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Guest Downhome

The one and only 1/13/03 WWE RAW thread...

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Guest Downhome

There is no RAW preview up as I type this, so I wanted to ask you guys something. Is this RAW the actual ten year anniversary of the show? We know the special is the next night, that's obvious. Do you feel they might try to actually make this RAW a special show, with a few suprises or the sort, or will they wait to do that the next night? I really hope they decide to get this year off on a great foot, with something "special" going on on this RAW. You guys know me, I USUALLY try to hold on to hope, and look on the bright side of most things, so eh, here's to what I pray is a great RAW.


I have this so early, because I was just going to make a post asking this, and thought it would be stupid to have two RAW threads, and decided to just name this one the way I did it. Where is RAW going to be btw, does anyone know this? Did they annouce anything for this RAW last week?




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Guest AndrewTS

Vince thinks him being on the show is special enough.


I think it'll be "special" in another way.


Oh, and ChrisMWaters likely would have loved to beat you to it, but his internet provider is going to be down for a week, and he's going to have his computer mailed out for upgrading and such, so he'll be gone for a month.


So in the meantime, I may have to take over for him with the overboard Molly love! :P


Raw better have Molly on it!!


Then again, probably won't considering they may want to continue the Raw is Queer vibe from last week on this one.


Maybe Goldust will want him and Booker to get married...dressed as Stormtroopers.

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Guest packwingfn

Its at the Mohegan Sun Arena...If we see any suprises (austins return, bret hart etc) and if this is really the 500th episode or whatever, It could be this one, I wouldnt count it out. Specially with Vinces return, It might be big or just a big flunder

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Guest Downhome

I didn't know that about Chris, thanks for letting us know! I forgot about Vince being on RAW btw, guess that shows how much it meant to me when they annouced it.

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Guest AndrewTS

Heh--I don't look forward to Vince either, but there's no way he could be more of a spotlight hog than HHH was.


However, I keep hoping someday that Vince grows his grapefruits back and "Montreals" HHH.

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Guest The Superstar

Hey, I mark out for Vince everytime...I dunno if it's his power walk, or just the authority he shows. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Funnily enough, I haven't missed Vince at all.


If we see any suprises (austins return, bret hart etc) and if this is really the 500th episode or whatever, It could be this one, I wouldnt count it out. Specially with Vinces return, It might be big or just a big flunder


This kind of reminds me of the "GREATEST RAW EVER" from October 2001.

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Guest Matt Young

Since nobody mentioned it yet, they did confirm one match: William Regal vs. Jerry Lawler.

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Guest Downhome
Since nobody mentioned it yet, they did confirm one match: William Regal vs. Jerry Lawler.

Ah yes, I forgot about that, thanks.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I don't understand how anyone could POSSIBLY forget that upcoming battle of the Titans. :rolleyes:

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Guest HartFan86

You know they are just gunna use this show to say "OMG RUMBLE ON SUNDAY, RAW X ON TUESDAY OMG"

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Guest AndrewTS
Since nobody mentioned it yet, they did confirm one match: William Regal vs. Jerry Lawler.

Predictions: Lance comes out and distracts Lawler with a Divas mag and Regal schoolboys him for the pin.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Why do I get the feeling that Lawler is gonna be in the Rumble..??

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Guest wwF1587

I cant wait to see how they can make HHH/Steiner even gayer than it already is.....

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Guest Mole

If it is going to be special, I'll be there for it.


Last year I got to see Triple-Juice come back and ruin Raw. Maybe this year I'll get to see Austin/Hart come back and save Raw.


Same with Vince. His presence always makes Raw special. Plus, he has been gone for a while so it will be nice.

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Guest Downhome
I cant wait to see how they can make HHH/Steiner even gayer than it already is.....

[sarcasm]Thought out posts like this one make the world worth living.[/sarcasm]

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Guest Mole

Cable TV Preview for Raw:


"How will Triple H next try to intimidate Scott Steiner?"


Telling him he is really gay.

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Guest AndrewTS
I cant wait to see how they can make HHH/Steiner even gayer than it already is.....

[sarcasm]Thought out posts like this one make the world worth living.[/sarcasm]

I'm worried it's cursed us to actually get something just like that.


Downhome, YOU predicted the posedown, remember? :P

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Guest AndrewTS
Cable TV Preview for Raw:


"How will Triple H next try to intimidate Scott Steiner?"


Telling him he is really gay.

If such remarks came from an admitted bisexual who was banging Chyna at her manliest, I would find that a little odd.

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Guest Downhome
I cant wait to see how they can make HHH/Steiner even gayer than it already is.....

[sarcasm]Thought out posts like this one make the world worth living.[/sarcasm]

I'm worried it's cursed us to actually get something just like that.


Downhome, YOU predicted the posedown, remember? :P

I do indeed remember that. I'm beginning to think that I think too much like WWE at times, ugh.

