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Guest Youth N Asia

These kids today just suck

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

We always used those red rubber kickballs in dodgeball. Motherfuckers would STING if you caught one in the face.

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Guest Ravenbomb

Hardyz, you had one of those, too?! We had a gym, but the cafeteria was used as an auditorium and they put the latchkey kids in there at the end of the day and used it for detention and all other kinds of crap and called it the multi-purpose room.


and pin-soccor sounded kinda like this game we played until you got into the descrpiton. Every kid got their own pin, and they put soccor balls out, and you had to kick them to knock other kids' pins down, while keeping YOUR pin up.

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Guest CED Ordonez

I've taken the faceshot from a rubber kickball. Damn those things do indeed sting. Not as bad as taking the good ol' nutshot with a soccer ball though.


Anybody play Smear the Queer as a kid? Throw the ball against the wall and if it bounces back and hits somebody and they can't dodge it or catch it, you get to nail them in BUTT with the ball as hard as you can. Lesson learned: Don't drop the damn ball.


Fondest memory was getting another kid's fingernail dug into the side of my forehead while we were both trying to catch the ball. I bled like a sieve and had to go home and change. Good times.

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Guest TheGame2705

Alot of parents just plain don't care about their kids and their kids end up somewhere doing stuff they shouldn't be doing. The worst example was my ex who was 3 years younger and when compared to me it felt like he was 30 years younger. He had sex with so many different people, stayed out until whenever he wanted to, swore right in front of his mom and AT HER and laughed about it WITH her, and was only 14 and was going out with 23 year olds WITH HIS MOM KNOWING and driving him to their houses. He also said one day "We should smoke weed and get drunk". That showed me how bad kids have gotten. When I was little I played pretend Super Mario with my cousins and tag and watched Nickelodeon like a religion. Today kids play GTA with their cousins until they have bloodshot eyes, shoot their cousins and other family members, and watch the Spice channel.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I played Smear the Queer, and also a variation called Suicide. In Suicide, if the ball hit somebody and they didn't catch it, they had to run up and touch the wall, and on the way up everybody got to pound the crap out of them. I remember once I kicked this kid straight in the ribs and he went away crying, but he was like 5 years older than me, so everybody thought I was super cool after that.

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