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Guest Thoth


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Guest Thoth

Thoth: Okay.

Thoth: Roundtable starts...

Thoth: Now.

Deop: K

Thoth: First match, Mistress Sarah vs Jay Dawg.

Deop: !start

Thoth: How do you think Sarah will do?

Deop: Sarah dispite the rust

Deop: She won't be her top notch but she can put one out over JD

Thoth: I think it could work to her advantage.

Thoth: She's been out; she's been itching to write.

Muzz: Well, I know she doesn't have any rust, but don't ask me why.

Thoth: I know too, Muzz.

Muzz: She'll pull it out, even though, Dawg has improved... although, people say that alot.

Thoth: We've been saying that for months.

Thoth: By now, Jawg should be US champ or better.

Muzz: And he is in Da Pound.

Deop: I don't wanna count JD out becuase he's getting better but I still stand wiht Sarah for the wha-peesh win

Thoth: How the hell is he in Da Pound?

Muzz: Same reason I am.

Deop: Dick hugs with his ips or something...

Thoth: Well, at least you're credible, Sacred.

Muzz: ...

Deop: Oh no not Muz!

Thoth: Dick hugs with lips?

Thoth: Bo's nuts.

Deop: I was only dissing JD there

Deop: Yes, yes he is

Muzz: Better not be.

Deop: (DeopAmp) (Pantera - Respect) (-@) (DeopAmp)

Thoth: Next match, HVT vs Spider.

Muzz: I'll get evil on yo ass.

Thoth: Now, I know Spider no-showed.

Deop: Bo should *so* come bakc as a bad version of the new taker

Thoth: I think he said as much on the boards, anyway.

Muzz: He could have won if he wrote.

Deop: I think Thugg might job this one

Muzz: He just might.

Thoth: Do you think anyone can take Thugg's title away?

Thoth: Suicide King is no longer active.

Thoth: We could see another huge title run from Thugg.

Deop: I hate how Spider can't write or his opponent can't when ever he's booked with a good opponent

Muzz: Yeah, someone can.

Muzz: But they just need a pus

Muzz: push.

Deop: Thugg will have it for a month lest he jobs to Marky Mark

Muzz: *

Thoth: I had that chance... and I really thought I was going to win.  Thugg was pushing me in that direction with his comments...

Thoth: Saying I was going to win.

Thoth: That bastard.

Deop: I would SO mark for Fallout...

Muzz: I would yoo.

Thoth: Fallout versus HVT = Dream match.

Deop: lol

Muzz: too.

* Deop is a Fallout mark

Deop: so long as Fallout wins...

* Thoth is too.  That's why he brought him into the Clan.

Muzz: Fallout deserves it more than Thugg, in my opinion.

Muzz: Actually, he deserves it more than anyone.

Deop: but we'll get to fallout later (overused roundtable line!!!)

Thoth: That's true.

Thoth: Right.

Muzz: Yeah, got sidetracked there.

Thoth: Next, Strangler versus Prophet.

Deop: Go me!

Muzz: lol.

Deop: Uhh

Muzz: Casty Cast, if he writes.

Thoth: I dunno.

Deop: Which one said they couldn't wirte or something?

Thoth: IMO, Prophet/Outcast isn't writing at 100% for some reason.

Deop: I'll go with Strangler for some reason...

Muzz: I swear, if Outcast doesn't write...

Thoth: Just a gut feeling.

Muzz: He needs a good feud.

Thoth: I think it's safe to say that everyone knew who the Prophet was before he was revealed.

Deop: He can do pretty good but iunno

Thoth: Do you think it was a let down?

Thoth: We all expected a Comet-level person.

Muzz: One that wasn't a fed wide thing, and with his old, lovey type character.

Deop: Becuase of the virginia thing in chat

Thoth: That's true.

Deop: Yeah...what a damn let down

Thoth: But who's the Saviour?

Thoth: I for one, do not know.

Deop: the same will go for Saviour

Thoth: And peolpe do.

Muzz: I know.

Deop: Kruger, right?

Muzz: Nope.

Thoth: Other people claim to.

Thoth: I know where Kruger is.

Muzz: He's been a world Champ though.

Thoth: I'm good at guessing mystery men.

Thoth: I guessed PDS, didn't I?

Muzz: Indeed you did.

Deop: lo

Deop: l

Thoth: I like the spelling of Saviour better than Savior.  Dunno why, as I am an American.

Deop: (DeopAmp) (Pantera-I'm Broken) (-@) (DeopAmp)

Muzz: The only reason I know, is that I know Crusen personally.

Apoc-X: bah. isnt it supposed to be fast in the morning.

Muzz: And I get his whole 'checking IP' thing.

Deop: I thought there was a 'U' in the amc way

Thoth: I can check IP's too now.  GO MODSHIP!

Muzz: We Aussie's use 'U's all the time.

Muzz: We rock.

Muzz: Colour for instance.

Thoth: Anyway, next match, Stevens and LDP vs Edwin and Thoth

Deop: I could come bakc any day and you guys whouldn't know so long as i neverposted as him or came to chat as the ringer

Thoth: Guess what?  Edwin and I no showed?

Thoth: YUP!

Deop: This is one fuckign tossup

Deop: I guessed

Thoth: I couldn't write,

Thoth: And I guess Edwin couldn't either.

Deop: I thing LDP will be the only one writing

Deop: man LDP got pushed hard

Thoth: I admit to having already seen the match.

Muzz: Uh, well, I guess Stevens and LDP win, unless the Clan pull together and threaten to kill Stubby to award them the match... or something.

Thoth: And then, the Main event.

Muzz: LDP is being pushed because he writes consistently.

Muzz: And well.

Thoth: (Fallout vs ELM) vs (Sacred vs Xstasy)

Thoth: Fallout's a heavy favorite to win.

Muzz: Fallout.

Deop: Not saying he isn't diservine... just pointing out a pushed jler

Thoth: Sacred, your thoughts?

Deop: Fallout but somethign makes me thing not

Deop: I sure hope he does

Thoth: Fallout's the one guy who hasn't been put into the main event in recent times.

Thoth: So he's untested.

Muzz: my match was not that good

Thoth: He's got a massive win streak.

Thoth: In his singles match against ELM, did they both write?

Deop: right now I'm counting Mag out (may not being a smart thing but he's on a down slope as of late and I don't see that to stop any time soon)

Muzz: Not sure.

Muzz: Xstasy may pull it out though.

Thoth: Well, I know Fallout won that matcj.

Thoth: *match

Jay_Dawg ([email protected]) has joined the channel

ChanServ has opped Jay_Dawg

Deop: ELM wrote

Jay_Dawg: I can never die!

Jay_Dawg: I can never die!

Deop: at the ppv

Jay_Dawg: I can never die!

Jay_Dawg: I can never die!

Muzz: He is a great storyline and creative writer.

Jay_Dawg: I can never die!

Deop: okay

Thoth: So Fallout beat ELM clean.

Muzz: We all wrote I think.

Muzz: Fallout's record against me = 4 - 0

Deop: yup

Jay_Dawg: Fallout has beaten all but me for that LHW title!

Muzz: I'm his bitch.

Deop: (DeopAmp) (Pantera-I'm Broken) (-@) (DeopAmp)

Jay_Dawg: I never got a rematch!

Thoth: JD, we're doing a mini roundtable.

Deop: wonder why

Thoth: Because Storm isn't up.

Muzz: And I lost to Xstasy.

Thoth: We went over the whole card.

Deop: X or Fallout..

Thoth: Anything you want to say?

Jay_Dawg: You also beat him.

Muzz: And I would probably lose to Mag.

Deop: I really WANT Fallout but something says X.. i hope not

Jay_Dawg: Fallout will make X his bitch!

Deop: hope so

Jay_Dawg: Did Sacred write?

Deop: not well

Thoth: I think EVERYONE wants to see Fallout vs HVT.

Deop: but yes

Jay_Dawg: (N)

Muzz: Just ask me, I'm right here.

Thoth: I mean, that would just FUCKING rule.

Deop: I wonder if ELM did...

Jay_Dawg: It'll be Fallout vs. GSMS vs. HVT

Deop: if fallout didn't.. i swear...

Muzz: Fallout vs. HVT vs. Marky MArk though.

Thoth: Oh, that's right.

Muzz: Fallout did.

Deop: Yes but that would be pretty good too

* Jay_Dawg wrote against Sarah... and actually reviewed his match!

Thoth: No offense to Mark, but I don't think he'd be a factor in that match.

Muzz: Stable vs. stable vs. stable.

Deop: I'd still rather see Fallout/HVT

Jay_Dawg: Yeah... It's like RVD vs. Austin vs. Angle

Thoth: And Fallout is RVD.

Deop: Clan should run a storyline where they gang rape GSMS and take him out of the WF picture for that ppv

Muzz: The Clan vs. Da Pound vs. Midnight Carnival

Jay_Dawg: GSMS is like Angle...

Thoth: Speaking of the Clan...

Thoth: MY stable (Y)(Y)(Y)

Deop: ?

Thoth: Just a bonus discussion here...

Deop: Spiders stable...

Muzz: Austing is a white texan, Thugg is a black playa.

Thoth: The JL tourney.

Jay_Dawg: So how'd the whole card though.

Thoth: Who's gonna get bumped?

Jay_Dawg: I mean who they represent...

Muzz: Austin*

Jay_Dawg: The dominant heel champ

Muzz: What are the matches?

Deop: Clannie JLers

Thoth: Yeah, Spider's table.  But I'm in it!

Deop: will be Clannie new-WF-ers

Muzz: Bayawolf's stable. :)

Deop: w00t

Jay_Dawg: (Y)

Deop: Silent's stable!!!

Deop: (N)

Muzz: (N)

Deop: Yup

Thoth: Oh Silent.  He was wacky.

Deop: (DeopAmp) (Metalica - Enter Sandman) (-@) (DeopAmp)

Jay_Dawg: (N)

Thoth: Anyway, the matches for the JL tourney.

Jay_Dawg: Spider and Bayawolf's stable!

Thoth: Low Brass vs Ash Ketchum

Deop: K-Os didn't write well i think he said

Jay_Dawg: What'd you guys say about me!!!!!?

Deop: I hope he beats Flexx though

Jay_Dawg: It's double elimination though.

Muzz: God I hope it's Brass.

Deop: Brass Monkey!!!

Thoth: Me too.

Muzz: No offense to Ash.

Muzz: But god, I hope it's Brass.

Thoth: I regret giving Ash his ego.

Deop: Ash should freakin job his ass

Deop: his ass=ash's

* Jay_Dawg kicks Thoth...

Jay_Dawg: You started a disease!

Thoth: I'm worried if Lady Red and K-Os have to fight each other.

Thoth: Clan schtuff and all.

Deop: Well it's not as bad as the current Erek... (N)(N)(N)

Muzz: I think it's worked out that they wouldn't.

Jay_Dawg: Someone copy down what you said against me and Sarah!

Deop: They WON'T

Thoth: That's good.

Thoth: And finally...

Deop: Edwin AND Crusen said so

Thoth: What about the new n00bs we have in the JL?

Thoth: They write interesting promos.

Thoth: Are they RPers?

Muzz: Probably,

Muzz: I haven't read them yet though.

Deop: I've been saying that everytime you asked

Thoth: It's a very Rp-istic style.

Deop: Flesher rocks

Muzz: I'm most impressed with Ced.

Deop: his diss on Deathwish rocked

Muzz: Semi - n00b.

Deop: Z begins ringer

Thoth: Z is a ringer.

Thoth: This is true.

Thoth: But who is he>

Thoth: ?

Deop: Ced is cool.. I hope both he and mafia writes

Muzz: It's Zio.

Deop: but i doubt Mafia will

Deop: He has the "galatea Special" in his move set

Thoth: Who, Z?  Or Ced?

Deop: ^^^ Z

Thoth: Z...

Deop: Z

Muzz: lol, Galatea Special.

Deop: That's why I think he's a ringer

Thoth: Z sorta rhymes with G.

Deop: Nut shot

Deop: lol

Muzz: It's probably Crowe,.

Jay_Dawg: If MrG is writing again... PUT ME ON THE CC!!!!!

Muzz: Finally joining.

Muzz: lol.

Deop: lol

Jay_Dawg: Puit me on if Crowe is as well!!!

Muzz: Good luck trying to get on ther.e

Jay_Dawg: Pffft...

Muzz: there*

Thoth: Well, this was a good roundtable.

Deop: Crusen let me mark

Deop: !!!!

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Uh, Thoth... I hate to tell you this.  Unless Stevens wrote something, we're a double no show.


I lost some time this week, and had a weird writer's block thing.  Sorry...


But I should be a go for the next one.  I gotta get back on track :)

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Guest WarMachine
Deop: Ced is cool.. I hope both he and mafia writes



Deop: but i doubt Mafia will

I wrote. But my match is crap and was very, very late, since I turned it in after the boards were down. SK most likely handed his matches in before then.

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Guest WarMachine

Going in now, Crusen. As I've said though, it's crap, and largely a joke match anyway.

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Guest crusen86

It wasn't that bad. A bit longer and it would have been pretty damn solid.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Stevens did put something together, Pete.  Even in our laziest moments, somehow the Carnival comes through with something somewhat!


::half-hearted cheer::

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