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Guest GameCop

Royal Rumble '03 is gonna suck!!!

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Guest EternallyLazy
Angle/Benoit should be decent enough

Why is everybody so down on this match, saying it's repetitive and gonna be "decent" and other negative thoughts? We all wanted these guys to have a world title match, and it's here. Why's there so much complaining?



You should know better than to ask that question... it's a common trend for people here to get what they want essentially, and then pick out something to bitch about. It follows along with the "you guys are never happy" argument.


I have faith that Benoit and Angle can bust out a match even better then their classic Unforgiven encounter... I'm thinking it's going to be an all out brawl considering the huge beat down on Benoit on SD

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Guest Downhome
Since Michael Cole said that they would probably be in the Rumble, I'd have to say there's a 90% chance they'll be in the Rumble.

I'll meet your 90% and raise you 9%. The RR needs guys in it who can be thrown out really quick you know.

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Guest El Satanico

Brock vs. Big Show: Wrestling wise it won't be anything memorable, but the match should still be decent and somewhat entertaining. They have a good angle going around Brock and it will likely make the match worth watching even with the shitty wrestling from Big Show.


HHH vs. Steiner: It could be decent, but it depends on HHH. If HHH is out only out there to stroke his ego and show that he's God by totally dominating Stiener the match will be garbage.


Dawn vs. Torrie: Well hopefully it's an early match. Being early is the only thing that would be good from this "match".



So in conclusion...


Wrestling wise it will be an awful PPV outside of Angle/Beniot. However it could be an entertaining PPV storyline wise.

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Guest El Satanico

I'm confident that Angle/Beniot will be a good match. However Angle's knee has me alittle worried about the match not being as good as it should be.


I'm not worried that Angle isn't capable of going, but just that WWE could tell them to take it easy so Angle doesn't risk reinjury.

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Guest Choken One

Anyone think they will do the Drawing segment this year? I JUST know that they have to with all the cool possiblites (Goldust/Booker, Xstian/Jericho, Eddy/Chavo, B2/Cena).


If Jericho is #1...when whose #2? A smackdown guy?


I'm convinced Raw will have a Winner gets #30 match between Batistia and Kane.

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Guest GameCop

I'll have to admit unlike past Rumbles, this Rumble has a lot of "intra storylines" going for it. You've got:


Eddy/Chavo 's feud with Cena/B-2

Rikishi's feud with Cena/B-2

Jericho's feud with Michaels

Jericho and Christian

Booker T and Goldust

The Dudleys' feud with 3 minute warning

RVD and Kane

Bad blood between Undertaker and Big Show. Speaking of the Big Show, he might beat Lesnar (with help from Team Angle) only to be eliminated by the DEAD MAN in the Royal Rumble match.

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Guest CanadianChick

I always enjoy Royal Rumbles, so I am thoroughly looking forward to this ppv, like I do every year.

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Guest AndrewTS

The Rumble itself will rule. Benoit/Angle will rule. They'll probably announce another match or so, so I think from here on it'll be matches to look forward to.


Although shame they decided to go with three shitty matches on a PPV.

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Guest The Old Me

It seems like the rumble has a different vibe to it this year. I look forward to anything with Angle, Benoit or Lesnar involved, not to mention Eddy.

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Guest Choken One

The Rumble has been the only consistant PPV of WWE in yearly each ppv. Almost all the shows save for 1996 had something good or flat out special


1991-A GREAT Rockers/ Orient Express Tag Match and a underrated Rumble


1992-Greatest Rumble ever and maybe Flair's greatest single match performence and the first Hogan backlash


1993-Two good Title Matches (Bret/Ramon and Marty/Shawn)


1994- Underated Rumble and a decent Ramon/IRS match.


1995-Great Title Match.




1997-Biggest Rumble Crowd ever and Austin's performence was stunning.


1998-Pretty Decent Rumble all in all.


1999-Legendary World Title Match


2000-Three ***+ Matches


2001- Great rumble, Good undercard.


2002-Rock/Jericho, Maven.


The rumble can't disapoint because It has a special feel to it like no other save for Mania.


This year's rumble just has a feeling of CLASSIX written on it, A possible **** WWE Title Match, a Great Suspensful Rumble, A possible shoot with Steiner/HHH. The return of the Pheom will also add to the epic feel 2003 Rumble should have.

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Guest bob_barron
The Rumble has been the only consistant PPV of WWE in yearly each ppv. Almost all the shows save for 1996 had something good or flat out special


1991-A GREAT Rockers/ Orient Express Tag Match and a underrated Rumble


1992-Greatest Rumble ever and maybe Flair's greatest single match performence and the first Hogan backlash


1993-Two good Title Matches (Bret/Ramon and Marty/Shawn)


1994- Underated Rumble and a decent Ramon/IRS match.


1995-Great Title Match.




1997-Biggest Rumble Crowd ever and Austin's performence was stunning.


1998-Pretty Decent Rumble all in all.


1999-Legendary World Title Match


2000-Three ***+ Matches


2001- Great rumble, Good undercard.


2002-Rock/Jericho, Maven.


The rumble can't disapoint because It has a special feel to it like no other save for Mania.


This year's rumble just has a feeling of CLASSIX written on it, A possible **** WWE Title Match, a Great Suspensful Rumble, A possible shoot with Steiner/HHH. The return of the Pheom will also add to the epic feel 2003 Rumble should have.

