jericho, Benoit, Angle, and Austin in a gauntlet with one arm tied behind his back!

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Guest EternallyLazy
I've hardly ever seen Eddie look lost in the ring.

He just hates Latinos, hence he is using stereotypes to put down their work. He doesn't actually have any solid proof.

So... he doesn't like Eddie as a performer... and that makes him racist? Well, I don't like HHH... does that make me a racist towards white people?

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Guest Banky
I've hardly ever seen Eddie look lost in the ring.

He just hates Latinos, hence he is using stereotypes to put down their work. He doesn't actually have any solid proof.

So... he doesn't like Eddie as a performer... and that makes him racist? Well, I don't like HHH... does that make me a racist towards white people?

No, its known that the Gheyme doesn't like Latinos for whatever reason. Thats why I take his Eddie bashing with a little grain of salt. But for whatever reason he wants to explain to all of us WHY Eddie sucks, I'd be glad to accept his opinion. Right now his distatse for Eddie is nothing more than blind hatred. So Gheyme, prove you aren't a complete numbskull. Give me 5 *valid* reaons why Eddie sucks and I'll retract my blind hatred comments about you. But they can't be he's slow, he looks lost, he's a drunk, he's a doper because everyone knows thats all bullshit. He's kicked his substance abuse problems and is the opposite of slow and lost on the ring. So please - educate us. If you don't have anything, than shut your mouth.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I would like to know when Eddie looks lost in the ring as well. If Eddie's lost then the rest of the roster has no fucking clue where the ring even is. Because face it Eddie is the best worker on the roster at this moment, yes even though I have a blind love for Benoit I think Eddie is better than him at this moment.

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Guest RickyChosyu

I'll refrain from comenting on Eddy as a worker since it would seem that debate has already worn thin in this thread.


However, on his and Chavo's involvement in the Rumble this sunday, I have a bad feeling they'll do the old "one tag partner eliminates the other in the rumble" to start a split between the two. With Chavo actually winning the match for his team on Smackdown!, it seems possible that they want Eddy to toss him out to trigger a feud between the two.


Seeing as WWE Creative has nothing better to do with them than put them against Cena's Krew, I'm afraid they might hit the panic button on this. Lets hope not.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I think the only reason that Chavo won was because Eddie was laying on the outside of the ring unable to move.

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Guest the saiyan prince
I think that Eddy is the face because he can be. There is no way that Cena could be a face with his gimmick...

not on cenna best day .he'll always be a heel to me with wannabe marky mark attitude and all this could possibly the year of eddie and i'm okay with that

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Guest TheGame2705

I don't believe I ever said Eddie Guerrero sucks. I believe I just said I thought he was overrated and shouldn't be the measuring stick for performance. He can play an excellent heel and has good speed and a vast arsenal but I've yet to see an excellent promo from him or this knock-your-socks-off-fuck-your-grandmother-in-the-ass wrestling. I don't even remember and honestly I'm too lazy to check but I don't think he sucks I actually think he's good but not SUPER OMG EXCELLENT. I didn't mean to say he looks lost all the time but that at times he just looks like he doesn't know what to do next. And God forbid I don't like Eddie Guerrero, kill me now. If I hate Eddie because of him being Hispanic then why am I not in the other folders posting messages like "LUCHA=DEGREDATION OF SOCIETY!!!"? I'll admit I don't like him because of the accent which annoys me to no end and the typical Hispanic mannerisms but other Hispanic wrestlers I used to and would still mark for (Juvi, Psicosis, and Konnan) if they came back so don't play the race card because I attacked the guy you have a sick obsession with.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Eddie is limited by the WWE style in the first place. The people who works that style best are Kurt Angle and Austin(it was created for him) but Eddie works it pretty damn good.

And it's not just that Eddie can go out there and have a blow away ****star affair everytime, nobody can do that. But he's probably one of the most consistently good people in the WWE. Plus his stuff before WWE from Japan,Mexico, and WCW rules the school.

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Guest bob_barron
I've yet to see an excellent promo from him

I can think of three off the top of my head.


1.King of the Ring where he says hello to his family

2.Night after Vengeance where he talks about burning Rock posters

3.Smackdown before No Mercy where he tries to rationalise with Benoit before the tag match

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Guest Trivia247

Eddy Guerrero athletically and to our Smark sensabilities had a far grander Return than HHH's "U2" Assisted Return.


