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Guest Jimthestar_says_taker_is_god

Loved by few,hated by many,respected by ALL

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Guest Jimthestar_says_taker_is_god

I'm not what you would call a typical 'internet' wrestling fan.


I dont get excited over workrate

I'm more into gimmicks and storylines


I am betting the majority of u all hate Hollywood Hoagn,because he's not a very good technical wrestler - bothered - and because he holds down young talent,who lets face it,won't be half as entertaining as him.


Which brings me nicely to the Undertaker.I watch wrestling to be entertained and for me theres no one more entertaining than this man.


He has been involved in some of the most compelling storylines ive ever watched.the way he has updated his gimmick over the years has been near perfection(having said that,i'd love to see a return of the lord of darkness anytime now)


This man for me IS wrestling and the day he retires is the day i stop watching rasslin.


Those of u who dislike him or diss him on this forum can all kiss my ass.

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Guest Shawn

I don't respect Taker for many reasons but since you're more into gimmicks, I'll go there.


I loved Undertaker... when he was the Undertaker. Ever since this American Badass bullcrap and the I'm Gonna Make you Famous crap, he's lost it. I'm not saying he should've come back as the evil sadist Taker becuase the fans have changed but anything would be better than what he is now. He was one of the best in the bid'ness ...but that was in his prime. Now he is scrappign to get some cheap heat. I just hate how JR tries to oversell him.


I think I'll stop now and save my rant...

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
I'm not what you would call a typical 'internet' wrestling fan.


I dont get excited over workrate

I'm more into gimmicks and storylines


I am betting the majority of u all hate Hollywood Hoagn,because he's not a very good technical wrestler - bothered - and because he holds down young talent,who lets face it,won't be half as entertaining as him.


Which brings me nicely to the Undertaker.I watch wrestling to be entertained and for me theres no one more entertaining than this man.


He has been involved in some of the most compelling storylines ive ever watched.the way he has updated his gimmick over the years has been near perfection(having said that,i'd love to see a return of the lord of darkness anytime now)


This man for me IS wrestling and the day he retires is the day i stop watching rasslin.


Those of u who dislike him or diss him on this forum can all kiss my ass.

If Taker floats your boat wrestling-wise, why are you getting so defensive about your own personal opinion? Hey, I like Test while some people around here consider him to be the Satan reborn, doesn't mean I give a shit, though. Hell, I hate RVD with a passion while just about everybody else loves him, but I don't get onto this board just to try and provoke a flame war going over a subject that's been debated about a million times before.


Also, there is no such thing as "A typical internet wrestling fan". It's just an excuse made up by some people to hide the fact maybe, JUST MAYBE, many people may agree on the same thing. I'm not trying to flame you, but basically, all you are doing is trying to pick a fight it seems.

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Guest Jimthestar_says_taker_is_god

I must admit i did come on here a bit defensive but everywhere i go on the internet is full of shit about the phenom and writers seem to think they wont be taken seriously if they don't slag off the taker.


Deep down everyone loves him : )

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

to quote shawn, i too loved the 'taker, but absolutely hate the badass.  he used to at least be fun to watch, both in the ring and out.  now all he does is ramble like a paranoid old an in his promos (and i think only some of this is worked), and he is slow and boring in the ring.  all i hope is that this is his last run so that he can keep his legacy intact.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I like this Taker better than the old one.


He sells better...and is more interesting to watch than the slow moving Taker of old.


His old gimminck bored me to tears...but I can live with this version.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I assume you are not talking about the face version that killed the careers of DDP, Kanyon & Booker T.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

No I mean grizzled old man Taker.  The heel who gets bigger face pops than most faces.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Yeah, I like him too.  The one that beats up the Hardys & Maven.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



My favorite UT moment ever happened when he beat up David Flair.


That says alot for how much I think of his career.

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Guest Shaved Bear

well normally i hate the badass UT for several reasons


-it gave reason for Kid Rock to perform on Wrestling

-he actually says "Deadman Inc."

but he does squash the HardyZ which is always good in my opinion.


Speaking of the HardyZ, does anyone else think they have a track of the audience cheering within their song?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I dunno.....but a smile came to my face when he killed the Hardyz and especially that stupid bitch Lita.


Grizzled Old Taker is alright..........but I mean I can't forgive what he did in the past.

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Guest buffybeast

I like the current incarnation of Taker.  but I wished he wrestled better (or at all) and sold more.

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