Guest bob_barron Report post Posted January 12, 2003 SNL Review- Jeff Gordon/Avril Lavigne As a huge BeeGees fan who is listening to the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack as I type this- I’d just like to send my condolences on the death on Maurice Gibb. The Bee Gees were a great band and pretty much made an overrated John Travolta movie famous and also provided for a great joke in Wayne’s World while at the same making great movie. It’s a shame he’s not stayin’ alive. The pre-review stuff kinda goes a little long this week so feel free to scroll down and read my thoughts on the actual episode. Sports Report- Maple Leafs- I saw them play Tuesday against Boston and it was a good game. They got behind early but soon rallied to take the lead and win the game. They lost to Boston tonight but have been playing great recently- particularly Eddie Belfour. Oh yea- and unlike the other team from Ontario- They have their finances in check. Devils- Devils have basically been playing defensive hockey all year and running neck and neck with the Flyers for first place in the Atlantic Division. Canucks- They’ve recently hit the skids with a losing streak but hopefully will shrug it off and return to dominating the Northeast Division, especially with the tough competition they have. Nets- Aside from a night off against the Kings they have been playing amazing basketball. I saw them against Cleveland and Toronto recently and they played good solid basketball. The Nets are not one of those teams that feels they have to have some sort of thug image or have some guy go out and carry the team- they just win. And K-Mart has made sure of that. Mailbag!!!!- Chad Ruffner writes- Hi Bob, Much like Smackdown! from this past Thursday, this was not a good way to start 2003. The only thing I remotely liked about this show was the Y2J/HBK/Randy Orton promo/confrontation. Everything else ran the bad to horrible range, Including that ultra gay and excessively long "Posedown" between HHH and Steiner. At least they have kept these 2 from locking up , or facing each other In a meaningless Main Event Tag Match. Still it was a horrible segment. Second place Is the decision to have Booker T and Goldust (The most over act on The Raw Brand has) drop The Tag Titles to The Not Over Team of Regal/Storm. Yeah, good move there. HHH must've felt threatened that someone was stealing his spotlight again. I assume that Vince McMahon appearing on Raw next week will be some sort of reset start for Raw again. In the past I would've panned such a move (IF that Is the case), but every single restart they have had over the past month hasn't worked, so what have they got to lose? What did you think of the show? Chad I now recap RAW for so well if you ever want to know my thoughts on the show- head on over there. Liz Butler writes- Have you ever seen the show Sigourney Weaver hosted in '86? There was this sketch called "Alienses" that cracked me up. Phil Hartman plays Hicks and I wanna say Dana Carvey plays Hudson, but it's been years since I've seen it. Any suggestions of where I can find a copy? I have seen the show but I don’t remember the particular skit. If anyone here sells old SNL’s- drop me a line and I’ll plug your site. Chad Ruffner writes- Hi Bob, I just want to get your thoughts about the news that Vince McMahon has admitted he Is basically out of Ideas as to what the fans want, and Is considering giving full Creative Control of The Raw Brand to Eric Bishoff? Me, I'm split so far. It Is good to hear that Vince McMahon has finally admitted what we as fans know all along, that he doesn't know what we want to see. However, I don't think putting Bishoff In charge Is going to be the answer. I hate to beat a dead horseshould'vece should've stuck to his guns from this past June and put Vince Russo In charge of The Raw Brand. Maybe he would've had some new Ideas, maybe he wouldn't have. Bishoff's only talent while In WCBillionare'sfree reign to a Billionare's Checkbook, and using It to bring In talentless stiffs like Ultimate Warrior and SIntegrals. Then again, he was Originalral to The conearly of The Orinal NWO, and The arly success of Nitro. The Bottom Line Is The WWE can't afford another year like 2003. Changes must be made. Happy New Year, Chad Bischoff did put wrestling on his show which is a good thing. The best way to fix RAW would be to tape it and to fire Gerwitz. A taped RAW would give the wrestlers more freedom and allow for longer matches. Long term planning is the answer. Not putting the title on HBK to get a pop at MSG and then putting it on Triple H one month later. Russo is not the answer- a taped Raw and long term planning is. [email