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Guest bob_barron

Okay- now the Rumble may suck

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Guest Brian

Wouldn't it be great if Michaels was elminated first and Jericho gets pulled out by Michaels, because Michaels was jealous Jericho would break his record and win. Set up the double-turn, Jericho goes over at Mania. Damn I'm good at this.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

HBK will start the rumble at #1 either Jericho will be #2 or he will be like #25 and him and shawn will eliminate each other and fight to the back. Brock is winning to whole thing.

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Guest GameCop

Jericho will be the first man to enter the Rumble. If he doesn't win, he'll be the IRON MAN (a whopping 30 minutes)

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The thing with Jericho can go either way.


The Cowardly way or the Noble way. Both ways could work for the feud - HBK being number one and everyone waiting to see if Jericho is #2 - and then if Jericho isn't they could spend the whole rumble wondering when Jericho shows up. Or they could battle throughout the rumble at 1&2 until the end.

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Guest Choken One

Nah, Jericho will be #1 and they will pretty much make the rumble a "When Will Shawn So up" countdown...


The 60 seconds is atrocious and offensive. I am already canceling my order and going down the road to the Bar. Spend 12 bucks for 50 Wings and beer.


If it's good, I'll buy the PPV on DVD for $22

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Guest midnight_burn

Bleh, they always have to fuck around with things for no good reason. I guess they need more time for the epic Dawn/Torrie feud, because god knows shit like that is more important than giving us a decent Rumble match.

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Guest CanadianChick

I don't understand WWE's decision on putting the Dawn/Torrie thing on ppv. Is it the cheap T'nA? Maybe since I'm a girl, I can't comprehend this, but why would people pay for TnA when they get it free on Smackdown every week practically? If someone can clue me in...

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Guest Steviekick
I don't understand WWE's decision on putting the Dawn/Torrie thing on ppv. Is it the cheap T'nA? Maybe since I'm a girl, I can't comprehend this, but why would people pay for TnA when they get it free on Smackdown every week practically? If someone can clue me in...

It's not just you having a female perspective on it. Even though i think both Dawn and Torrie are über-babes, I would rather them not be on a PPV wasting time. It's really counterproductive...unless they introduce someone new into their feud.


Yeah, it is really pointless. It's just poorly disguised filler material. I totally agree with you on this one.

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Guest CanadianChick
I don't understand WWE's decision on putting the Dawn/Torrie thing on ppv. Is it the cheap T'nA? Maybe since I'm a girl, I can't comprehend this, but why would people pay for TnA when they get it free on Smackdown every week practically? If someone can clue me in...

It's not just you having a female perspective on it. Even though i think both Dawn and Torrie are über-babes, I would rather them not be on a PPV wasting time. It's really counterproductive...unless they introduce someone new into their feud.


Yeah, it is really pointless. It's just poorly disguised filler material. I totally agree with you on this one.

Well, I guess that Kidman *could* get involved, but what's the point? Who's he going to fight? The tag team of Al and Dawn?

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Guest AndrewTS
I don't understand WWE's decision on putting the Dawn/Torrie thing on ppv. Is it the cheap T'nA? Maybe since I'm a girl, I can't comprehend this, but why would people pay for TnA when they get it free on Smackdown every week practically? If someone can clue me in...

Ditto. I hate Dawn and Torrie. They suck in the ring, and unless they wrestle in the mud, and we see some titty, there is no point to having another match.

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Guest CanadianChick
I don't understand WWE's decision on putting the Dawn/Torrie thing on ppv. Is it the cheap T'nA? Maybe since I'm a girl, I can't comprehend this, but why would people pay for TnA when they get it free on Smackdown every week practically? If someone can clue me in...

Ditto. I hate Dawn and Torrie. They suck in the ring, and unless they wrestle in the mud, and we see some titty, there is no point to having another match.

But what if they *did* wrestle in mud? Would you want it on a ppv? Is TnA that great?

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Guest the pinjockey

Any TnA taking more than 5 minutes on a PPV is a joke. That doesn't include valets or actual women's matches. If I wanted to pay for TnA I would buy a porno, I wouldn't paid to see girls in bikinis roll around.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

60 Seconds?!?!?!?!?


I guess that confirms the Rumble will be full of HOSS'




Edit: this is also the reason I didn't buy tickets to Smackdown next Week after the Rumble. I wanted to see how bad the Rumble and Raw turned out first. Unless Steve Austin or Bret Hart (Yeah Right) show up, I'm not wasting my money.


Maybe if Benoit wins the title.

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Guest The Tino Standard

The intervals are never an exact science anyway. I mean, yeah, if they say 60 seconds instead of 2 min, then most of the entries will be closer to 1 min than 2, but if you actually put a stopwatch on the intervals, you'll see that they aren't really exact at all.

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Guest AndrewTS
I don't understand WWE's decision on putting the Dawn/Torrie thing on ppv. Is it the cheap T'nA? Maybe since I'm a girl, I can't comprehend this, but why would people pay for TnA when they get it free on Smackdown every week practically? If someone can clue me in...

Ditto. I hate Dawn and Torrie. They suck in the ring, and unless they wrestle in the mud, and we see some titty, there is no point to having another match.

But what if they *did* wrestle in mud? Would you want it on a ppv? Is TnA that great?

Like pinjockey said, make it quick and painless so there is time for actual wrestling on the PPV. We could rent porno for cheaper and get more actual enjoyment from it.


No, I would no make it a selling point or even put it on the PPV, but I'm trying to figure out SOMETHING that makes sense out of WWE's strategy with booking this match.


So far, I see no reason for all this crap except for the bragging rights of a "stepmother vs. stepdaughter" match, which seems to be the whole selling point of the crappy thing.


Again, I don't know why. I see stepdaughters and stepmothers fight all the time, why it should matter if it's now between two women who we're seen "wrestle" each other previously I don't quite get.

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Guest Frankie Williams

I wrote the following e mail to WWE:


Am I losing my mind or did I hear that the participants in this years Rumble will enter every ONE minute instead of 2????? Are you guys out of your mind??? Have you forgotten the mess that was the 1995 Rumble??? That was the worst Rumble ever because it was TOO fast. Please dont tell me that you are going to try and recreate the HBK/Bulldog lasting the entire Rumble using Jericho and HBK. If your gonna do it then let them last an HOUR. Not a HALF HOUR. Get rid of the Torrie Wilson/Dawn Marie match if you are strapped for time. 35 bucks for a 30 minute Royal Rumble?? I dont think so. You guys are losing it big time.


I just KNOW that my feedback will make a difference.....please note the sarcasm.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Well hold on, where do we send feedback? Maybe if enough of us send similar sentiments than they'll get them message...

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Guest nikowwf

its never two minutes. its like 2 minutes at first, then 90 seconds, then if they are pressing for time its like 30 seconds. seriously, this is not that big a deal. if total rumble is about 45 minutes, and not 60 minutes are we all going to die?


now if you want to bitch, the rest of the card is there to serve that puprose



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Guest goldiskewl

Gosh, I just love the WWF. I wanted to see Jericho beat Vince McMahon's record of lasting the longest from number 1. The WWF is quick to forget that one.

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