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Guest Ace309

You know, I just noticed something.

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Guest Ace309

The PSAT thread brought this to mind.




1) EMAXSAUN is to XPW as RobJohnstone is to __________

a) inane right-wing propaganda.

b) Patrick J. Buchanan.

c) the gradual elimination of solid truths (ie, the statement 'Listen, this is just an argument that no one's going to win.')

d) literal constructions of the Bible so absurd that they are only supported by rational people for shock value.

e) all of the above.


And of course, the correct answer is 'e,' the relation being that the poster in question shows shameless, dogmatic support for the second item.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I think I get it, but I probably don't.


edit: if it was, in fact, "Emax is a dick", I didn't get it.

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Guest RobJohnstone

blah, I find it pathetic you are trying to make a call to arms against me. If you want to talk to me about politics fine, but there is no need for this BS.



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Guest Ace309
blah, I find it pathetic you are trying to make a call to arms against me. If you want to talk to me about politics fine, but there is no need for this BS.


AnnieEclectic - A lesbian who thinks all republicans are fascists because they don't cater to her needs.


Um... pot? Kettle?


I'm not trying to make a 'call to arms' against you, at least not in any sense of the phrase that normal people use. No, I just noticed a parallel between your incessant clinging to the same pillars and EMAXSAUN's incessant XPW hype, that's all.

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Guest RobJohnstone

sorry, I have no idea who you are comparing me too. I will add however you keep attacking me with your gay friends. You need 5 or 6 people in a debate against me to even things out.



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Guest Ace309

A) "Gay friends?" Is that the best you can do? Kibagami and I are both straight.


B) EMAXSAUN blathers on and on about XPW in much the same was that you blather on and on about idiocy such as Buchanan and creationism.


C) It takes more than one of us to debate you? Rob, your idea of a 'debate' is to question the veracity of a quote without checking it yourself in more that one place and then say that it's a pointless argument that no one's going to win. Do Annie or Kibagami debate exactly the way I'd like them to? No. They also bring different viewpoints to the table. I have no doubt that any one of us could hold our own with the likes of you in a formal debate, but this isn't a formal debate. It's a public message board, and we happen to enjoy watching you sputter and flounder.

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Guest RobJohnstone

"and we happen to enjoy watching you sputter and flounder."


I will not give you the pleasure anymore. Keep flame baiting me and we will see who is the one that looks stupid.



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Guest Kibagami

Just for the record, Tom wasn't flame-baiting you.


He flamed you. It's an important distinction.



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Guest Dopey

























What exactly am I trying to say?

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Guest Jubuki

That, or it's his attempt at chlamydia haiku.


5-7-5, or 2 accented-3 accented-2 accented, my friend. That, and a penicillin shot.

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Guest Incandenza
























What exactly am I trying to say?

Isn't that that Bangles song?


"Is this burning (yearning) an enternal FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!"

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I just copied this from Yuna Firerose's slash site.


"...Robstone stood face to face with Mr. Buchanan finally, his boyhood idol immaculately dressed in a three-piece suit, cleancut, one strong hand resting on the good book.


'So Rob, why are you in my office today?' he asked.


'Because, sir, the liberal commie pinkos are destroying our nation! I don't know what to do. I've searched the bible, I've consulted people on this wrestling website, but they all turned out to be heathens and devil-worshippers.'


'Well,' he said, 'we'll just have to forget about them. Come closer to me.'


With that, Rob snuggled up closer to the wise old politician. The sharp smell of shoe polish and aftershave tickled his nose happily. He started feeling unlike he'd ever felt before. It was a mixture of joy, acceptance, with just a slight tinge of dirtiness and shame. Could this be...love?


In a daring move, he kissed Pat right on the cheek. Rob blushed. Perhaps it was too soon..."


Anyway, this goes on for a while, Jeff Hardy comes in all oiled up and does some moonsaults, yadda yadda, and it all ends up as an inside joke at the weekly cross-burnings.


But hey, nobody's perfect.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I don't give a shit about this thread, I just wanted to express my glee that there's a new thread in NHB that isn't the ones that have been around the last few days.


However, my glee quickly died when I realized that it's yet another Rob v. Everyone thread, and the other new thread is a religous one.


Come on, where are the flames and venom spitting, people? This is NHB! Don't argue rationally and point-by-point! If someone disagrees with you, just tell them to eat shit and go fuck themselves!!!


"Ration is for other folders." I want to see that as part of the description of the folder.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I thought the emax comment was funny but this is an anti-rob thread?



*switches sides rapidly, and then leaves in a huff*

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Guest RobJohnstone
I just copied this from Yuna Firerose's slash site.


"...Robstone stood face to face with Mr. Buchanan finally, his boyhood idol immaculately dressed in a three-piece suit, cleancut, one strong hand resting on the good book.


'So Rob, why are you in my office today?' he asked.


'Because, sir, the liberal commie pinkos are destroying our nation! I don't know what to do. I've searched the bible, I've consulted people on this wrestling website, but they all turned out to be heathens and devil-worshippers.'


'Well,' he said, 'we'll just have to forget about them. Come closer to me.'


With that, Rob snuggled up closer to the wise old politician. The sharp smell of shoe polish and aftershave tickled his nose happily. He started feeling unlike he'd ever felt before. It was a mixture of joy, acceptance, with just a slight tinge of dirtiness and shame. Could this be...love?


In a daring move, he kissed Pat right on the cheek. Rob blushed. Perhaps it was too soon..."


Anyway, this goes on for a while, Jeff Hardy comes in all oiled up and does some moonsaults, yadda yadda, and it all ends up as an inside joke at the weekly cross-burnings.


But hey, nobody's perfect.

AOO, you make stories up about me, and you act like I care? Why should I care about what a crackhead says about me? You a crack smoking idiot with no morals. You have no say here.



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Guest Ace309

You know, Rob, for someone who A) promised not to give us the pleasure of sputtering and floundering, and B) 'doesn't care,' you sure do bitch a lot.

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The Inquisive Dog has arrived to use this thread as a newspaper!




"What is the deal with Rob Johnstone? Does Rob feel insecure about his sexuality? Sure, I sniff other dogs butts sometimes, but he called Flesh and that other guy 'gay' and he bashes that woman as a lesbian, and he says another poster smokes crack and has no morals. Rob, judge not must ye be judged yourself.. oh wait, there's a squirrel out there, let me catch it!"


*Dog runs off*




As for Rob's quote on Annie, is Annie thinking the Republicans are fascist because they aren't women, or is Rob just a dumbass Buchanan lover?

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