protected] writes- Loved your Al Gore Review. Hope you have a great Christmas and a happy new year. If you're Jewish, then Happy late Chanukah, or if you're Chinese happy 1rst of January. Thank you. Santa, Hannukah Harry and Kwanzaa Dean all made sure I had a nice holiday season. Alejandro Tamargo writes- Hey Man. I'm a Phish phan, and the only explanation I can give you as to why so many of us like these dorks is, you either get it or you don't. Phish Phans are just like Trekkies. Either you're obsessive about it, or you sit there and wonder "Why the hell are all these freaks so obsessive about this?" There's nothing else I can say. Funny episode though. I thought it was the funniest in years. Alex Thanks for clearing it up. I thought Phish was a pretty good band and all but I just didn’t understand how that would translate into massive and loyal phanbase. I guess I just didn’t get it. Kate (I guess her parents are Prince and Jewel) writes- Hi Bob, My name is Kate Richardson (I also write reviews) I read your reviews often and enjoy them. I was just reading Nick Mayhew’s and he mentioned that you talked to Tina Fey at 1 pm. Was he serious? If he’s just kidding, then I feel kind of stupid for asking, but if he’s serious, then whoa! I’m the biggest Tina Fey fan! Well, It’d be great if you could clear this up for me. And, keep up the good work on your reviews, they’re really great! -Kate Yes, on Friday December 13th I did meet Tina Fey and did talk to her about WU. When I lived in NY I hung around 30 Rock a lot and I don’t mean to brag but I got to meet all the cast members and stuff. Thanks for the kind words but I must clarify- I am the biggest Tina Fey fan. Timothy Gubbels writes- Hi, I would like to buy a VHS copy of the latest Gore-hosted SNL show. Please help. Tim Once again- I DO NOT tape episodes of SNL and therefore have none to sell. Wanna be in the mailbag????? Email me at [email protected] THE STORY OF BOB BARRON: ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT Now this story may shock you a bit because I think I pride myself and the reader prides him or herself in knowing that I am a good upstanding person. In fact all proceeds from writing this review go straight to charity. Now as many of you know- I am studying in Canada while being an American citizen at the same time. Now many of you will say: Who cares? Canada is just the 51st state to begin with. Well apparently Canada doesn’t acknowledge its well known statehoodism and made me get a student visa and all that to study in their country. So I assume all this is complete and go up to Canada for a semester of studying, sex and drunken keg parties!!! Well replace that with buying DVDs, going to hockey games and the only time being drunk was in the middle of a class and you’ve got my semester. Anywho- I go home to the 11th state- New York and soon I went back ready to begin another semester of hockey games, dvds and getting drunk at the most inappropriate times. And then while walking through the airport I get stopped in customs. Now either I accidentally wore a turban on my head or Dean Edwards and Rachel Dratch got ahold of my bag. So I go into this room praying that some hot chick is gonna give me a cavity search if there was one needed. It turned out- none was needed as I was sent to this dude and I showed him all my ID and all that stuff while trying not to make a joke that could get me arrested. So then the guy searches my name through the computer and he says words that every guy named Manuel or Juan dreads to hear: Sir- did you know that you were in the country illegally? So then he explains to me while I try not to laugh my ass off that my parents forgot to pick up the correct forms and I was never officially allowed into the country of Canada. So for the past four months I was living and studying in Canada illegally. I mean what if I had anthrax or something??? Now for my readers who are shocked by my illegality status- don’t worry- I am now officially allowed in Canada. Canadians- got a great border patrol up there eh? Cold Opening- Cast- Horatio Sanz Thoughts- What’s with Horatio playing evil dictators with anti-American stances? I hope he’s not being typecasted. This was a pretty weak way to open the show. I’ve been kind of out of the loop recently so I didn’t really understand Sanz’s spoofing of this guy. This was pretty much a hit and miss affair with some funny stuff (The Sweet Home Alabama joke) and some unfunny stuff (a lot of the jokes). I don’t mind hit and miss skits at the end of the show but they are not good ways to open the show. ** Monologue Cast- Jeff Gordon, Rachel Dratch, Chris Parnell Thoughts- Well since Jeff “Mr. Personality” Gordon