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Guest Downhome

By the way, Steiner WILL get the upper hand on RAW, do not think he will not.


I predict that on RAW, we will see two guys wrestle on behalf of both Steiner and HHH, with Steiner and HHH in the respective corner. HHH's guy (more than likely Batista) will be on the brink to loosing to Steiner's guy (no idea who to put here), and HHH will try to interfere, but Steiner will stop him, leading to Steiner's guy to win the match, which will really piss of HHH, and Steiner and his guy will be in the ring really happy while HHH and his guy are pissed.


Ugh, just ugh.

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Guest Will Scarlet

I wonder what will come of Vince being there. I am assuming that it will be the main event interview. I wonder what non-event will happen during it.

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Guest Downhome
I wonder what will come of Vince being there. I am assuming that it will be the main event interview. I wonder what non-event will happen during it.

I am actually thinking that Vince will come back and be in "face" form, as the heel is Bishoff. He will say that about a year ago, a lot of trouble went down. He snapped and released a poison into his precious WWE and it led to truly hurting the company, even if it didn't die. It led to the biggest star in WWE for the past decade to leave the company, and it's time to make it right by him. He will say that this star promised a year ago that he would be in the 2003 Royal Rumble, and it's going to happen...


...then, Stone Cold Steve Austin will come out, making his return. Maybe a Stunner on Vince, or maybe one on Eric Bishoff after he comes out really pissed off, and everyone goes home happy.


Besides, we almost HAVE to have Austin come back, as he is just about a LOCK to win the Wrestler of The Decade award the next night. Doing this would not only get some more excited for the show the next night, but also for the Royal Rumble itself.

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Guest AndrewTS

Austin's return should happen on Raw. The Retros have mostly been about him. We've heard about negotiations. Austin drew, when HHH couldn't and won't. Austin made Vince millions and brought him hefty ratings.


He'd drop HHH like a bad habit in favor of Stone Cold. He'd beg and plead for Austin to come back. As he should.

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Guest AndrewTS

RAW comes to you live Monday night (9/8 CT on the new TNN).


As RAW went off the air last week, Eric Bischoff received some news that visibly shook him. The news was that Vince McMahon would be at RAW this week. Why is Eric so upset? What does Vince McMahon have in store for this Monday's show? Will we see more of Vince after this coming Monday? Find out the answer to these questions and much more this Monday on RAW!


Credit: WWE.com.


That's it...and the only match we know of it that Lawler/Regal match.



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Guest geniusMoment

I am not really in the mood to watch any wrestling tonight after listening to Bret on Observer Live tonight. Talk about depressing, just by his voice he seems like a beaten man. He did say Vince gave him permission to use all wwf and wcw photos. In Florida Vince and Bret talked about releasing a Bret dvd not anything else. Vince asked him to come back but Bret says he won't come back to be in an angle. He would only come back for one night and give a farewell speech, but he doesn't think the fans today would not want a long farewell from Bret. He said he sometimes wishes he could have a sendoff and that he just wants to be remembered.

Also he said that he has trouble walking still and cannot yet even get a think of milk off the top shelf because of lingering problems.

After hearing all of that the good news is I feel Bret will one day make one final farewell speech on Raw, it will not be part of an angle.

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Guest jester
I cant wait to see how they can make HHH/Steiner even gayer than it already is.....

I think they will have a special sodomy match. The first wrestler to sodomize the other wins.


This will lead to the blow off match (huh huh huh, he said "blow") at Wrestlemania, a special "Iron Man Sodomy" match. The winner is the one who sodomizes the other the most in a one hour match. But because neither man will want to job for the other, there will have to be "Suddenly Sodomy Overtime."


Okay, that was bad. I apologize.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Vince will come back to save Raw from being totally owned by Smackdown every week, duh.


Vince: Eric, I gotta say, when I selected you for the GM job, I was really optimistic. You've produced a great product before and all, so I really don't know what to tell you...


Eric: I'm fired?


Vince: No, you need to take what Smackdown does and make it better!


Eric: Like you and ECW?


Vince: Er, yeah. Sure. Anyways, I've arranged for you to meet with a Dr. Griffin on the morning after the Tenth Anniversary Show.


Eric: But Mr. McMahon...


Vince: Call me Vince.


Eric: Well, Vince, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm in perfect health.


Vince: You know Eric, they always say that it's the guy in charge who gets the accolades and the scorn. Raw has been subpar since I let you take control, so I hold you, the person in charge, responsible.


Eric: But Stephanie has nothing to do with the success of Smackdown! Great wrestling...


Vince: But Stephanie is in charge, so she must be the cause of it all. Now, this Dr. Griffin is a cosmetic surgeon...


(Vince hands Eric some papers, Eric looks at them and his eyes bug out)


Eric: IMPLANTS????


Vince: Not just any implants, larger ones than Stephanie got. Like I said, copy the competition and do them one better!


(Eric cries)

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