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Guest BoboBrazil

Goldberg And Vince Meet For The First Time

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he's pure home grown WCW talent which means I'd hate to see how Vince treats him after his initial program is over if he stays around.........well maybe I wouldn't "hate" to see what happens.

So you want WWE to intentionally f'up once again? I'm sorry, but I don't want them to intentionally f'up, no matter what it is. If he's on TV, IF he's on TV (we don't eve know he's coming yet), then I would hope everyone here would hope for them to make the best of it, instead of trying to ruin yet another angle, which would as a result hurt the product that much more.

Part of me thinks the only way things will get better is for them to hit rock bottom (no pun intended). Vince obviously isn't listening to reason. It might just take it getting worse........for it to get better.

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Guest Human Fly

I don't care how you slice it. He gave a guy 3 concussions in one match! How can you defend that? Even Ahmed Johnson never reached that number.


Also, they say they want to bring in Goldberg for 2 matches (at least that's what we've been hearing). Goldberg is already talking about whipping HHH's ass and how he won't be booked to look bad and all of this other stuff. Why pay him big bucks for a two-shot when (at Wrestlemania) you're already sold out with a huge gate. Add to that his attitude problems and it doesn't add up.


The only thing that they could get would be buy-rates, and who knows about that. They talk about having him fight Rock, but the real money match is v. Austin. Would Goldberg be a face or a heel?

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Guest Downhome
Would Goldberg be a face or a heel?

If they were smart, they'd have Austin/Goldberg be face Vs. face, that would simply be outstanding.

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Guest Choken One

Austin wouldn't be willing to be a Heel against Goldberg, so it would have to be a FACE/FACE match.


Your Right, Putting Rock against Goldberg gives 2 years without a meaningful match at Mania (and he supposed to be WWE's biggest Name?). Goldberg should be Saved for Summer Slam in Austin/Goldberg Mega Main event with Brock/Beniot and RVD/Jericho on the undercard.

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Guest geniusMoment

He did not give Hart three concussions in one match. Each move may have made his head worse but thats not the same thing as 3 concussions. The brain swells and an area outside the brain hardens causing many side effects, such as blurred vision and slurred speech. You can't get three concussions at the same time you just make the one you have worse.

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Guest geniusMoment

Goldberg did have his temper moments, especially when it came to Scott Hall, remember the limo incident.

If you want to look at sloppy and injuries look no further than Lesnar. Albert, Holly, Big Show all within one year.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah but Holly, ATRAIN and TBS are meaningless. ***OMG*** I just said a Smark thing. Shoot me.

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Guest Anglesault
he's pure home grown WCW talent which means I'd hate to see how Vince treats him after his initial program is over if he stays around.........well maybe I wouldn't "hate" to see what happens.

So you want WWE to intentionally f'up once again? I'm sorry, but I don't want them to intentionally f'up, no matter what it is. If he's on TV, IF he's on TV (we don't eve know he's coming yet), then I would hope everyone here would hope for them to make the best of it, instead of trying to ruin yet another angle, which would as a result hurt the product that much more.

Oh, I hope they fuck it up. Fuck it big. Maybe then they'll give up on high priced big egos that just kill locker room morale and used their own talent.

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Guest Anglesault

The week before Series, I believe. Brock smashed his arm into the steps or something. Not exactly sloppiness either.

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Guest SP-1

You know . . . what happened to Bret is one of the saddest things to happen in the ring, though not THE saddest (we all know what that would likely be).


But do I hate Goldberg? No.


Am I advocating him being in the WWE?




Simply put, we have enough hosses on TV without Silverburg strolling in and being a somewhat limber hoss. I don't wish to see him on my TV, I group him with A-Train in the category of "Piss Break".


WWE has a nice pool of talent that needs to be elevated without bringing in Cheeseburger to have a high profile match before leaving just as soon as he appears. if Austin or Rock are at mania, let them do someone else some good.

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Guest bob_barron
Goldberg did have his temper moments, especially when it came to Scott Hall, remember the limo incident.

If you want to look at sloppy and injuries look no further than Lesnar. Albert, Holly, Big Show all within one year.

Looks like Albert is still able to wrestle.

Blame that one on Holly being a dick.

Big Show broke his ribs so I'm sure Brock was probably being a little extra stiff. Besides- Big Show was fine.


Goldberg ended a guy's career. Until Brock does that- you have no case

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Guest The Hamburglar
Goldberg did have his temper moments, especially when it came to Scott Hall, remember the limo incident.

If you want to look at sloppy and injuries look no further than Lesnar. Albert, Holly, Big Show all within one year.

