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Anyone have SK's Raw Rant?

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The SmarK RAW Rant - January 13, 2003


- It's FULL COURT PRESS time on the book hype, as it's coming out next week and I'll have an advance copy in my hands by

this time tomorrow. If you want a review copy for yourself or anyone

else you know, drop a mailing address to [email protected] and he'll get you one right away. Anyone who has a column on the 'net

or even wants to post a message to a board is welcome, the more the

merrier! Hell, write a column and send it to me and I'LL post it for you. The book is released NEXT WEEK, so tell your friends!


- Oh, and here's a little tidbit I got from a reader in Stamford, from the



"Scene . . . Greenwich resident and WWE's Triple H, aka Hunter Hearst Helmsley, at Moonstruck, former site of the Coffee Tree on

Greenwich Avenue in Greenwich, during Christmas week. The Grand Slam Champion and King of the Ring and the Royal Rumble reportedly has broken up with Stephanie McMahon, Smackdown's general manager and the beautiful daughter of WWE's creator Vince McMahon."


Take that with as many grains of salt as need be.

Here's the original article:





- Live from Mohegan Sun.


- Your hosts are JR & King.


- Opening match, Women's title: Victoria v.

Jackie v. Trish. This is

hardcore rules, and Victoria gets dumped early,

but recovers to get Trish

from behind. Trish comes back with a kendo stick

and hammers away, but

Jackie uses the ALUMINUM CAN LID OF DEATH to turn

the tide.

Moonsault misses (boy, THAT move sure got exposed

on Tough Enough)

and Jackie rolls her up for two. Small package

gets two as Jackie's portions

of the match actively kill the crowd. Wow,

that's insanely negative heat.

Richards hits Trish with the lid to give Victoria

the pin at 2:28. Victoria &

Stevie do the heel beatdown on the girls

afterwards. DUD Hurricane makes

the save. I care about none of this.


- Meanwhile, the Dudleyz attack Uncle Eric &

Queef Morley, so Eric

FIRES them, but then changes his mind and

suspends them to keep them

from jumping to Smackdown. I feel my IQ dropping

just watching this



- Maven & Test v. D-Lo Brown & Chris Nowinski.

Test takes on both

heels alone, but gets clotheslined by D-Lo. Man,

D-Lo's gangbanger phase

didn't last long. And here I was ready to make

Kenny Wangler jokes and

everything. Maven & Test double-team Nowinski

for two. Maven gets his

dropkicks for two. Cheapshot turns the tide,

after a few tries at it, and

Nowinski gets a MAIN EVENT SPINEBUSTER. I guess

it's more of an

UNDERCARD SPINEBUSTER, but that's not as funny.

D-Lo gets two.

Nowinski keeps him down and they double-team with

a clothesline. D-Lo

goes to an armbar in lieu of a chinlock, but this

crowd is beyond saving at

this point. Hot tag Test and he gets sideslams

agogo, but Nowinski saves D-

Lo, only to fall victim to the newly-named "Test

Drive". It took them three

months to come up with THAT name? Test gets

dumped and D-Lo hits

Maven with the Sky High, but apparently this is

the one time in the past 20

years when the ref cares who's legal, and he

won't count. Big foot finishes

for Test at 5:43. Nowinski and Maven are

starting to become a serious drag

on the in-ring quality - they need to get off TV

until they're ready again.



- During the break, Mean Gene arrives in a limo.

He hypes the RAW X

show tomorrow and gets an insider jab at Eric for

the 10 people left who

remember Nitro. Jericho steps in and requests #1

in the Rumble, but Eric

won't let him. He has no decision yet, and

that's FINAL. Okay. Plus, he's

too busy standing around waiting for Vince.


- Meanwhile, Regal trashes Lawler's book. What a

cad. And hey, if you

want to trash MY book, it's out next week!


- William Regal v. Jerry Lawler. Regal gives us

a reading from Lawler's

book to begin. Well, thank god they took the tag

titles off Booker &

Goldust to bring us THIS. The referees check

Regal and find his brass

knux, and Storm is a victim of Big Brother as

well. Free dumb gimmick

idea for the creative team: Have Regal beat

Lawler and upgrade from a

Lord to a King, and Lance can be Sir Lancelot.


MILLIONS! Lawler hits Regal with a chain, but

the ref DQs him at 1:35,

all of which was the refs checking Regal. I like

Memphis booking, but my

tolerance for it in the 21st century only extends

so far, especially when they

can't even let the babyface get the upset win.

Here's a great post on the

OtherArena board detailing why it was so poorly

done --




- Jeff Hardy v. Raven. HOLY HAIRCUT, BATMAN.

Raven has short hair

and TIGHTS now. This is apparently for the 15th

spot in the Rumble on

Sunday. I wasn't aware we had the other 14 yet.

They exchange rollups to

start and Jeff dumps Raven, and heads back in,

but gets posted as a result.

Gotta say, Scott Levy is looking pretty badass

with the new look. Jeff

misses a moonsault and Raven gets two. He goes

for the leg and uses a

spinning toehold (what is this, a wrestling

show?), but Jeff mule kicks out of

it and makes the comeback with the usual. Note

from Jeff's website - his

stupid legdrop is called the Compactor, which I

will promptly ignore.

Raven's DDT is blocked by Jeff, who falls off the

ropes in what was either

great psychology or a ludicrously blown spot, and

the crowd starts the

boring chants. Jeff hits, in theory, the swanton

for the pin at 4:04, despite

missing by a foot. Or actually, to be more

accurate, hitting Raven's foot.

This was a total disaster thanks to the

deteriorating Jeff, despite Raven

making a nearly superhuman effort to hold it

together. DUD


- Meanwhile, Vince is here, and he greets Randy

Orton with a pat on the

(94%) shoulder, which he sells. Randy is



- Sean O' Haire video package, as he's apparently

a gigolo. And a gigolo

with REALLY good production values, too. Well,

I'm a big fan, so if it gets

him onto RAW, fine by me. And once again, the

video packages are the

best thing done by this crew, because they all

come from TV backgrounds.

They REALLY need to start doing more of these,

because that's how you

get characters over. It costs basically nothing

and you immediately get a

guy over without even having him wrestle.


- Vince joins us for an announcement. But the

Dudley Boyz interrupt before

he can get anywhere and whine about being

suspended and what an idiot

Bischoff is. Vince overturns the suspension

(thus setting a new record for

suspensions at less than a hour) and gives them a

title shot at the Rumble.

Whoopee. So they leave and Vince continues, but

Jericho interrupts now,

pleading his case for the #1 slot. Hasn't anyone

in this promotion ever

heard of the chain of command? No wonder

backstage is such a mess. So

Vince gives the winner of the "over the top rope

challenge" later tonight the

change to choose any number they want. Except #1

- which Shawn

Michaels has already taken. 1 and 2 are the same

thing anyway, so it's not

like that matters. Bischoff interrupts next, but

Vince bitches him out and

wants to continue hyping the RAW 10th anniversary

special. It's job

evaluation time for Bischoff, so he asks the

crowd. Man, last time he did

that, Buff Bagwell got a job out of it. Vince

hired Bischoff to revolutionize

RAW and spit up phlegm or something, and he

hasn't done that. Crowd

cares so much that they start with the What

stuff. So Eric now has 30 days

to turn RAW around. I always love segments where

they talk about how

much the show sucks and emasculate the talent. I

guess this is gonna be

reboot #10 or so since last year.


- Meanwhile, Bischoff pleads his case, but Vince

has a replacement waiting

- Shane O Mac. You know THAT'S coming

eventually. I'm just shocked

they didn't do it sooner.


- Booker T v. Lance Storm. Booker overpowers him

to start and blocks a

hiptoss with a clothesline. Kneedrop gets two.

Rollup gets two, but Storm

rolls through into the Sharpshooter, which Booker

escapes. Storm chops

away, but gets flapjacked and sidekicked for two.

JR notes we're looking at

our watch thinking about the bench press

challenge tonight. I'm looking at

my watch, but it's to check if it's still

WORKING. Storm whips him into

the corner for two. Crowd is comatose.

Backbreaker gets two. We hit the

chinlock, but Booker makes the comeback.

Seriously, has my watch

stopped or is this show that boring? Sidekick

misses and the ref ducks in

time, but Booker gets tripped up. The Dudleyz

hit the ring for the DQ at

5:23. What a terrible finish. 3/4* And

seriously, why are the stale Dudleyz

getting the title shot?


- The Hurricane v. Stevie Richards. So the

first match was used to set up a

Heat match between a couple of jobbers? Stevie

goes for a suplex, but

Hurricane reverses. Stevie pounds on him, but

Hurricane comes back with a

couple of clotheslines and an Edge-O-Matic for

two. Stevie misses a blind

charge and the Buff Blockbuster results for

Hurricane. Eye of the Hurricane

gets the pin at 1:27. Gotta save time that

exciting HHH-Steiner bench press

challenge. Yeah, I care. 1/4* Trish will

apparently get another crack at that

title somewhere down the road. You think they

maybe need more



- Nathan Jones promo. Again, great stuff.


- Royal Rumble rundown:


- HHH v. Steiner

- Brock v. Show

- Dawn v. Torrie

- Regal/Storm v. Dudleyz

- Angle v. Benoit

- Rumble match, and we actually have 15 guys in

the video for RAW.

Basically 5 midcarders and a bunch of scrubs.


- BENCH PRESS CHALLENGE. I'm hoping for Warlord

to run in and

drop a weight on HHH's face like he did to Animal

in 1988. Steiner's tired

of all the games, though. Amen. So we start the

bar at 585, which is

probably how many CCs of HGH these guys go

through per day, but HHH

(in a suit) heads to the ring instead of the

bench press area. He doesn't give

a crap about any of this stuff (much like the

audience) and admits that he's

just been playing games with Steiner. So they

spent time and money setting

up the weightlifting set just to do a boring HHH

interview instead? Notice

how HHH is the only guy allowed to say "Rock" and

"Austin" in his

interviews, and moreso allowed to bury them.

Steiner wants to kick HHH's

ass instead of lifting weights, so we get a quick

skirmish and Steiner strips

HHH down to his skimpy underwear. Yeah, this is

so totally not gay.

Maybe HHH dumped Stephanie for Steiner. HHH

bumps all over, and this

gave me NO hope for the match on Sunday. And the

crowd was dead silent

for all of this. Steiner is so doing the job.

Here's a fun exercise for the

match on Sunday: After everything JR & King say

on commentary about

the HHH-Steiner match, add "...in bed!" If I

remember, I'll try it out in the



- Over the Top Challenge: Rob Van Dam v. Kane v.

Batista v. Chris

Jericho. One of these things is not as over as

the others. History has once

again been revised - apparently Shawn won the

Rumble in 1995 and then

went on to win the title at Wrestlemania XI,

instead of a year later at

Wrestlemania XII. Historians take note. Kane

and RVD work over Batista

and try to get him out, but that's Unlikely, even

for the Unlikely Duo. It's

truly a preview of the Rumble - people laying

around on the top rope and

flailing their arms and legs. Jericho and

Batista work over Kane, but RVD

saves. More people standing around and punching.

This match is flaming

ratings death from above. Kane & RVD hold off

the heels and give Batista

something resembling Total Elimination, but it's

neither total nor an

elimination, so really that's not an apropos

name. Jericho dumps RVD, but

he hangs on and comes back with a missile

dropkick. Rolling Thunder for

Jericho and Batista spears Kane. I guess someone

must have yelled "WWF"

because something gets bleeped. Batista

clotheslines Kane out, but Jericho

goes for the quick elimination on him in turn.

That backfires, as Batista

gives him the SITOUT POWERBOMB OF DOOM, but gets

kicked out by

Rob. Jericho pushes RVD out after a botched fall

from the top rope at 6:32.

This was sloppy as all hell. DUD Jericho takes

#2. Shawn earns his pay

for the week by running out and dumping Jericho.

Whoopee fuck. We end

about 2 minutes past the hour, and thank god

because I couldn't take a 15

minute overrun with this show.


The Bottom Line:


To use one of my favorite summations for shows

such as these, I could have

eaten alphabet soup and shit a better show than

this. Just brutally awful on

several levels, with no matches even APPROACHING

"decent", let alone

good, or matches hyped that people want to see,

and a preview of the

Rumble match that may actually scare people off.

And they hyped the

bench press challenge for two hours without

delivering jackshit, unless

you're Sean Shannon. And the crowd sucked, too.

It's like the grand slam

of shittiness.


Save your money on the Rumble and buy my book

instead! How's THAT

for a plug?

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Guest tank_abbott

The SmarK RAW Rant - January 13, 2003


- It's FULL COURT PRESS time on the book hype, as it's coming out next

week and I'll have an advance copy in my hands by this time tomorrow. If

you want a review copy for yourself or anyone else you know, drop


mailing address to [email protected] and he'll get you one

right away. Anyone who has a column on the 'net or even wants to post a

message to a board is welcome, the more the merrier! Hell, write a column

and send it to me and I'LL post it for you. The book is released NEXT

WEEK, so tell your friends!


- Oh, and here's a little tidbit I got from a reader in Stamford, from the



"Scene . . . Greenwich resident and WWE's Triple H, aka Hunter Hearst Helmsley,

at Moonstruck, former site of the Coffee Tree on Greenwich Avenue in Greenwich,

during Christmas week. The Grand Slam Champion and King of the Ring and the

Royal Rumble reportedly has broken up with Stephanie McMahon, Smackdown's

general manager and the beautiful daughter of WWE's creator Vince McMahon."


Take that with as many grains of salt as need be. Here's the original







- Live from Mohegan Sun.


- Your hosts are JR & King.


- Opening match, Women's title: Victoria v. Jackie v. Trish. This is

hardcore rules, and Victoria gets dumped early, but recovers to get Trish

from behind. Trish comes back with a kendo stick and hammers away, but

Jackie uses the ALUMINUM CAN LID OF DEATH to turn the tide.

Moonsault misses (boy, THAT move sure got exposed on Tough Enough)

and Jackie rolls her up for two. Small package gets two as Jackie's portions

of the match actively kill the crowd. Wow, that's insanely negative heat.

Richards hits Trish with the lid to give Victoria the pin at 2:28. Victoria &

Stevie do the heel beatdown on the girls afterwards. DUD Hurricane makes

the save. I care about none of this.


- Meanwhile, the Dudleyz attack Uncle Eric & Queef Morley, so Eric

FIRES them, but then changes his mind and suspends them to keep them

from jumping to Smackdown. I feel my IQ dropping just watching this



- Maven & Test v. D-Lo Brown & Chris Nowinski. Test takes on both

heels alone, but gets clotheslined by D-Lo. Man, D-Lo's gangbanger phase

didn't last long. And here I was ready to make Kenny Wangler jokes and

everything. Maven & Test double-team Nowinski for two. Maven gets his

dropkicks for two. Cheapshot turns the tide, after a few tries at it, and

Nowinski gets a MAIN EVENT SPINEBUSTER. I guess it's more of an

UNDERCARD SPINEBUSTER, but that's not as funny. D-Lo gets two.

Nowinski keeps him down and they double-team with a clothesline. D-Lo

goes to an armbar in lieu of a chinlock, but this crowd is beyond saving at

this point. Hot tag Test and he gets sideslams agogo, but Nowinski saves D-

Lo, only to fall victim to the newly-named "Test Drive". It took them three

months to come up with THAT name? Test gets dumped and D-Lo hits

Maven with the Sky High, but apparently this is the one time in the past 20

years when the ref cares who's legal, and he won't count. Big foot finishes

for Test at 5:43. Nowinski and Maven are starting to become a serious drag

on the in-ring quality - they need to get off TV until they're ready again.



- During the break, Mean Gene arrives in a limo. He hypes the RAW X

show tomorrow and gets an insider jab at Eric for the 10 people left who

remember Nitro. Jericho steps in and requests #1 in the Rumble, but Eric

won't let him. He has no decision yet, and that's FINAL. Okay. Plus, he's

too busy standing around waiting for Vince.


- Meanwhile, Regal trashes Lawler's book. What a cad. And hey, if you

want to trash MY book, it's out next week!


- William Regal v. Jerry Lawler. Regal gives us a reading from Lawler's

book to begin. Well, thank god they took the tag titles off Booker &

Goldust to bring us THIS. The referees check Regal and find his brass

knux, and Storm is a victim of Big Brother as well. Free dumb gimmick

idea for the creative team: Have Regal beat Lawler and upgrade from a

Lord to a King, and Lance can be Sir Lancelot. THEY'LL MAKE

MILLIONS! Lawler hits Regal with a chain, but the ref DQs him at 1:35,

all of which was the refs checking Regal. I like Memphis booking, but my

tolerance for it in the 21st century only extends so far, especially when they

can't even let the babyface get the upset win. Here's a great post on the

OtherArena board detailing why it was so poorly done --

http://www.otherarena.com/cgi/post.cgi?85992&1&4&wwe DUD


- Jeff Hardy v. Raven. HOLY HAIRCUT, BATMAN. Raven has short hair

and TIGHTS now. This is apparently for the 15th spot in the Rumble on

Sunday. I wasn't aware we had the other 14 yet. They exchange rollups to

start and Jeff dumps Raven, and heads back in, but gets posted as a result.

Gotta say, Scott Levy is looking pretty badass with the new look. Jeff

misses a moonsault and Raven gets two. He goes for the leg and uses a

spinning toehold (what is this, a wrestling show?), but Jeff mule kicks out of

it and makes the comeback with the usual. Note from Jeff's website - his

stupid legdrop is called the Compactor, which I will promptly ignore.

Raven's DDT is blocked by Jeff, who falls off the ropes in what was either

great psychology or a ludicrously blown spot, and the crowd starts the

boring chants. Jeff hits, in theory, the swanton for the pin at 4:04, despite

missing by a foot. Or actually, to be more accurate, hitting Raven's foot.

This was a total disaster thanks to the deteriorating Jeff, despite Raven

making a nearly superhuman effort to hold it together. DUD


- Meanwhile, Vince is here, and he greets Randy Orton with a pat on the

(94%) shoulder, which he sells. Randy is awesome.


- Sean O' Haire video package, as he's apparently a gigolo. And a gigolo

with REALLY good production values, too. Well, I'm a big fan, so if it gets

him onto RAW, fine by me. And once again, the video packages are the

best thing done by this crew, because they all come from TV backgrounds.

They REALLY need to start doing more of these, because that's how you

get characters over. It costs basically nothing and you immediately get a

guy over without even having him wrestle.


- Vince joins us for an announcement. But the Dudley Boyz interrupt before

he can get anywhere and whine about being suspended and what an idiot

Bischoff is. Vince overturns the suspension (thus setting a new record for

suspensions at less than a hour) and gives them a title shot at the Rumble.

Whoopee. So they leave and Vince continues, but Jericho interrupts now,

pleading his case for the #1 slot. Hasn't anyone in this promotion ever

heard of the chain of command? No wonder backstage is such a mess. So

Vince gives the winner of the "over the top rope challenge" later tonight the

change to choose any number they want. Except #1 - which Shawn

Michaels has already taken. 1 and 2 are the same thing anyway, so it's not

like that matters. Bischoff interrupts next, but Vince bitches him out and

wants to continue hyping the RAW 10th anniversary special. It's job

evaluation time for Bischoff, so he asks the crowd. Man, last time he did

that, Buff Bagwell got a job out of it. Vince hired Bischoff to revolutionize

RAW and spit up phlegm or something, and he hasn't done that. Crowd

cares so much that they start with the What stuff. So Eric now has 30 days

to turn RAW around. I always love segments where they talk about how

much the show sucks and emasculate the talent. I guess this is gonna be

reboot #10 or so since last year.


- Meanwhile, Bischoff pleads his case, but Vince has a replacement waiting

- Shane O Mac. You know THAT'S coming eventually. I'm just shocked

they didn't do it sooner.


- Booker T v. Lance Storm. Booker overpowers him to start and blocks a

hiptoss with a clothesline. Kneedrop gets two. Rollup gets two, but Storm

rolls through into the Sharpshooter, which Booker escapes. Storm chops

away, but gets flapjacked and sidekicked for two. JR notes we're looking at

our watch thinking about the bench press challenge tonight. I'm looking at

my watch, but it's to check if it's still WORKING. Storm whips him into

the corner for two. Crowd is comatose. Backbreaker gets two. We hit the

chinlock, but Booker makes the comeback. Seriously, has my watch

stopped or is this show that boring? Sidekick misses and the ref ducks in

time, but Booker gets tripped up. The Dudleyz hit the ring for the DQ at

5:23. What a terrible finish. 3/4* And seriously, why are the stale Dudleyz

getting the title shot?


- The Hurricane v. Stevie Richards. So the first match was used to set up a

Heat match between a couple of jobbers? Stevie goes for a suplex, but

Hurricane reverses. Stevie pounds on him, but Hurricane comes back with a

couple of clotheslines and an Edge-O-Matic for two. Stevie misses a blind

charge and the Buff Blockbuster results for Hurricane. Eye of the Hurricane

gets the pin at 1:27. Gotta save time that exciting HHH-Steiner bench press

challenge. Yeah, I care. 1/4* Trish will apparently get another crack at that

title somewhere down the road. You think they maybe need more



- Nathan Jones promo. Again, great stuff.


- Royal Rumble rundown:


- HHH v. Steiner

- Brock v. Show

- Dawn v. Torrie

- Regal/Storm v. Dudleyz

- Angle v. Benoit

- Rumble match, and we actually have 15 guys in the video for RAW.

Basically 5 midcarders and a bunch of scrubs.


- BENCH PRESS CHALLENGE. I'm hoping for Warlord to run in and

drop a weight on HHH's face like he did to Animal in 1988. Steiner's tired

of all the games, though. Amen. So we start the bar at 585, which is

probably how many CCs of HGH these guys go through per day, but HHH

(in a suit) heads to the ring instead of the bench press area. He doesn't give

a crap about any of this stuff (much like the audience) and admits that he's

just been playing games with Steiner. So they spent time and money setting

up the weightlifting set just to do a boring HHH interview instead? Notice

how HHH is the only guy allowed to say "Rock" and "Austin" in his

interviews, and moreso allowed to bury them. Steiner wants to kick HHH's

ass instead of lifting weights, so we get a quick skirmish and Steiner strips

HHH down to his skimpy underwear. Yeah, this is so totally not gay.

Maybe HHH dumped Stephanie for Steiner. HHH bumps all over, and this

gave me NO hope for the match on Sunday. And the crowd was dead silent

for all of this. Steiner is so doing the job. Here's a fun exercise for the

match on Sunday: After everything JR & King say on commentary about

the HHH-Steiner match, add "...in bed!" If I remember, I'll try it out in the



- Over the Top Challenge: Rob Van Dam v. Kane v. Batista v. Chris

Jericho. One of these things is not as over as the others. History has once

again been revised - apparently Shawn won the Rumble in 1995 and then

went on to win the title at Wrestlemania XI, instead of a year later at

Wrestlemania XII. Historians take note. Kane and RVD work over Batista

and try to get him out, but that's Unlikely, even for the Unlikely Duo. It's

truly a preview of the Rumble - people laying around on the top rope and

flailing their arms and legs. Jericho and Batista work over Kane, but RVD

saves. More people standing around and punching. This match is flaming

ratings death from above. Kane & RVD hold off the heels and give Batista

something resembling Total Elimination, but it's neither total nor an

elimination, so really that's not an apropos name. Jericho dumps RVD, but

he hangs on and comes back with a missile dropkick. Rolling Thunder for

Jericho and Batista spears Kane. I guess someone must have yelled "WWF"

because something gets bleeped. Batista clotheslines Kane out, but Jericho

goes for the quick elimination on him in turn. That backfires, as Batista

gives him the SITOUT POWERBOMB OF DOOM, but gets kicked out by

Rob. Jericho pushes RVD out after a botched fall from the top rope at 6:32.

This was sloppy as all hell. DUD Jericho takes #2. Shawn earns his pay

for the week by running out and dumping Jericho. Whoopee fuck. We end

about 2 minutes past the hour, and thank god because I couldn't take a 15

minute overrun with this show.


The Bottom Line:


To use one of my favorite summations for shows such as these, I could have

eaten alphabet soup and shit a better show than this. Just brutally awful on

several levels, with no matches even APPROACHING "decent", let alone

good, or matches hyped that people want to see, and a preview of the

Rumble match that may actually scare people off. And they hyped the

bench press challenge for two hours without delivering jackshit, unless

you're Sean Shannon. And the crowd sucked, too. It's like the grand slam

of shittiness.


Save your money on the Rumble and buy my book instead! How's THAT

for a plug?


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