is the host I guess I shouldn’t be complaining too much about this being not an actual monologue. I was actually shocked at the fact that I enjoyed Rachel Dratch in a skit. Her burn on Jeff Gordon was delicious and as someone who wishes Rusty Wallace a nice car crash into a wall (for reasons I don’t want go get into) I enjoyed her insult from him. Other then that the skit blew those were the high points. **1/4 Joe Millionaire Cast- Amy Poehler, Seth Meyers Thoughts- This was a pretty funny commercial parody that I hoped would actually turn out to be an actual skit but alas- it was still very funny. ***1/2 Brian Fellows Safari Planet Cast- Gordon, Tracy Morgan, Horatio Sanz Thoughts- After seeing this idiot on my screen- I was hoping that Joe Millionaire stuff was a skit. Brian Fellows is a dead character and has been for a pretty long time now. The crowd reacts to ‘I’m Brian Fellows’ and (insert animal here) is crazy but during the rest of the skit they just there going: Wow- the acoustics in Studio 8H sure are great. I did mark out hardcore for the mention of Bill O’Reilly and the O’Reilly Factor and whomever wrote this skit deserves a gold star. But since I am not able to give out gold stars so I think giving a skit that deserved a DUD a *1/2 rating is nice enough. *1/2 Access Hollywood Cast- Jimmy Fallon, Chris Parnell, Maya Rudolph, Meyers Thoughts- What the fuck was this shit? I mean Maya’s Diana Ross impression was pretty bad as was Fallon’s Pat O’Brien impression. Everyone said have Jimmy do impressions and he’ll be peachy keen. Well he did an impression and it sucked. He’s useless. DUD Joe Caucasian Cast- Morgan Thoughts- Another good parody. *** Career Day Cast- Gordon, Poehler, Meyers Thoughts- Wow- I wonder if Seth Meyers will wake up one day and go: I’m tired of carrying skits. Let those losers wallow in their ultimate suckiness. Seth, as usual, completely carried this skit per his usual Seth Meyers awesomeness while the rest was Satan the race car driver. **1/4 Star Date Cast- Gordon, Dratch, Dean Edwards, Jeff Richards Thoughts- The skit had a pretty weak plot but Richards’ Gary Busey was fantastic and helped make the skit into the good territory. *** Joe Not-a-Rapist Cast- Parnell, Rudolph, Dratch Thoughts- Damn- these skits are saving the show and depending on whatever the average skit is- well it owes the Joe stuff. *** Avril Lavigne Thoughts- I love Avril Lavigne. There. I said it. I love Avril Lavigne. You can give me all that she’s not punk, she’s fake, she’s like Britney and Christina- WHO GIVES A CRAP???????? IT’S THE MUSIC THAT MATTERS!!!!! You can tell me you don’t like Avril because you don’t enjoy her music and I’ll say okay- that’s cool. But if you don’t like other because of other intangibles well that is definitely not damn skippy hippy. I love every song on her album and am glad she released I’m With You after Sk8er Boi so she could show everyone she had a serious side. Anyway- it may not be a Naked or a Losing Grip but I love Avril and I love this song and I especially loved this performance. Avril totally made the show with this one. **** Weekend Update Cast- Tina Fey, Fallon, Chris Kattan, Poehler, Dratch, Will Forte Thoughts- Because if there’s one thing Weekend Update needed- it was MORE Jimmy Fallon. The fact that Jimmy Fallon actually got a Grammy nomination shows how seriously the Grammys should be taken. Idiot Boyfriend is a waste of good recording tape that maybe could’ve been used to finish Norm’s long awaited comedy album. Or maybe they could put Dratch and Fey on CD. Anything but the wretched crap that is ‘Idiot Boyfriend’. It is truly idiotic. Anywho- the Cloneaid stuff was pretty funny as was the mention to wrestling (the guy’s name was Mike Sanders) and it was cool seeing Forte on Update. Jimmy just brought this WU way down but we’ve sadly grown accustomed to that. This is one of those WUs that could’ve hit the 4s had we been greeted with some Sethdom. ***1/2 Broken down Aquarium Cast- Gordon, Sanz, Fallon, Poehler, Rudolph, Meyers, Armisen, Forte Thoughts- Is Lorne trying to turn me against Jimmy Fallon and Horatio Sanz. I know all the stupid 12 year old girls watch this and go: OMG JIMMY IS LAFFING ON SNL OMG LOL I LUV SNL. I’m glad a 12 year old girl is finding pleasure from Jimmy rather then some dude on the internet inviting her to some crazy ranch but me- an 18 year old who witnessed the Canucks AND Maple Leafs lose in the exact same night does need any more rage instilled in him and Jimmy and Horatio’s stupid little antics piss me off. Sure you two fucking jackass are having your little fun cracking each other up but you guys need to know something: YOU ARE ON LIVE TELEVISION