Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted January 13, 2003 So I was on my lunch break and I went to a local area (Dayton OH) video store. All of their general release title videos were for sale at 3.99 each. Now they have a fairly good wrestling selection so I went and bought nine videos. When the current product is bland, one jumps into the past. Here's what I got: 1987 Survivor Series Wham, Bam, Bodyslam The Big Event Wrestlefest 1990 1995 Fall Brawl History of the Intercontinental Title Wrestlefest 1994 Brawl in the Family 1998 Summerslam There were quite a few more so I'll probably go in later this week, hopefully most will still be there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted January 14, 2003 DUDE! 4 F'N BUCKS!!! Scoop them all up! You'll regret it if you miss out on one that ends up having something great on it and know you could've had it for 4 bucks. I buy up anything/everything I can get my hands on. Some of my most rare finds have been at places like Half Price Books, Record Exchange, Movie Warehouse, ect. Unless, the price in insanely high, no video is safe. Ah, just my advice, take it or leave it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted January 14, 2003 Well I went back tonight and bought: WWF Maximum Impact (Canadian Stampede)- already had dubbed this but hey, two copies is good to have WCW Halloween Havoc 1994 WWF's Even More Unusual Matches WWF Winter Combat WWF SummerSlam 1995 The Hart Foundation They've got a few Best of the WWF titles, I remmember 8, 9, 3, 11, 12, 20 The History of Wrestlemania video King of the Ring 1997 Royal Rumble 1996 Spring Explosion 1996 (IYH 6) Bloopers, Bleeps and Bodyslams Spring Stampede and Slamboree 1997 Uncensored 1999 Are any of these worth getting (note, I already have a copy of Michaels vs Austin from KOTR and Michaels vs Hart from IYH 6) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Grenouille Report post Posted January 14, 2003 At $4, you could buy up all the tapes still there and sell them on e-bay, probably getting 2-4 times what you paid, especially with the Best of the WWF and IYH tapes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest snuffbox Report post Posted January 14, 2003 Damn. 4 $ for Canadian Stampede?! Lucky bastard! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted January 14, 2003 AT that price pick up ANY AND EVERY pre 1998 IYH shows...those are tough to find Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted January 14, 2003 Here's what I got: 1987 Survivor Series Wham, Bam, Bodyslam The Big Event Wrestlefest 1990 1995 Fall Brawl History of the Intercontinental Title Wrestlefest 1994 Brawl in the Family 1998 Summerslam You've got a couple gems in there. 95 Fall Brawl has an awesome opener and Flair/Anderson. 94 Wrestlefest is the fabled tape with Bret/Owen vs. The Steiners in a ****1/2 match. If you don't know anything about this match, go watch it now. It's fuckin' great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted January 14, 2003 Great deals there, congrats. (Yep, that's all I have to say you lucky bastard.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted January 14, 2003 So the general feeling here is I should scoop up the tapes at 4 dollars a pop on general principle (even......*shudders*...Starrcade 94?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted January 14, 2003 I'm mainly trying to figure out if Spring Stampede 97 and Slamboree 97 are any good. I've heard the Malenko/Benoit match is below standards, but still are these two events worth getting at 4 dollars a piece? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted January 14, 2003 Went bak there, bought 9 more tapes: SummerSlam 1990 SummerSlam 1991 SummerSlam 1996 Survivor Series 1989 Best of the WWF Volume 8,9,20 Spring Stampede 1997 WWF Spring Explosion 1996 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Bruiser Chong Report post Posted January 14, 2003 Even though I have just about all of those WWF tapes I must say that nothing beats finding older wrestling tapes for sale in a video store. Something about it for me that just makes it seem so great. If I find one, I'll usually buy it, even if I already have it if it's at a good price. You're pretty lucky to get some of those titles like the Best Ofs, Hart Foundation, IC title, and some of the older shows. Those can go for at least $20 each over at eBay, so consider yourself lucky. I acquired half of my collection from video stores, rather it be finding them on sale, or bothering the clerks about selling the ones on the shelf for rental until they finally sold them. The other half came from eBay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted January 14, 2003 Other than seeing a naked hottie on the street, nothing makes my eyes light up more than unexpectedly finding wrestling videos. I'll buy ANYTHING (good, bad, or ugly). A couple weeks ago, I was at Giant Eagle with my buddy and he had to return a tape he rented, so we went in the store's Iggle Video shop, and I found Superbrawl 2000 for $5 in a teeny-tiny 'For Sale' bin. Wahoo! I know Superbrawl 2000 is no great prize for most, but hey, for $5, it's worth it. Plus, I'm a bit of a Sid mark, so there. Oh BTW, Bloopers, Bleeps, and Bodyslams is a fun one to pick up. Perfect/Flair, Repo Cam, Battle Royal, plus JR, Savage, and Heenan do the commentary for the matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest wwF1587 Report post Posted January 15, 2003 i hate you right now ok i dont but damn man... you are lucky... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted January 15, 2003 I realize now I have like nine SummerSlam's, 8 of them original video/DVD one taped off PPV, I have 90,91,94,95,96,97,98,99,02 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted January 17, 2003 Other than seeing a naked hottie on the street, nothing makes my eyes light up more than unexpectedly finding wrestling videos. I'll buy ANYTHING (good, bad, or ugly). I feel the exact same way. I love to add tapes to my collection and to find them for cheap is a major plus. I haven't found any recently but my latest "steal" was The Best Of The WWF Vol. 20 for $4.99 and WCW Mayhem for $5.00 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted January 17, 2003 Dreamer, seeing that photo reminded me, they also have a copy of the 1997 Slammys. Should I get it just for Owen saying "Bulldog you may have two titles, but you don't have two Slammys" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted January 17, 2003 Chalk my SummerSlam count up to 10, I forgot I have 00 dubbed on tape, all I need is 88,89,92,93 and 01 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted January 18, 2003 Slammies 1997 is a fun show. And yes, Owen Hart stealing The Best Bow Tie Award is worth $4. Another line he said at the top of his lungs, "I'd like to thank nobody but MYSELF! I did it! Wooooooo!!!!" It went something like that. Plus, The Miss Slammy Bikini Contest was pretty revolutionary for the time. That probably marked the transition from valet to diva. Say what you want about Sable, but Golly Gee, huminuhuminuhuminah! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted January 18, 2003 Dreamer, seeing that photo reminded me, they also have a copy of the 1997 Slammys. Should I get it just for Owen saying "Bulldog you may have two titles, but you don't have two Slammys" I would get it. I think the show is pretty damn funny. I managed to pick that one up for $1.99 at a local video store once. One of my best finds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted January 18, 2003 Well I picked up Slammies 97, it seems like I'm the only one buying from them, cause everytime I go back, what's left is what I didn't buy yet, oh well hope it stays this way cause I'm low on funds right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Basswitch Report post Posted January 18, 2003 I find all my wrestling stuff at Flea Markets (although I almost never go). One time i had like 40 bucks to buy something for my sister's birthday present. I was gonna buy her something and then I was walking around and I saw this old dude sitting there with some wrestling stuff. I asked him if he had any vids and he got up.. walked to his little trailer thingy, and pointed towards about 5 crates full of um. I got Summerslam 96 ECW Heatwave 98 ECW November to Remeber 98 ( i think) CZW they said it couldnt be done Several All Japan tapes Best of BATTLarts tape and some other WWF, and WCW stuff. It only cost me like 30 bucks too.... I wish i knew who that old guy was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Bruiser Chong Report post Posted January 18, 2003 Since I was in Lansing this afternoon on unrelated business, I decided to check out the local video store they had there just to see if they had any wrestling videos for sale. In addition to having about 200 videos for sale, they had several wrestling titles mixed in there, which as I've said, is something I love. I find great joy in going through rows of crappy tapes and seeing a wrestling video wedged in there. Anyway, they had GAB 95, Goldberg, Bloopers, Bleeps, and Bodyslams (94 version), and Bashed in the USA. There was one drawback. Every video's box had a slit down the side so it could be put in a plastic clamshell box, even though none of them actually came in the clamshell box. It's because of that and the fact that I already had them that I passed on them, BUT, I did pick up one that caught my eye just as I thought I had gone through everything...Starrcade '92. For four bucks, I couldn't resist, since I didn't have it and the fact that it's so f'n rare. I may watch it and then sell it on