Guest O.J. Hart Report post Posted March 10, 2002 Well, today is 6 weeks since a house show I went to at the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, and I want to tell you how good of a time I had at it. On the old boards, where I was an absolutely terrible booker called Rhyno2003, i told you all I was going. I will tell you now about the awesome night of wrestling I spent with my dad and bestfriend Eugene. It all started around 4:30 the afternoon of the show. My best friend, Eugene, came over ready for an awesome show. He was sporting a Triple H new logo t-shirt, and I was wearing my new Hurricane "waassupwitdat?!?!" t-shirt. We played legends of wrestling till about 5 after 5, and we dropped of my puppy at my grandma's house and headed for the show. In the trunk, I had several signs for the show. They included a "What About Raven" sign(I know that's dumb, but me and Eugene are Raven marks and the sign came in handy), a "Hurricane's other Sidekick) sign with an arrow pointing at me, a "Taker fears Maven" sign, "Albert:the HipHop Homo", "I wanna marry Jazz", and ofcourse "What?". This was the first event I've been to since January 1999 house show in Pittsburgh, Eugene's last show was a Raw taping in March 1999 in Pittsburgh, so you knew we were excited to be going. We arrived at the arena around 6:23, with "My Sacrifice" blasting over my dad's CD player in our car. We saw a crowd of people waiting to get in and it looked like this was going to be a sellout, but I've seen the attendance was 7,012. Standing in line, Eugene and I really looked like "smart fans" by talking about Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Ron Watterman, and Russ McCollough, and people gave us odd looks. A cop drove by the line on a motor cycle, and I immediately said "IT'S THE HURRICYCLE!!!!!!!!!" and that drew a good bit of laughs. The doors opened at 7:00, and security did searches through bags, pockets , and jackets of poeple to check fo bombs, guns, cideo cameras, and laser pens. We got in, and Eugene and I immediately ran to get WWF magazines disguised as programs to see the show's official card(the card was never posted on, so we didn't know any matches, but we knew we had the "A" show). We saw the card and were amazed by how good it looked. WWF Saturday,January 26,2001 Mellon Arena Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania For the Undisputed Championship Chris Jericho© -VS- Triple H Challenge Match Stone Cold Steve Austin -VS- Booker T Rikishi -VS- Kurt Angle For the Intercotinental Championship William Regal© -VS- Edge Scotty 2 Hotty & Albert -VS- Billy & Chuck For the Women's Championship Trish Stratus© -VS- Jazz special referee:JACQUELINE For the Cruiserweight Championship Tajiri -VS- Billy Kidman Diamond Dallas Page -VS- Lance Storm Brock Lesnar -VS- Raven When I saw Raven's name on the card, Eugene and I went crazy, we're freakin Raven marks. Sfter heading to out section D seats that weren't bad at all, we sat around for 35 minutes eating ice cream and drinking water while listening to hard rock music you'll probably never hear again. Around 8:02, the lights went down, the Fink came out to a decent pop, went over the usual rules, and introduced some charity lady and WWF SUPERSTARS SCOTTY 2 HOTTY AND....albert. I immedialtely got out my "Albert the HipHop Homo" sign, but saw they were wearing Steelers jerseys and I put down the sign because Albert said he used to play college football here and it was great to be back. The lady talked about some charity oldies concert and good heat from about everyone. They then had the National Anthem, Scotty, Albert, and the lady went backstage, cheap pyro went off, and the Fink came back. At the "entrance" they had a curtain that was staright from backstage as usual, but they had these metal bar thingies and strobe lights that were going right in my eyes. The Fink then announced this opening contest is schedueled for one fall..AND IS FOR THE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. Billy Kidman came out to some "what the hell are you doing here?" heat. Tajiri then came out to a pretty good pop. The match started with Kidman on the outside arguing with with fans, then a posedown. After about 7 minutes, Kidman tried the frogsplash, but missed. Tajiri gave him the tarantula on the side of the ring where I was sitting, and gave him the head kick for the win. My dad found the way Tajiri crouch-walked very funny and laughed very hard when he did it. And no Torrie Wilson, DAMN!!!!!! Raven's music hit the arena, and he got what sounded like an awesome pop, I don't know if he did but that's how my section sounded. I stood up in the aisle almost the entire match holding my Raven sign. Me and Eugene then gave Lesnar a pop too because we want him to feel special.During the match, I took atleast 20 pictures of Raven, I'm not gay if that's what you all think. Anyways, Raven looked cool in his kilt and bleached dreadlocks. Raven lost in about 5 minutes with a running powerslam from Brock.(Also, Nick Patrick refereed this match.) Jackie then made her way down to no reaction as she was to ref the next match. The Fink said the next match was for the Women's Championship. Jazz came dwon to heat from everyone except for me. I was going nuts photographing her every move. I was like a little girl seeing N*Sync for the first time in person when I saw Jazz come out. I was the only person in the building that booed Trish Stratus. The entire match, I yelled sexual comments at Jazz, and everyone laughed because they tought I was being sarcastic. The ending of the match was same as usual, Jazz gets a 2-count on Trish, Jazz pushes Jackie, Trish does Stratusfaction,Jackie gives quick count. Jazz punched Jackie after Trish went back stage, and Jackie gave Jazz a DDT which was obviously a blown spot. As Jazz went backstage, I made more sexual comments. Next match was William Regal and Edge for the I.C. belt. Edge came out first, and new I.C. champ William regal came out second. About 12 minutes in, Regal pretended to be hurt rolling on the floor getting the brass knucks out of his trunks and a gut screamed "HE'S JACKING OFF!!!!!" he really looked like he was too. Edge tried attacking Regal, but he was stopped by the ref. Edge then went after Regal for a spear, and Regal used his "Power of the Puch" and got the win. Nick Patrick then came out to referee what I say was the best match fo the night. It was for the Undisputed Championship. Y2J came out first to a decent reaction(no one really got major heat from the crowd.) and pranced around for a minute. Then an awesome that's called "The Game" hit the arena and the place went estatic. I got an awesome picture of Triple H spitting the water, too. Triple H then attacked Jericho from behind and took him out of the ring and down the aisle. He banged Jericho's head off the metal cage thingies by the entrance and hit him with a chair. About 15 minutes in, Triple H went for the pedigree, but Y2J reversed it into the walls of Jericho. Triple H grabbed the ropes to break the hold. Triple H hit the pedigree, but Patrick acted like he had someting in his eye. I believe Triple H was on top of Jericho for what I counted as about what should have been 3 falls. Jericho then went to grab a chair, swung it at Triple H, Triple H grabbed it off of him, hit him, and was DQ'ed. What an aweome match, what a sucky ending. Hunter pedigreed Patrick and Jericho, refs ran down and put a terrible towl(a Pittsburgh Steeler's icon) over Patrick's head to a kickass pop.Triple H did a few more pedigrees, and he talked about how the Steelers would kill the Patriots the next day, and Jericho said the Steelers, and Pittsburgh sucked and the Patriots would kick Pittsburgh's ass the next day. Hunter pedigreed Jericho on a chair and ofcourse you all know what's next.............15 minute Intermission. We went to see the souveneir stand which was packed, so we got ice cream and water. My dad talked to a ticket lady at our section, and she let us move up a little into an area where no one was behind us so we could stand up, and hold signs high in the air all we wanted, and we could lean on railing in front of us. As my dad was at the bathroom, the lights went back down, the Fink came out, and Lance Storm's music hit. He talked about how the Patriots ruled, so i yelled many swear words at him because my dad wasnt around. DDP then came out and said he would kick his ass so all the Steeler's fans of the world wouldn't have to. This was a very gay match. DDP won witha diamond cutter. The next match was Albert and Scotty 2 Hotty against Billy & Chuck. I saw both teams enter, then me and Eugene went to the souveneir stand on the ground level because they had the best variey. Me and Eugene bought Rikishi sun glasses so we could dance like Rikishi when he came down the aisle. We heard a good pop when we were about back at out section, so we ran to the section closest and whatched Scotty do the worm to Chucj. But, I then heard the bell ring as we got to our section, and the ambiguously gay duo's music hit. This match was atleast 15 minutes long. Scotty and Albert danced at the end even though they lost. We knew what match was next, so we got our Rikisi sunglasses ready and we heard Bad Man start to play.....WHAT THE HELL? Oh, well Bad Man rocks. Rikishi took about 1 minute before he came through the curtain. He basically walked down normal and just sood in the ring, he didn't even dance!!!!!!!! His music stopped, and people went crazy, because they knew who was next. Kurt Angle's music hit, and only I and Eugene booed him and did his YOU SUCK chant. About 7 minutes in, Rikishi went for the stink face, Angle gave him a low-blow, and did an AWESOME Angle Slam. He must have held Rikishi in the air for 3 seocnds. Anyways, Angle won ofcourse. The Fink thanked everyone for coming and announced that the WWF would be coming to nearby Wheeling West Virginia on March 25th(that got eh worst heat of the night, and a WHEELING SUCKS chant was started). Finkel said once again, thank you for coming, you're the best fans in wrestling. "This final contest of the evening is schedueled for one fall and is a Special Challenge Match"(the corwd goes nuts and Booker T comes out.). He has his pyro in the ring, and one was a dud, god it smelled like Cartman's ass. Austin then came out, and even my non-wrestling fan dad was going nuts. He began to tell us a story int eh ring, and Booker attacked. Me, Eugen, and my Dad headed down towards a section near out exit to watch this match. We were probably only about 8 rows from the floor at where we stood. Austin got attacked by the Bossman when Earl Hebner got knocked out and he had the worst wrestler heat of the show. Booker then did the spin-a-rooni and Austin got up and got the book-end. He kickedout at 2. Booke gave Austin a stunner, and he still kicked out. Austin then got up and hit a tunner, and we began to run for the car because we knew it was absolutely over. We heard the crowd go nuts and Austin's music hit. END OF SHOW This was the best wrestling show I've ever been to. even better than Summerslam 95, and King of the Ring 98. I wish the Hurricane was there though. Best Pops 1.Austin 2.Triple H 3.Edge 4.Angle 5.Raven(they really loved him) Medium Pops 1.Albert,Scotty 2.Trish 3.Tajiri 4.DDP 5.Rikishi Dead Silence 1. Brock Lesnar 2.Jackie Most Heat 1.Announcement that WWF was coming to Wheeling 2.Y2J 3.Booker T 4.Regal 5.Jazz 6.kidman 7.Lance Storm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites