Guest GameCop Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Well, WWE has announced the following matches so far: Angle vs. Benoit- should be good, albeit repetitious Brock vs. Big Show - a glorified DUD HHH vs. Steiner - this one will border on negative stars Dawn vs. Torrie - minus 5 stars The Royal Rumble match won't have nearly as much star power as other Rumbles in the past. And of course, Brock is winning the damn thing, so not only will the Rumble be predictable, it will SUCK. This will be the worst Rumble in years. BTW, don't look for WWE to deliver Austin, here. WWE/WWF has always failed to deliver when it counted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Why in the world does everyone seem so CERTAIN that Brock will win it? Am I the ONLY person here that thinks he will NOT win the Rumble, simply to add anticipation to his match with Angle at WM? Someone from RAW must win it, and win it I feel they will. I wouldn't be suprised to see TBS beat Brock to keep him from even ENTERING the Rumble, with help from Kurt Angle. That would add that much more to the fire, as they WILL meat at WM. Remember, Brock doesn't need to win the RR to get his shot, not at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Yeah but the only other person I buy as having a chance of winning it if Brock doesn't is Chris Jericho. Imagine that...Jericho seen as the only other viable winner for the Rumble. HOWEVER! We all know what the plan for him is should he win. Job the shot to HBK at NWO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Yeah but the only other person I buy as having a chance of winning it if Brock doesn't is Chris Jericho. Imagine that...Jericho seen as the only other viable winner for the Rumble. HOWEVER! We all know what the plan for him is should he win. Job the shot to HBK at NWO. Of course, I will say this also. Whoever goes to WM to face HHH, they WILL beat him, I feel that much about it. The only exception to that, will be if Scott Steiner beats HHH for the title at RR, and HHH goes on to win the rumble (somehow getting into it), and goes to WM to face Steiner. At which time Steiner would be a heel, and HHH would then be the face. I think we might see a dark horse win the WM shot for RAW, only to loose it at NWO to someone. Perhaps say, RVD wins it shockingly, only to give it to a returning Nash at NWO to set up a HHH/Nash battle of the quads. Something like that, if you know what I mean. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoSelfWorth Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Thankfully, Nash won't be back till probably after WrestleMania. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Steiner beats HHH and Booker T wins the Rumble, would be my fantasy booking. Of course the final 6 remaining in the Rumble will be the same people from the Elimation Chamber but this time Booker T goes over. Or if the WWE is smart they could work in the begining of the HHHorsmen as HHH, Ortan, Batista, Flair eliminate everybody but themselfs then make an agreement to let their leader HHH win the Rumble by jumping out voluntary.........1987 NWA flashback angle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BionicRedneck Report post Posted January 10, 2003 I see Lesnar winning. I don't see much point in the Big Show match otherwise. No-one from RAW will win. I mean, seriously, who could? RVD, Jericho, Booker? I doubt Mr. Helmsley would suggest that. I suppose the Underseller could win it in his big return. But my money is firmly on Brock. Angle/Benoit should be decent enough Torrie/Dawn will be the absolute pits Steiner/HHH could be OK, if it is short and has a shitload of shortcuts to hide the fact that these guys can't move Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted January 10, 2003 I have been a strong believer that Brock won't win the rumble. Jericho has been my pick since mid december. I like the idea of the Elimination Chamber final 6 (of course minus HHH). I fully expect Jericho to enter the rumble at #1 and win the damn match but have using wwe booking standards (he'll cheat like crazy). My early final 6 prediction? Jericho (1) Booker T (24) Christian (29) HBK (18) Edge (13) Batistia (27) with Jericho eliminating Christian as he eliminates Shawn. Batistia and Kane double eliminate each other. Booker T missing a move and going out by Jericho and Y2J cheats to toss edge (I feel WWE wants a RAW/SD final 2 showdown to add drama). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Well, WWE has announced the following matches so far: Angle vs. Benoit- should be good, albeit repetitious Brock vs. Big Show - a glorified DUD HHH vs. Steiner - this one will border on negative stars Dawn vs. Torrie - minus 5 stars The Royal Rumble match won't have nearly as much star power as other Rumbles in the past. And of course, Brock is winning the damn thing, so not only will the Rumble be predictable, it will SUCK. This will be the worst Rumble in years. BTW, don't look for WWE to deliver Austin, here. WWE/WWF has always failed to deliver when it counted. If Angle can drag a not bad match out of Show then I think Lesnar can. Hopefully HHH v. Steiner will do what Rock v. Hogan did and plan the whole match out beforehand So you honestly think Dawn v. Torrie will be the worst match ever?? The No Mercy match wasn't that bad. Everyone knew Rock was winning in 2000 and HHH was winning in 2002 and those Rumbles turned out pretty damn good. They haven't announced the whole field yet anyway If you're so upset about this Royal Rumble, save your $35 and wait for No Mercy or WM. You really think Rumble will be worse then 1999? About Austin- good. Fuck him. I never want to see him again on TV unless it's jobbing to Benoit, Austin or Eddy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted January 10, 2003 brock beats show, jericho draws low number, hangs onto the ropes the whole match, brock comes in about halfway, kills people, show runs in, chokeslams brock, but doesn't eliminate him (ie rock 2001) jericho meanwhile eliminates michaels/booker/RVD in bitchy, bitchy ways with christian, dumps christian when he turns his back, and brock tosses jericho at the end. That's what I WANT, but Shawn effing Micheals is SO eliminating jericho it isn't funny. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Brock beats show...BUT Show puts a bad whoopin on Brock after the match so he'll look like crap before his Rumble match Final 6: Brock...who wins Chris Jericho...runner up RVD...whatever man Eddie Guerrero Batista...need another hoss HBK...if he's in the match And of course it'll come down to Brock against 2 or 3 heels at the end...end result, Brock wins, Jericho is the runnner up. If HBK is in the match I say Jericho eliminates him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Tino Standard Report post Posted January 10, 2003 There are three matches from SmackDown against just one from Raw right now on the undercard. I would think Raw would have to throw one more match in there, if for no other purpose but to have a curtain-jerker match on the card. Ideas for that one, anybody? Also, anybody heard anything on which announce team will call the Rumble itself? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Aren't Los Guerreros Vs Cena/B2 on the PPV too? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eiker_ir Report post Posted January 10, 2003 There are three matches from SmackDown against just one from Raw right now on the undercard. I would think Raw would have to throw one more match in there, if for no other purpose but to have a curtain-jerker match on the card. Ideas for that one, anybody? Also, anybody heard anything on which announce team will call the Rumble itself? dudleys vs. regal/storm maybe? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evilhomer Report post Posted January 10, 2003 I don't see any chance of Brock winning the Rumble. Angle/Brock at Wrestlemania is a given, so what's the point of giving the honour and prestige of a Rumble win to Brock? If Brock wins the Rumble, they take away the tension of the chase. By having Brock lose the Rumble, it lets Heyman and Angle cut a great promo about how Brock will never see another title shot, and gives us a couple of good months of Brock finding a way to get the eventual match. As far as who I think will win, it's up for grabs based on what their long term plans are. (I'm going out on a limb here and assuming they are actually planning now for WM and post-WM). I'm hoping they're going to use this as a springboard for a new strong push for someone new, preferably Jericho. Let him draw number one, win it and go on to win at WM. I would be nice to see him enter the main event scene and actually be seen as a credible competitor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Probably a re-match from the tag title switch to help progress the Golddust turn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest oldschoolwrestling Report post Posted January 10, 2003 At least Hogan and Goldberg have committed to Japan for that day so they won't be dragging down the show any. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Aren't Los Guerreros Vs Cena/B2 on the PPV too? No. All four men will be in the Rumble match, as announced by Michael Cole last night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest godthedog Report post Posted January 10, 2003 i'm very much looking forward to it myself. the rumble consistently manages to be one of the better ppv's of the year. steiner/trips will be a troma movie (i.e., bad in the most gloriously entertaining way), benoit/angle will be the 2003 MOTY (you heard it here first), and the general rule of the rumble is the better the dearth of guys, the better the rumble. they haven't had a rumble below "very good" since 99, and this year's rumble will have plenty of top-notch guys. (jericho, booker t, rvd, hopefully regal & storm, hurricane, knoble, tajiri, probably edge, lesnar, kidman, mysterio, chavo, EDDIE MOTHERFUCKING can you lose with a lineup like that?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Aren't Los Guerreros Vs Cena/B2 on the PPV too? No. All four men will be in the Rumble match, as announced by Michael Cole last night. No he didn't- He said most likely. He didn't officially say they were gonna be in the RR. The RR site is also hyping Taker's return as a seperate entity from the actual match so he's not in the Rumble Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evilhomer Report post Posted January 10, 2003 and this year's rumble will have plenty of top-notch guys. (jericho, booker t, rvd, hopefully regal & storm, hurricane, knoble, tajiri, probably edge, lesnar, kidman, mysterio, chavo, EDDIE MOTHERFUCKING can you lose with a lineup like that?) How can you lose with the dream angle of a lifetime - WWF vs WCW? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ISportsFan Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Angle/Benoit should be decent enough Why is everybody so down on this match, saying it's repetitive and gonna be "decent" and other negative thoughts? We all wanted these guys to have a world title match, and it's here. Why's there so much complaining? Jason Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest GameCop Report post Posted January 10, 2003 If there is a fifth match on the card, it'll be Trish Stratus vs. Victoria/Jackie for the woman's title. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Aren't Los Guerreros Vs Cena/B2 on the PPV too? The RR site is also hyping Taker's return as a seperate entity from the actual match so he's not in the Rumble Where in the world do you get that from btw? It says that he makes his return at the Royal Rumble PPV, but doesn't say he wont be in the Rumble itself. It would be the perfect time to re-debut him, in the match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Adrian 3:16 Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Optimistic Predictions (aka how it should be booked) - Darkside Taker returns not in actual Rumble, but runs (shuffles?) in on Big Show/Brock match. Brock advances to Rumble and Taker avenges himself for being lightly tossed onto a gym mat. -Jericho in at #1, eliminates HBK, makes it into final 4 along with Brock, Eddie, and.... -Austin returns to a massive pop, preferably while the ring is relatively full, and stuns everything that moves. Has brief showdown with Brock, but both the Stunner and F5 are countered out of before they can hit- save that for later. Austin ultimately gets tossed out in the end by Eddie, poetic justice for the aborted feud last year. -Flair enters at #3 for old time's sake. -Goldust eliminates Booker T (or vice versa). - Probably a Rock cameo somewhere in all this too. -In the end, Brock takes it in a hard fought victory. It might seem predictable too us, but with a hypothetical lineup including Austin, Rock, HBK, Flair, Jericho, Booker T, RVD, there's a lot of star power in there so the marks will eat it up. Pessimistic predictions (aka how it probably will be booked) - After squashing Steiner, HHH enters himself in the Rumble just because he can and tosses Brock for the victory. The final four also includes Batista and Bikertaker. - Instead of Austin and Rock as mystery entrants, we get Nash and Al Wilson. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Aren't Los Guerreros Vs Cena/B2 on the PPV too? The RR site is also hyping Taker's return as a seperate entity from the actual match so he's not in the Rumble Where in the world do you get that from btw? It says that he makes his return at the Royal Rumble PPV, but doesn't say he wont be in the Rumble itself. It would be the perfect time to re-debut him, in the match. I meant to say he's not offically in the RR itself yet. Sorry. GameCop- Are you on the booking team? Didn't think so. The final card will prob be- HHH v. Steiner Angle v. Benoit Royal Rumble BookDust v. Commonwealth Connection Torrie v. Dawn Bling Blng v. Los Guerreros That's 6 matches and I assume Torrie v. Dawn and HHH v. Steiner will be kept short so all the stuff that deserves time will probably get it. EDIT: I completely forgot Show v. Brock which will also be kept short most likely. They should do one of the tag title matches on HEAT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest GameCop Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Bling Bling and Los Guerreros are in the RUMBLE. Michael Cole said so last night. Booker T and Goldust are most likely in the Rumble. From previous Rumbles, one can surmise that if a wrestler is scheduled for a singles or tag match, he most likely won't partake in the actual Rumble bout. Don't expect to see more than five matches (not including the Rumble itself) at the event. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted January 10, 2003 I know it's fairly insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but if/when goldust turns I'll cry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted January 10, 2003 No they are not. Michael Cole said he expects them to be in the Rumble or something like that but did not say they are offically in the Rumble. did not add their names to the offical site Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest GameCop Report post Posted January 10, 2003 Since Michael Cole said that they would probably be in the Rumble, I'd have to say there's a 90% chance they'll be in the Rumble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites