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Guest Ace309

Taamo's Match Of The Week Thread, Week 1

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Guest Ace309

I've decided that I'm not enough of a self-important jackass.


No, I haven't truly crossed the line. I'm not at the level of self-important jackassery that Scott Keith and Dean Rasmussen regularly dance across, week after week, review after review. I just haven't QUITE reached that plateau.


Until now.


I've decided, for no apparent reason, that I'm starting a Match Of The Week trend. I'll try to get one up some time every weekend and leave the FTP up for a while in hopes that some people will download it. There's also a good chance you'll be able to get it from the usual chat lurkers either in chat or on AIM.


Taamo's Match Of The Week, 1/12/03: 10-25-95, Toshiaki Kawada vs. Gary Albright.


It's on the FTP at . Download. Enjoy. Comment. Keep in mind that Albright's a slug unless Kawada's carrying him.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Yeah, I believe I pimped the hell out of this match on some other thread a while back. ****1/2 and one of my all time favorite desert island matches. When motivated, there wasn't a worker alive that could touch Kawada, and this match is proof. The man could do whatever the hell he wanted in the ring, and make it work. The mat work was an incredable mix of traditional wrestling and realistic shoot style, while also featuring Kawada's trademark brawling and surreal selling.


I also believe this match was very influential to the stuff the WWE is doing now with the 15 minute, fast paced, reversal heavy matches. If you like this match I suggest you check out the UWFi style.



EVERYBODY DOWNLOAD THIS MATCH RIGHT NOW! I don't care what your thoughts on puro are, this match will blow your mind.

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Guest chirs3

1. How exactly do I go about downloading this match? Clicking the link does nothing (I suspect, in my infinite computer wisdom, that the ftp has something to do with it), and I dunno what else to do.


2. Just what the heck is "Puro", and how do you pronounce the whole word? (Puroresu, or something close)

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Guest Coffin Surfer
1. How exactly do I go about downloading this match? Clicking the link does nothing (I suspect, in my infinite computer wisdom, that the ftp has something to do with it), and I dunno what else to do.


2. Just what the heck is "Puro", and how do you pronounce the whole word? (Puroresu, or something close)

1. I can't help you with that one, I order my matches from Jeff Lynch, and have never downloaded a match in my life.


2. Puroresu is Japanese Wrestling. This includes a vast number of styles that developed throughout different promotions such as All Japan, New Japan, M-Pro, UWFi, Big Japan, and FMW. The best being the All Japan Heavyweight and Joshi(women) divison, and the New Japan Junior(cruiser) divison which all hit their creative peak in the early and mid 90s.


The very realistic approach of UWFi, the wild and sometimes comedic luchadore style of M-Pro, and the death matches of Big Japan are also all entertaining as well.

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Guest midnight_burn
1. How exactly do I go about downloading this match? Clicking the link does nothing (I suspect, in my infinite computer wisdom, that the ftp has something to do with it), and I dunno what else to do.

I just right click whatever match i want to download, then go 'Copy to Folder', that seems to work for me.

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Guest Suicide King

And here I was hoping that this was an SWF Match of the Week post. Sigh.

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Guest HVilleThugg

So did I King...i was very disappointed when i saw what it was.


Da "self-serving bitch" H

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Don't listen to them Tom, I hope you continue the MOTW threads. I was actually considering doing something similar to this at one point, it's very interesting to see what matches influence us as writers. Since real wrestlers have influences too.

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