Eddy comes back and Shows everyone why he is a Phenomnial Wrestler. Eddy Guerrero vs RVD right off the bat should show you that.


now that the WWE is slowly getting more moves friendly (At least on Velocity) that gives people like Eddy more range to play with.


Eddy Guerrero should be named as the top ten of the best the WWE got right now.


But of course the WWE.com poll might put him somewhere like 23rd Right behind Stacy's legs and Steve Lombardi.

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Guest Brian

"but I've yet to see an excellent promo from him"


The aforementioned three promos from Guerrero are some of his best WWE, post-Sabbatical work. Especially his Rock promo, which is pure genious ion how he he is able to put forth hatred and ljealousy as well as move in and out of characters and actually put forth a visible storyline for a one-time singles match.


"or this knock-your-socks-off-fuck-your-grandmother-in-the-ass wrestling."


Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero, Halloween Havoc 1997

Eddie Guerrero and Art Barr vs. Octagon and El Hijo Del Santo, When World's Collide 1994


Two legitimate five star matches. I don't think anyone in the US besides Hart, Benoit and Flair have those types of credentials. Throw in the Black Tiger/Sasuke vs. Benoit/Ohtani '94 tag league finals and Eddy/Benoit/Malenko combos. Look into his indy work prior to coming to the WWE.

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Guest The Hamburglar
Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero, Halloween Havoc 1997

Awesome match. Unbelievably fucking awesome match. One of those matches that is a classic through sheer dint of there being nothing wrong with it on any level. Pacing, execution, spots, body work - absolutely flawless. Better then any New Japan junior match I've ever seen. Anyone who doesn't like this match is simply very wrong.

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Guest Banky

....Or has blind hatred?


Gheyme, I'm still waiting for one valid reason why you hate his guts.

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Guest Brian

Oh, and I didn't even bring up his pre-WWF second run mic work. Of course, if someone likes Konnan, there's gotta to be something wrong.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Hate to break up the "Eddy'hater vs. the Net" feud we've got going here, but I think TheGame has some valid points.


*Eddy's promos have never done much for me. They're slow, meandering, and while they get the point across they tend to drag and accomplish little for how long they are. He's a marketable character, but not one that really excells in backstage segments.


*Eddy was once a world class worker, but he fell off the mountain a long time ago. His peak performances are well-documented in this thread and he deserves credit for the fantastic matches he produced back then. He's one of the best in the WWE right now, however he's well behind Chris Benoit. Keep in mind, Benoit is also less of a worker than he used to be. Back in '96, '97, both of them were top-level workers and the distance between them was far smaller. Even though both of them have regressed, Eddy's decline is more noticeable. You can pin that on the booze, the pain killers, or whatever you want, but Eddy just isn't a "Top Ten in the World" worker anymore.


It blows my mind that people are rolling out the red carpet for Eddy because he's "carried Kidman so well" when all I see is Eddy doing his stuff while he and Kidman have a lackluster, sloppy, aimless match. Or how about Eddy and Kurt working the same pedestrian, formulatic matches together that they did with all the other "lesser" workers that they were supposedly carrying? I've been a fan of Eddy for a long time and I still like him, but I have to wonder how much people actually evaluate his ring work before singing his praises. I try to stay away from critisizing him because it usually gets me labeled as a whiner who can't be pleased, but I think that if most people popped in a tape of When Worlds Collide and then watched some of his "high end" matches from this year, they'd see he's far from the God of Work that we used to know.

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Guest TheGame2705

I've already given the reasons why I don't like him. Oh yeah I forgot they have to be valid to you because you're the supreme fucking diety of everything. If you wanna flamebait go ahead. I've already said why I don't like Eddie Guerrero.

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Guest wolverine
Better then any New Japan junior match I've ever seen.


I was just thinking about this the other day as a matter of fact. I'd probably put it only behind Liger/Samurai 4/30/92 and Liger/Ohtani 3/17/96, but it's really close. Indeed an awesome match - the best one in the history of the US.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Yeah, it's deffinitely up there with the best NJ Juniors matches, though I hold Samurai/Liger up higher. I'm not so sure about it being the best US match, though. The Rey/UD J*Crown match from WWIII '96 gets better every time I see it.


One of these days I'm going to sit down and watch them back to back. Now if I only had the time.

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