About 1994-


Don't forget Bret/Owen v. Quebecers

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

This is the first PPV I am looking forward to since, well, last year's Royal Rumble.


The Rumble should be good. There are enough guys that we shouldn't have the usual jobber segment featuring guys like Justin Credible. There are more guys I care about this year than in any Rumble in recent memory which tended to be devasted by injuries and other problems. 2000 was 2 weeks before the Radicalz showed up. 2001 was missing the likes of Malenko & Eddy. Eddy, Benoit, Rhyno, etc. were all hurt or in rehab for 2002. This year even bit players like Cena & B2 are at least doing something for me to notice them, and they shouldn't have to rely to highly on gimmicks. The only thing that would truly piss me off is if the guy coming out of the Rumble looking the best is that old crippled fuck HBK.

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Guest evilhomer

You just reminded me. Anybody know if Rhyno is ready to go and will be a surprise entrant?

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From what I heard Rhyno was cleared in December but you never know.


Anyways IMO there are two ways this could go:


A) Heyman & Team Angle screw Brock(again) and Show goes to the Rumble.


Taker comes in around 18 when the ring is full and clears out dead wood, including Show. Then Taker is eliminated by gAy-Train in screwy fashion(heard that they're supposed to feud).


Final 4: Jericho, HBK, Edge, Batista


Jericho gets tossed but the refs miss it(possibly distracted by a Taker/gAy-Train brawl) and comes back to toss HBK. While this happens Edge tosses Batista but Jericho tosses him.


B) Brock beats Big Slow.


Taker destroys a lot and eventually gets tossed.


Final 4: Brock, Jericho, HBK, Edge


HBK & Jericho brawl the whole match and near the end Brock dumps them both and eventually tosses Edge to win.


I hope scenario A happens but I'd bet on B.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Now with 60 second intervals, this event is GUARANTEED to SUCK.

Yes, not only because of the 60 seconds but because they only reason they would do it is if they want Michaels in the entire thing again.

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Guest saturnmark4life

FUCK SHAWN MICHAELS. Goddamn it i will throw up when he eliminates jericho.



Anyway, although the title match of the 99 rumble was godd, I think we should point out it was pretty much the worst rumble ever with a plain horrible undercard.

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Guest bob_barron

Aside from the 1995 Rumble having an ending that scarred me to life it was MUCH MUCH MUCH better then RR99.


RR99 made no sense, had retarded booking, made a mockery out of the Rumble itself and had numerous dead spots

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1995 had an absolutely terrible field. The only thing close to viable contenders it had was HBK, Luger, Bulldog & Owen(yet he lasted all of 15 seconds).


1999 was terrible from a booknig standpoint with the Austin/McMahon storyline being retarted but it had a decent enough field with HHH, SCSA, Vince(shudder), Owen and I think a few others.


But I haven't seen 1999 since it originally aired so I might be remembering incorrectly although I doubt it oculd be worse than 1995.

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Guest bob_barron

Oh it is- trust me.


The first half of the Rumble was all jobbers and there was retarted shit like Mabel beating up Mosh, Kane being taken away by mental institution workers, Austin yelling at Rock at the end of the rumble-


What a piece of shit

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I'll give 1995 this much, the final 4 was decent considering how shitty the line-up was. Luger, HBK, Bulldog & Crush is probably the best possilbe(cept for Owen replacing Crush).


But that ending sure as hell pissed me off.


I don't even remember Kane being in the 1999 Rumble.....weird. But Gillberg was there, LOL.

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Guest wwF1587

So far, I am in the middle about the rumble... while anything looks good after last month's ppv, this rumble doesnt intrigue me muich


Torrie VS Dawn - Sadly this has the most build up of all matches on the card and its not going to be very good.... cant wait for it just be over


Big Show VS Brock - want good at the survivor series... hope its damn quit... one again.. just end the fued!


Angle VS Beniot - Not going to complain since its the best looking WWE championship match since SummerSlam.. Looking forward ALOT to this one and both guys deserve it


HHH VS Steiner (Battle of the Roids) - Ya know... I like almost everyone here despise HHH, I am not a huge fan of Stiener either... but i cant wait to see this... it was a dream match at one time but then again HHH is not in 2000 so the match itself will be crap. Negative stars Im afraid... but I am eager to see how they book this, since Steiner doesnt take any crap and the second HHH hits him with a stiff shot or perhaps something backstage stirs up considering the booking.. steiner will whale on him... Its not nice to hope injury on someone but i cant help it... heres hopin both guys injure one another.


Royal Rumble Match - with a week left, i am disappointed that not more participants have been announced but thats WWE for ya. I cant get excited for this cause I dont even know whos all in it. Bringin back the dead UT will be a mark out moment... hopefully we get some return of austin or rock or somethin to another mark out moment... the only way they can really ruin this match for me is if HBK wins....

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Guest Human Fly

Why are they making the Rumble so short? They have 4 matches announe, are they going to get 25 minutes each?


It would be alright if Benoit v. Angle got 30 - 35 minutes. But, if anything HHH v. Steiner will be the marathon match and then just end in a screw job anyways.


Even with the crap matches I was still thinking about ordering, but it's like the WWF read my mind and is trying to get me to not buy.

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