eBay. Anyway, since this thread has already got that sort of vibe to it, why not make this the thread where you post about wrestling videos or even DVDs that you have recently purchased. I'm always up for hearing about how someone found a shitload of CV's for $4 a pop in a video store, even though there are times where I wanna mess them up for scoring such a great deal. Anyway, just a thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted January 18, 2003 One time, one of the local video stores was having a clearance sale of some sorts, and had rented space in an empty store behind it in the plaza/mall thing it was in. My brother told me about it, so I decided to go with him to see if they had any wrestling videos. Well, they did, they had a whole bunch of 'em. All for $4. A lot of mid-90's WCW stuff, as well as some older WWF stuff, as well. Unfortunately, I was completely broke, I probably had less than $10 to my name at that point, so I only bought one. Bash at the Beach '96, mostly for the Hogan turn/nWo stuff. One tape that they had there that I regret not buying the most, though, was The Big Event, if only because it was in my hometown at the time and it took place on my 3rd birthday (or, at least I think it did, I've heard differing dates on this matter, but the Hogan DVD said it took place on August 28, 1986, so that's what I'm going by). At least now, though, the main event from that show is available on DVD, even if it does cost more than $4. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted January 19, 2003 I agree that this thread should get pinned or something and be just for everyone to post their recent finds. I also went to another local chain store yesterday and gave the girl behind my counter my name and number, telling them I'd be interested in buying any wrestling videos they'd want to sell (This place has a lot of old Colliseum videos, Big 5 PPV, the more recent WCW PPV's and seems to be the only place that stocks recent WWF PPV's from like 2000-present) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted January 20, 2003 I'll never forget when I turned 16, I got a job at a dollar theater. Since it was my first real job, my parents made a big hooplah about saving my money, being frugal, ect. I agreed. However, a few weeks after starting, a Movie Mart Video was selling off a TON of wrestling videos. Some were on a table, others were in a box under the table. They ranged from $3-6 depending on what color sticker it had on it. Anyways, I had about $5 in my wallet so I picked up Best of WWF Volume 1 since it seemed like the rarest one they had. So I ran home and searched for the envelope of cash from my last paycheck. I didn't know where it was since my mom cashed it. Well, she caught me looking for it, and I couldn't help but tell her that I needed around $100 to buy 'rasslin tapes. After some typical insults a wrestling-hating mom would tell, she gave me my money. So I raced to the store and scooped up the 30+ videos they had. The old woman at the counter actually gave me a basket to carry them in and since I purchased so many, I could use more than 30 days to return them because of defects. As it turns out, the rarest video I ended up getting was probably The Women of the WWF from 1988. I get home and ol mommio gasps at all the videos I "wasted" my money on. "Wait till your father sees this!!!" she threatens. Much to my surprise, my dad rummages through the tapes, pats me on the back, and says how these videos are going to be worth something some day. I still laugh when I think of this. 4 years later, I'm making good money considering I go to school. Staying at home doesn't hurt the financial status either. Anyways, I buy a load of tapes via ebay and still get the brown beating from time to time from my mom and my dad never seems to mind my video-collecting hobby. Some things never change. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Karnage Report post Posted January 20, 2003 Like a year ago, I saw Good Friends, Better Enemies IYH at a video store for 4.99. I really regret that I bought WWF Superstars: The Music Videos and Wrestlemania VI instead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted January 20, 2003 I picked up Halloween Havoc '97 for something like $3, without even knowing that it had that great Mysterio/Guerrero match on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted January 20, 2003 Like a year ago, I saw Good Friends, Better Enemies IYH at a video store for 4.99. I really regret that I bought WWF Superstars: The Music Videos and Wrestlemania VI instead. Ouch! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Annoyed Grunt Report post Posted January 21, 2003 Last year I bought Wrestlemania XII, Summerslam 95, Survivor Series 96, Souled Out 99 and World War III 98 for $2.50 each Share this post Link to post Share on other sites