ACROSS THE WORLD. ACT PROFESSIONAL. There are people who would give everything they owned to have the jobs that Jimmy and Horatio do and to go out there and have such little respect for everything just pisses a loyal viewer like me off. I like watching people who go out there, have fun and are funny while doing it while at the same time acting professional. Jimmy and Horatio must have bad self esteem issues if the only way they think they can get a rise out of an audience is by going out there and cracking each other up. I was crazy happy when Molly left and if this keeps up I will not shed a tear if you either of you get hit by a bus because you’re too busy thinking of ways to crack up on the air. DUD Charlie Rose Cast- Darrell Hammond, Richards Thoughts- About the laughing thing- I ragged on Darrell for doing it in the Barrymore episode but except for the whole stint in rehab, the general wackiness and a rumoured heart attack- you can always count on Darrell Hammond. This is one of those skits that seemed like it could’ve gone somewhere and was kinda funny with the mixups of Rumsfeld and Cheney but it seemed like it got cut off at the knees. ** Joe Dude Cast- Fey, Poehler, Dratch Thoughts- As a Feynatic- this kind of creeped me out a bit and made me question whether there were homosexual overtones in the three hugs I got from her. Aside from the questioning of my sexuality involving hugs with Tina Fey- wait a minute- I can’t be gay- I don’t even like Maya Rudolph! Anywho- I found this- like all the other Joe skits to be rocking. *** Avril Lavigne Thoughts- May 13th can’t come soon enough. Cause that is when for the second time I will have the privilege and honour of seeing Avril Lavigne in concert at the Nassau Coliseum. I mean yea I know the Nassau Coliseum is like infested with all the other diseases Long Island has but it’s AVRIL!~. I think seeing Avril is worth getting cholera and dyssentary. I LOVE the live version of Complicated. It is like 10 million times better then the album version which is not to shabby. Basically- this was the best musical performance since Paul Simon singing the Boxer on SNL. Great great stuff and I wish the whole show had just been one big Avril concert. Hey- it beats Jimmy and Horatio. ****1/4 Terry Funk Cast- Gordon, Parnell. Thoughts-Well the guys name was Terry Funk so I guess they were trying to appeal to the hick fans who watch NASCAR by having three references to wrestling on the show. I’m sure people who were in the middle of nailing their sister loved this skit but as an only child I was not amused. ¼* for Terry Funk Stripper Pole Cast- Morgan, Parnell, Poehler, Dratch, Edwards, Forte, Meyers, Thoughts- At least Dean FINALLY got some skit time. As a Dean-a-holic and Dean-a-maniac I was getting worried he never made it straight outta Compton. This was typical last skit fodder and the thought of seeing Rachel Dratch near a stripper’s pole was pretty gross. Not too much to laugh at her but it had like one or two moments all of them involving Dean. * The Bottom Line- Average skit was **.26 but because of Avril I will be super nice and give this show a thumbs in the middle. Without Avril this show would’ve hit Drew Barrymore territory which is never a good thing. Less Jimmy, Horatio and Maya and more Amy, Seth and Dean is the way to go and I hope they realise it before it’s too late and the show really starts going down the shitter. Avril Lavigne can’t bail you guys every week. Thumbs in the Middle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins Report post Posted January 12, 2003 Uhhh, what about diseases in Nassau? And what the hell is wrong with Long Island? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted January 12, 2003 Bob, why must you overrate every SNL of all time...they haven't put on an honest to God watchable show in years. I tuned in and out for lack of better things to do. The Joe Millionair skits are pretty good...Joe-Not-A-Rapist was the best. Weekend let your love of Fey give these much higher then they deserve. The Fishtank thing was just rancid...I don't know how they can write some of that stuff up and think it's fit for a comedy show...if they ever have skits this bad they should just give over another song to the band playing, I'd have much rather seen the pouty Canadian chick then this. Same goes with the Terry Funk skit...I can put better stuff on tv then this. I also hate how they suck up to a guest and try to make him so much cooler then he least Garth Brooks poked fun at himself EVERY TIME. Brian Fellos...normally the best bit on the show...everyone stumbled over thier lines, came off really bad. JIMMY are the unfunniest bastard alive... That's all Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mattdotcom Report post Posted January 12, 2003 It seems like every Brian Fellowes skit has everyone stumbling over their lines. And Jimmy got a Grammy nom for "Idiot Boyfriend", eh? Well, I was singing along to "Jungle Love" in the Mattmobile a few weeks ago, so when can I expect recognition? I'm glad I skipped SNL again this week. But why was Mike Sanders mentioned? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted January 12, 2003 <--- Knows show has been in shitter and will not crawl out. The only audience that show has left is in their 40's, and they dont get alot of the jokes anymore. As for arvil or whatever he name is, lets remember the great lyrics of reel big fish. "The record companys gonna give me lots of money and everythings gonna be alright." God the show just SOUNDS awful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Electrifyer Report post Posted January 12, 2003 Joe Millionaire skits were good, Weekend Update had some funny parts and Brian Fellows made me chuckle... other than that this week sucked. And was Jimmy really nomiated for a Grammy? If so, I hope he leaves SNL for an unsuccessful singing career. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted January 12, 2003 THE FUCKING SONG IS CALLED SK8ER BOI! DEAR GOD WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted January 12, 2003 Uhhh, what about diseases in Nassau? And what the hell is wrong with Long Island? The Islanders for one. Bob, why must you overrate every SNL of all time...they haven't put on an honest to God watchable show in years. Now come on YNA- even you had to like the Hugh Jackman show last year. I admitted the episode was pretty bad but my love for Avril Lavigne made me enjoy the show more. The Joe Millionair skits are pretty good...Joe-Not-A-Rapist was the best. We agree on that Weekend let your love of Fey give these much higher then they deserve. I thought the jokes were really funny this week like they've been all year. I would've given it a higher rating but Jimmy just dragged it down like he usually is. We want Seth! The Fishtank thing was just rancid...I don't know how they can write some of that stuff up and think it's fit for a comedy show...if they ever have skits this bad they should just give over another song to the band playing, I'd have much rather seen the pouty Canadian chick then this. I agree. Same goes with the Terry Funk skit...I can put better stuff on tv then this. I agree- it sucked ass. I also hate how they suck up to a guest and try to make him so much cooler then he least Garth Brooks poked fun at himself EVERY TIME. Well blame that on Satan the race car driver. Garth Brooks was a terrific host and his second appearance blew me away. To be fair- the writers didn't have much to work with. Brian Fellos...normally the best bit on the show...everyone stumbled over thier lines, came off really bad. I despise Brian Fellows with a passion. It was funny the first time but by the 19th time it is just horribly unfunny and it pisses me off to no end. I think the stumbling of the lines was because of the sheep eating part of the set. JIMMY are the unfunniest bastard alive... After last night- I don't see how I can disagree. The skit part of the show sucked- Avril brought it up. It seems like every Brian Fellowes skit has everyone stumbling over their lines. That's because a lot of times the animals seem to get out of hand which I admit is pretty funny. And Jimmy got a Grammy nom for "Idiot Boyfriend", eh? Well, I was singing along to "Jungle Love" in the Mattmobile a few weeks ago, so when can I expect recognition? Go on SNL and ruin skits- it worked for Jimmy. I'm glad I skipped SNL again this week. But why was Mike Sanders mentioned? Mike Sanders on the show was Jimmy Fallon's best friend- he did not have a pony with him. <--- Knows show has been in shitter and will not crawl out. The only audience that show has left is in their 40's, and they dont get alot of the jokes anymore. Eh- I don't even think they're in the shitter yet. I've enjoyed this season for the most part and SNL always crawls out of the shitter. Besides- they got guaranteed 5 more years on the air. God the show just SOUNDS awful. Yea- the avg. skit rating would've been pretty bad without Avril. oe Millionaire skits were good, Weekend Update had some funny parts and Brian Fellows made me chuckle Brian Fellows only made me chuckle with the O'Reilly reference. And congrats on being able to spell Fellows. And was Jimmy really nomiated for a Grammy? If so, I hope he leaves SNL for an unsuccessful singing career. Yes he was- he faces off against Carlin, Franken, Robin Williams and Dennis Miller. THE FUCKING SONG IS CALLED SK8ER BOI! DEAR GOD WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO?! I feel your pain- I think it's retarded as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted January 12, 2003 Since Norm left the show is just dieing(sp) a slow death. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted January 12, 2003 Since Norm left the show is just dieing(sp) a slow death. Hey- I will agree with you that Norm leaving the show left a huge hole. He is all my time favourite castmember and the year after he left was the worst season of SNL since I became a fan. I don't think the show has been dying a painful death at all. In 2000 with the election and Tina Fey's writing they had a resurgence in terms of public recognition and last year they won an Emmy for writing. This year they haven't been off to that great of a start and I will admit that most of the years have been very mediocre. Part of that could be blamed on the loss of Will Ferrell and they've really had some tough hosts to write for- DeNiro, Gore, Gordon to name a few. One bad show does not a bad season make and I think SNL is still doing just fine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest fairtoflair7 Report post Posted January 12, 2003 Don't go knockin the Islanders. They have 1 loss in like their last 10 games and are on a roll. 3 Hat tricks in the last 4 games. We'll see who goes farther in the playoffs betwwen the Leafs and Isles. I hope they meet again. Since SNL is realyl starting to blow besides the musical performances, Bob, why don't you review every one in a while the episodes on Comedy Central? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted January 12, 2003 Me too- Maybe we can put Yashin on a stretcher this time. I live in Canada so I don't get Comedy Central sorry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins Report post Posted January 12, 2003 I admitted the episode was pretty bad but my love for Avril Lavigne made me enjoy the show more. :: cough cough "loser" cough cough :: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted January 12, 2003 Now now- just cause you're from Long Island is no reason for name calling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted January 12, 2003 Im a big Fan of Jeff Gordon..I was kinda hoping that they would have worked some kind of skit in about his divorce (I guess maybe they did but he nixed it or something..) ..anyway..I'll admit that Jeff Gordon shouldn't quit driving to pursue a career in acting.. The funniest skit was definitely the Star Date.. The Joe Millionaire parodies got less and less funny.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted January 12, 2003 It was good to see Jeff Richards get some impressions which are his obvious strengths rather than putrid shit like Drunk Girl Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RevEvil Report post Posted January 14, 2003 They should just have a one-hour show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vern Gagne Report post Posted January 14, 2003 Since Norm left the show is just dieing(sp) a slow death. Hey- I will agree with you that Norm leaving the show left a huge hole. He is all my time favourite castmember and the year after he left was the worst season of SNL since I became a fan. I don't think the show has been dying a painful death at all. In 2000 with the election and Tina Fey's writing they had a resurgence in terms of public recognition and last year they won an Emmy for writing. This year they haven't been off to that great of a start and I will admit that most of the years have been very mediocre. Part of that could be blamed on the loss of Will Ferrell and they've really had some tough hosts to write for- DeNiro, Gore, Gordon to name a few. One bad show does not a bad season make and I think SNL is still doing just fine McDonold ownz the Weekend Update, Larry King, Burt Reynolds, and Letterman but the best cast member of all time? Phil Hartman, and Dana Carvey are superior. That's not taking anything away from McDonold. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DerangedHermit Report post Posted January 14, 2003 Now now- just cause you're from Long Island is no reason for name calling. Hey! I'm from Long Island too, you transplanted American! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted January 15, 2003 I think it's fine of me to not like Avril because she's a phony. I don't like phonies. Especially ones that constantly try to insult my intelligence like her. Atleast some phonies won't lie about being phony. oh........and I can't stand her music either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites