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Guest Youth N Asia

These kids today just suck

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Guest Youth N Asia

I'm 21, and when I was a kid it was great. But these little bastards today...




Saturday morning cartoons...where the hell are they? I flipped on the tv last Saturday and there were no cartoons to be found. When I was a kid they were everywhere and things were great. We had: Masters of the Universe, GI Joe, Ninja Turtles, Transformers, Thundercats and so on.


And the cartoons they have suck anyway, Pokemon, Digemon, and all the others like it.


Cartoons are my main reason why kids suck, I feel bad for them really.


And why don't kids ride bikes anymore, when I was a kid that was most of my free time. Now I look around my neighborhood and bikes are nowhere to be found, little shits are locked up playing PS2 I bet.


And kids don't seem to play cool games anymore: King of the Hill, Smear the Queer (sorry for the term, that's what it was to us, kill the guy with the football), Neighborhood Hide and Seek, Tag, Freeze tag, Street football, Project Ball (full contact basketball)


So what happened? Why are kids pussies now?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Kids are pussies because of the wonderful little gadget you just used to type in this message. A combined effort of more violent and sexual t.v, the internet and advanced gaming systems has fucked up the mind of each and every youth today.


It's not just that they're lazier though too. They're stupider, sluttier and much more bolder then I was back in my day ( I'm 19.) I've had 14 and 15 year olds try and pick fights with me and I've had 14 and 15 year olds propose sex to me.


These kids, I tells ya.......

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Guest Black Tiger

I'm 20 now, when I was 17 A buddy and myself went to go see Scary Movie, some 12 year olds ask us to take them in, we tell them no, and one says he has a bat under his arm and he's gonna hit me.


I didn't do anything, but looking back on it, I ought to have taken him outside and whooped his ass like he was my little brother.


You know kids are messed up when they think that by age eleven they are old enough to say "fuck" but then they are still young enough to throw themselves on the ground and kick their legs when they can't get the toy in Walmart.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

me and YnA had a discussion like this one a while back...and since I couldn't really add anything more into the discussion than what he has already posted...I will ask a different question:


What was the turning point? What was the one defining moment that sent kids from what we were back in the day to what they are now...?


I still rode my bike around till the time when I got a car, so I don't think video games or electronics had so much to do with it...but I blame it on a mass exodus one day of children deciding it was better to stay inside and watch television than it was to go outside and actually do something constructive (damn I sound like my parents) like play hide and seek or build a fort or something...



Shit man...I still play with legos if the mood strikes me...and I don't even smoke pot!

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I was a student teacher in a grade nine drama class at my high school in 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 and I can totally attest to seeing a change in how kids behave. Today kids think they're invinceable, that they can say and do what they want and there won't be any consequences. I was *this* close to getting into a fight last year with one of my kids because he was just being a prick plain and simple. I got about half an inch away from his face and said to him "If you even try something with me it won't end up good for you so sit the fuck down and continue working." The kid was as tall as me (5'10) but I guess he didn't feel like fighting with one of his teachers.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

My friend's brother is 12 years old and looks like he's 8. Why? Because his freaking psycho over protective Christian mother won't let him actually do anything. I'll play around with him and wrestle and she'll instantly flip out because he "can't do that". But she never lets him do anything in the first place, so he's a little wuss. He gets picked on in school and doesn't know how to stand up to it. Hell, the other son (my friend) wasn't protected nearly as much as the younger one and he turned out to be a great person who won't back down from anything.


In middle school, I was like Buddy (the younger one) too, but I learned to stand up for myself. No one messed with me through out high school because anyone that tried to start something I showed that I wasn't afraid of them. But Bud doesn't know how to do that and because he didn't, his mother decided to transfer him out of public schools into a private school. So now he's NEVER going to learn anything about socializing or dealing with people.


And meanwhile, most other kids in the world of high school have appeared to have gotten dumber and smaller since I graduated. Even when we were seniors, we'd have these dumbass freshmen trying to start fights with us when they were half our size. I get lip from guys I work with when I'm at Pizza Hut, but I just tell them to shut the fuck up and do their work like they're being paid to.


I swear, almost all kids these days are fucking punks. I blame their parents for not knowing how to discipline them. It seems like there's only over-discipline or under-discipline but nothing in the middle that actually works. All the parents are idiots.

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Guest Black Tiger

I think that the way school's educate is part of it.


I was born during my mom's 2nd marrige, her 1st husband used to hit her a lot, one time he was starting it in a store parking lot, people started looking and he said "Its my wife, leave us alone" and they went away (this is in the late 1970's back when abuse was taboo)


Nowadays abuse is looked at as a very serious crime (and rightly so) but schools POUND it into kid's head that it is wrong for your parents to ever touch you. When I was real young if I acted up I'd get a shot in the ass, or if I mouthed off I'd get a rap in the mouth.


Kids nowadays here that its wrong for a parent to touch you period and it makes them think that they can do whatever the hell they damn well please, and if a parent tries to do something about it, they can pick up the phone and dial 911 and report them for child abuse.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

I'm not a big fan of strict discipline (things like spanking, etc.) mainly because I can get kids to understand what they've done wrong and get them to not do it again without that. Then again there are some kids out there who you just can't get through to and sometimes you need to give them a good spanking to get it through their skulls.


Schools need to stay the fuck out of a parent's business. Unless a kid is coming into the school with bruises that can't be explained or somethign like that, it's none of a school's business how a parent disciplines their kid. I sure wasn't hurt or scarred for life because I got a spanking for spitting on the cat or tracking mud through the house after the second or so time of being told not to.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Shit I used to baby sit these 2 boys and damn at age 9 or younger they were cussing up a storm. Everywhere you look there are kids that try and act all hard like they can do something. Okay and granted sex is on minds 24/7, young teens don't need to do it because it's the "in" thing. Case and point a certain poster on this board.


Kids disrespect their parents too. At 10 years old I have heard kids call their moms bitches and hos and shit like that. Man if I ever talked to my mom like that my ass would have been nailed to the wall.


I've also seen that boys tell girls they are sluts, skanks, whores, hos, anything you can think of...and these kids are 11 or so.

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Guest Youth N Asia

When I was a kid if I would have said "damn" or "hell" in front of my mom I would have gotten cracked. And rightfully so.


I have a friend with a 13 year old brother, and the kid goes on non stop swearing fits right in front of his mom, cause she lets him.


I don't agree that you should be allowed to whoop a kid's ass, but parents should be allowed to give them a shot every now and then for being such little bastards...but schools have taught that if anyone taps you that you should run to the cops or an adult.


I don't know when all of this started. But I really feel uneasy about the upcoming group of teenagers and young adults.


When I have kids I'm going to let them know what's what as soon as they can take in what the words mean...I won't raise little bastards. It's not abuse, it's just setting them straight.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

This type of thing ebs and flows. We're sick of how kids are today, and when they grow up they'll look at our kids and wonder what went wrong. Then they'll have kids and the pendulum will swing back the other way. Such is life.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
And the cartoons they have suck anyway, Pokemon, Digemon, and all the others like it.

Hey now... I actually like Digimon.





As far as today's kids go, I can't speak for white kids(gotta be blunt about it), but black kids were doing all of this stuff back when I used to be little. It's just that now, it's grown larger and larger by the year. Most of it due to the parents being either spineless wusses(don't mean you, Dutch) or they just don't give a flying fuck. When you have teenage mothers who aren't mature enough to take care of themselves, let alone a baby, what's going on now will be the results all the time.

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Guest Kibagami

I blame MTV. Lame-ass programming twenty-four hours a day...and you get lame-ass, tame-ass children who think that Real World is, you know, the real world.


Scary shit.



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Guest Kingpk
As far as today's kids go, I can't speak for white kids(gotta be blunt about it), but black kids were doing all of this stuff back when I used to be little. It's just that now, it's grown larger and larger by the year. Most of it due to the parents being either spineless wusses(don't mean you, Dutch) or they just don't give a flying fuck. When you have teenage mothers who aren't mature enough to take care of themselves, let alone a baby, what's going on now will be the results all the time.

Hit the nail right on the head there. Seems to me some parents think of having a kid as an inconvenience that they have to deal with rather as an actual living person that they have to spend the majority of their time taking care of and nurturing. The media isn't innocent either, but it's the parents who should know and censor what their kids watch and play. I work at a games store and you'd be surprised how many 13-14 year olds who buy stuff like GTA and Bloodrayne with their parents RIGHT THERE. I ask them if they know what's in the game, and some of them tell me "don't tell me how to raise my kid!" or something like that.

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Guest Kinetic

There's a direct correlation between the rise in juvenile delinquincy and the fall of both the Freeze and Cartoon varities of Tag. I'm five and six years older than my siblings respectively, and I've never seen them play Tag ever. Back in my day, we were creative about Tag. We had so many Tag innovations that we never got tired of playing it. Kids these days don't know shit about Tag. They're too busy being fat little bastards, with their PlayStations and their computers and such. We didn't have computers when I was growing up. Hell, I didn't get a Nintendo until I was eight! We had to use our imaginations back then. Kids these days don't have imaginations, because TV and the computer do all the imagining for them. Some of these kids probably don't even know what Tag is, unless it's prefaced by the word "Laser." If I could summarize everything that's wrong with this generation of fat-assed, lazy kids, it would be with one word: Tag. Or lack thereof.


And, yeah, their cartoons suck. They've taken all of the violence out of cartoons. Back when I was growing up, our cartoons were violent as hell. We didn't grow up as sheltered pansies like kids these days. We just thanked our lucky stars that there were mutated turtles living in the sewer willing to protect us from the likes of Shredder. It was a more innocent time. Kids these days can watch porno on the internet at age five! What they hell do they want with ninja turtles, then? That's another problem: Too many kids watching porno. It clogs up the connection and makes it harder for me to watch it. What we need is another Vietnam...thin out their ranks a little.

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Guest SP-1

As a Christian, I am agitated by the overprotective Christian parents. mothers especially that emasculate their sons. That's such a horrible thing to happen.


My kids will know to stand up for themselves in various ways. Sometimes there are morons out there that you just gotta pop in the mouth at that age to get something through to them. I won't be teaching my children that violence is the answer, but you're also not to be walked all over either.

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Guest El Satanico

We knew tag was a lame ass game in the 80's. I don't know where all these tag playing kids are coming from. Perhaps North Dakota, Utah or some other backwards bumfuck places.


Kids do have better overall toys now so there's one thing.

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Guest redbaron51

I'm 17, and when I was younger, all of our friends rode bikes, basically (now can drive), but we still play road hockey, soccer, and football, and the ocassional baseball, and we use to play tag, but now that went to Paintball instead...


We do still play video games times from times, but when we have a bunch of people, those are what the things we do as well.




Oh don't forget that everybody is a "Sk8tes and Snowboard!!! OMGZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!"

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Guest Black Tiger

Does anyone think it might have to do with over-bearing parents? you know the type who won't the let the kid quit the hockey team even though he thinks it isn't fun anymore Or who makes the kid take piano lessons because their friend from work is teaching them.


Most people think that shit only happens on TV, but I'd be willing to bet it happens it real life more often than we'd think

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Guest areacode212
We knew tag was a lame ass game in the 80's. I don't know where all these tag playing kids are coming from. Perhaps North Dakota, Utah or some other backwards bumfuck places.


Kids do have better overall toys now so there's one thing.

We didn't play much tag, either. It was the different variations of Hide & Seek which were badass & fun to play. I think that was our main game, though I remember playing with my Star Wars & Transformers action figures a lot.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I'm tired of parents not letting their kids play with toy guns. Kids that play with guns will mostly likely assume the roll of protector, not murderer. What are these kids to believe, that the military is wrong because their mother said so? Bullshit. And yeah, cartoons were violent as hell in the 80s. People would die in cartoons. Now cartoon characters can't call someone a name without a 10 minute lecture on hurt feelings.

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Guest EQ

Asshole parents blaming video games, wrestling, cartoons, etc are infringing on OUR rights to enjoy that stuff by having people censor it.


That's why it pisses me off so much.


Take care of your little fuck kids, and stay out of everyone else's (especially other parents) business.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

When I was little my neighborhood was boy dominated; there were only about 4 girls my age so if you wanted to do things you had to learn to hang with the boys. I remember all of us girls learning to play street hockey, rugby, baseball, boxing and mat wrestling. We played games like Capture The Flag, tag (we had a lot of variations), Kick the Can and we had water fights like no other. At least I know that if I had to, I could jump a fence to get away in a chase.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

You know, I understand the whole argument against video games and violence on TV. Parents should monitor what their kids are watching. The games that *I* think are really screwing kids up are those pro skating games and shit like that. All kids do is play those damn things and never actually go out and try it.


I saw my sister writing to some guy on AIM that she was still his "ho" or some shit like that. I threatened to kick the shit out of the guy until she explained that they were just joking around (which in retrospect, I should have realized in the first place. my sister and I are a LOT alike in our views and the way we act) But things like that still bother me. She's 15 years old and it's like she knows more than she should. For some reason, my parents are more lax on her then they were on me, so I have to let them know what they shouldn't be letting her watch.


Always PO'ed, don't worry. My parents weren't wusses with me. If I did something wrong, I learned real quick. And quite frankly, I think I"m better person for it. I'm very thickheaded and highly distractable and I don't think they would have gotten through many other ways.


Oh, and me and my friends did all sorts of shit that toughened us up. We used to fight with inch thick wooden dowels and wallop the shit out of each other with them. My friend has a scar on his head from where I hit him once. Another friend and I went camping all the time (and not to drink like these little assholes do)in cold weather. My friends and I still wrestle a lot to this day. I don't know ... it's like the younger kids now aren't being toughened up and the older kids that are idiots are acting like they are.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Kids are pussies because they never get to have fun anymore. If you fight or goof off in school you get suspended or expelled. Parents are more protective of kids now then any other generation.


Who's at fault? The media. they bombard parents with all this shit about how it's unsafe to let your kids out and all that other shit.

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Guest El Satanico

The funniest thing about all this "we must protect the kids" bs is that overall the kids are worse behaved now than they were when kids could freely watch violent tv shows and play with toy guns or hell even bb guns.


No generation of kids were perfectly behaved, but they seem even worse now with the "won't anyone please think of the children" mentality.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I blame it all on the illegalization of DODGEBALL in school gym classes. That game taught you teamwork, independence, trust, and how to take a shot like no other and all at once. I've never, EVER had as much fun in school as I had playing dodgeball (or it's offsprings of Butterball, Dr. Dodgeball, and Ball-War).


I also blame parents that don't rough-house with their kids. When I was little, my older cousin Brian and I would wrestle. My dad and I used to wrestle on an almost daily basis (until I made him tap-out to a sleeperhold, mwahaha). And it makes me sad when kids today don't know the joy of rough-housing with their parents or older kin. Hence why I love wrestling with my nephew and younger cousin :D.


But yes. I blame it all on a lack of dodgeball.

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Guest The Metal Maniac
Kids do have better overall toys now so there's one thing.


Are you nuts? Kid's toys SUCK these days.


I mean, when I was little, I wanted things to play with. I didn't wanna press a button and watch Elmo dance for 15 minutes before trying to teach me the fucking alphabet.


Toys these days are too complicated. I mean, the fucking He-Man figures can now be recognized by Castle Grayskull. In my day, He-Man figures couldn't be recognized by ANYONE if you took their heads and arms off, because they all had THE SAME FUCKING BODY~!


The bottom line is, when I was a kid, my toys forced me to use my imagination if I wanted anything fun to happen. These days, they just force kids to use their goddamn bank cards to buy another 37 batteries.


I don't understand it though - how can you try and shield everyone from all wrongs, then just send them out into the world and expect them to get along properly?

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Reading this thread gives me MAD flashbacks of hide & seek, dodgeball, and every other cool game and toy we had...


the 80s did rule ...even though some people deny it now

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