Hahahahaha, it was fucking awesome what Brock did to Show. He just MULLERED him in the arm with the chair and beat the shit out of him. It only hurt Show's arm because Show's a pussy who was trying to protect his head. Brock gives as good as he gets. Just look at the insanely stiff unprotected chairshots he's taken from Matt Hardy on numerous occasions. No, the Brock beatdown on show ranks up there with the best of Austin's chair beatdowns.

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Guest Dangerous A
Also, they say they want to bring in Goldberg for 2 matches (at least that's what we've been hearing). Goldberg is already talking about whipping HHH's ass and how he won't be booked to look bad and all of this other stuff. Why pay him big bucks for a two-shot when (at Wrestlemania) you're already sold out with a huge gate. Add to that his attitude problems and it doesn't add up.


The only thing that they could get would be buy-rates, and who knows about that. They talk about having him fight Rock, but the real money match is v. Austin. Would Goldberg be a face or a heel?

If Goldberg gets brought in, which all signs point to happening, he won't even be programmed or near HHH. If Goldberg were to come after him off camera in the locker room, he'd be fired faster than his head can spin. Plus their animosity stems from something that happened almost 3 years ago. I'm sure if both of them sat down and talked, they would iron out differences so they can at least stand to be in the same locker room together. They are both grown men and HHH isn't stupid enough to try to actually fight him because he knows he'd get his ass handed to him.



If Goldberg faces Rock, Goldberg will be the face no matter what storyline spin you put on it. Rock has been made heel his last 3 big show main events.( vs Austin, Hogan, and Brock) The reason for this is because the fans see him as an actor who happens to wrestle instead of a wrestler who happens to act. That's why Rock was getting "sellout" chants at a surprise house show appearance last weekend. If Goldberg faces Austin, he'll be the de facto heel because the audience that held Goldberg as a hero and face are gone and they'll sympathize more with Austin. Goldberg is being brought in to pop a buyrate or two and that's it. There is no long term money to be drawn from him, period.

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How is The rock a "sellout"? Also, why are people sympathizing with Austin? He walked out. And he put his hands on a woman.

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Guest Downhome
Goldberg did have his temper moments, especially when it came to Scott Hall, remember the limo incident.

If you want to look at sloppy and injuries look no further than Lesnar.  Albert, Holly, Big Show all within one year.

Looks like Albert is still able to wrestle.

Blame that one on Holly being a dick.

Big Show broke his ribs so I'm sure Brock was probably being a little extra stiff. Besides- Big Show was fine.


Goldberg ended a guy's career. Until Brock does that- you have no case

Yes, they are all lucky, ALL PRO WRESTLERS are lucky when you think about what they go in there and do, week after week after week. It's a business of bumps and bruises, and injuries WILL happen, and peoples careers WILL end, inside the ring. Goldberg hurt ONE PERSON, and it just happened to be one of the biggest legends of all time, and it just happened to end his career, this stuff happens, and will always happen. The Goldberg thing was an accident, Bret was already hurt going into the match, and he had been warned by doctors that going into the ring durring that time period could leave him with permanent, life long damages. The WCW booking team forced him to go into it, and that is that. Goldberg just happened to be the unlucky one that evening and ended up being the one that hurt him, and Bret ended up the unluckiest of them all.


Not only was Lesar more "sloppy" when he first came in, but what about golden-boy RVD who hurt almost everyone he stepped in the ring with for months? Goldberg hurt one person, and that's it, there are far more who are a bigger threat in the ring, way far more. So continue to call Goldberg this huge monster who will kill anyone he wrestles, go ahead. I'll just be here lauging on the inside at the obsurdity of it all, thanks for the laugh.

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Guest Downhome
How is The rock a "sellout"? Also, why are people sympathizing with Austin? He walked out. And he put his hands on a woman.

Oh my God, NO ONE should sympathize with Austin. He really f'd up, more than once in this business. He hurt his company when they really needed him and he allowed the tension of the business to carry over to domistic violence, not cool at all. I'm still one of his biggest fans, but there are no excuses for anything he did. I will say that I am a MUCH bigger than than Goldberg when it comes to their matches when they are both at their peak, Austin can be outstanding when he wants to be.


I don't just hold it against Austin for letting WWE down. I hold it against ANYONE who goes against the company they are working for, have it be how Sting basicly refused to stay/totally turn heel, how Goldberg pissed around not wanting to be a heel, Hogan's politics in his career, and HHH. I have no respect for any of them in these situations, it is NEVER called for.

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Guest bob_barron

Goldberg worked stiff throughout his WCW career and I know also injured Meng. If Bret was hurt then Goldberg should've protected Bret more. Goldberg never toned his stiffness down.


RVD did cause some people to bleed a little but seemed to have learned- I don't remember him hurting anyone in a long long time.



Regarding Rock being a sellout- ask the people at the house who yelled that at him. No one called him that here.

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Guest Downhome

Well I could pick out endless ammounts of people who have been banged up on moves like that, the point is that Goldberg has NEVER hurt someone any more seriously than what happens almost every week.

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Guest Dangerous A
Goldberg worked stiff throughout his WCW career and I know also injured Meng. If Bret was hurt then Goldberg should've protected Bret more. Goldberg never toned his stiffness down.


RVD did cause some people to bleed a little but seemed to have learned- I don't remember him hurting anyone in a long long time.



Regarding Rock being a sellout- ask the people at the house who yelled that at him. No one called him that here.

Goldberg only gets the flack for hurting Bret because Bret is a net favorite and Meng is a cult favorite. If Goldberg hurt any of the Kliq members like he did Bret, Goldberg would be the IWC's big hero. It's all who you hurt.



Rock was getting "sellout" chants last week at a house show in Anaheim. That's pretty sad considering house shows are down almost 50% from last year meaning it's the die hard fans who are telling him this. Also, Anaheim is right there in that LA/Hollywood area, so even his own people (the LA people) are telling him how they see his character now even with him doing an unannounced babyface save for Booker.

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Guest bob_barron

I know that DA- I'm just saying that Goldberg is a sloppy worker.


You act like the whole crowd was chanting sellout at Rock. It seemed like it was just a few vocal morons in the crowd while everyone else seemed to enjoy the suprise they got.


The LA people??? I don't understand what you mean. Was the crowd full of Hollywood stars or something?

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Guest Brian

Wouldn't change my opinion of Goldberg. The guy was extremely arrogant ass who took the busines for granted and had no respect for alot of the other workers and people who lived the business. He'd still be a primadonna.

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Guest Dangerous A

What I meant to say Mr Barron, was that in that region, people would be more accepting of Rock because he has gone Hollywood. Then again, most "Hollywood" types only go to shows that are on TV so they can get their mugs plastered on the tube. You got me there Barron.

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Guest Coffey

I like Goldberg, and have for a long time. I really don't see what the problem is. I like Goldberg more than the 50 year old nWo, and it came back. I like Goldberg more than Scott Steiner because Goldberg can move, and the WWE brought back Steiner. If Goldberg was the first out of all the failures to show up, I'm sure he wouldn't be getting nearly as many insults and whatnot.


As for the "dos boot" that ended Bret Harts career, yeah, it sucks, I liked Bret Hart. Then again, it was a way for Bret to get out of the business. He was getting pretty damn old, and you know that wrestlers have a hard time actually retiring. Look at poor old Terry Funk.


I just hope that the WWE doesn't try to change Goldberg's look. I downloaded a match of Goldberg in Japan, and he's wearing different tights and shit now. I want him to go back to what he was wearing in WCW. His "Austin look." That way, when Austin & Goldberg finally do meet up, it will mean more to me. Don't ask why.


Goldberg will obviously pop the ratings and buyrates. He is one of the most popular active wrestlers. He was a big part in WCW being watchable for a few years, whether you bitter-ass smarks want to admit it or not.

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Guest CanadianChick

There is one thing that I don't understand: how can WWE expect Goldberg to pop ratings when Hogan, arguably the most popular wrestler *ever*, and the Rock, one of the most popular stars in the past 5 years, couldn't? Call me bitter, but I don't think that Goldberg would do any good after a couple of shows.

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Guest Coffey
Goldberg ended a guy's career. Until Brock does that- you have no case

D-lo "ended a guy's career." Don't try to sugar coat it and act like it's a different situation either, because it's not. At least Bret Hart can still fucking walk.

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Guest Lord of The Curry
There is one thing that I don't understand: how can WWE expect Goldberg to pop ratings when Hogan, arguably the most popular wrestler *ever*, and the Rock, one of the most popular stars in the past 5 years, couldn't? Call me bitter, but I don't think that Goldberg would do any good after a couple of shows.

Did you see the buyrate for WrestleMania X8? I don't know the exact figure but it was pretty fuckin big, thanks 99% to Hogan vs Rock. For the three weeks that it was on TV, the feud also did good numbers for WWE. It was dead after Mania because the fans turned Hogan babyface. The WWE couldn't do anything in their power to turn Hogan back to heel after that, especially thanks to Raw the next night in Montreal. The whole Hogan/Rock thing was just screwed due to unforseen circumstances......


Now if they had turned The Rock heel on Hogan the next night in Montreal.....................

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Guest CanadianChick
Goldberg ended a guy's career. Until Brock does that- you have no case

D-lo "ended a guy's career." Don't try to sugar coat it and act like it's a different situation either, because it's not. At least Bret Hart can still fucking walk.

D'lo is overrated. He should stick to commentating, at least he can talk.

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