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Guest Thoth


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Guest Thoth

Well, I thought I could stick around for longer than this... but it’s quite clear to anyone who’s been watching me with any degree of closeness that my heart isn’t in this anymore. I haven’t written anything longer than 3k. I thought I’d stay around for the benefit of the fed, you know, more people... but I find that I’m actually negatively motivated. That’s a very dangerous place to be. So, this is my “retirement” post.


I say “retirement” because no one ever leaves for good. No one. However, I do plan to be gone for quite a while from active writing. My computer science major is getting really, really hard, not to mention I want to work on some regular fiction.


I want to stress that first and foremost, you all are excellent writers, and doing this will increase your skills. I’ve actually learned quite a bit about writing, and I hope that someday, you all take some time to write some fiction. I think we all enjoyed Edwin’s story, and I think all of us are equally inclined to author our own work.


It’s amazing to think I’ve been around for almost 2 years without a break longer than about three weeks. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was a wide-eyed newbie in the ML who didn’t know shit. Amazing that I managed to build a reputation.


ML pride.


I think another reason I am taking an extended break is because the World Title doesn’t mean as much to me as it should. Maybe this is because I feel like I’m so close, or I did at one time, I just couldn’t break that damn glass ceiling. Oh well.


I had a blast working with you all, combining our writing talents to do some amazing stuff. What follows is a section, of mostly thanks, but also of memories I had with people, in the relative order of when I recognized them in my career.




Edwin MacPhisto: One of the two people who really defined what the ML meant to me. I loved his character and promo style the first time I read it, and I remember the time he referenced the above table-breaking event in a promo that formed the Midnight Carnival. I said, “Oh my god, oh my god, someone knows I exist!” Working with you more closely, I found that you had a very broad base of emotions to work with, and right before you retired, you were just starting to tap into them. Also, good job kicking my ass repeatedly. I remember when I finally beat you after you handed me my ass about 3 times. I really felt like I had accomplished a milestone.


Spider Nekura: I’m not sure if you’re going to read this, but here goes. You gave me my first chacne, and thrust me into the limelight with the greatest stable I have ever known, in fact, the only stable I have ever been in. I will always feel grateful to you for that. I’m not mad in the least at your flakiness later on in your career... I almost expected it. I wanted that match at Genesis 3 to be a three way that included you... too bad you were gone by then. Best wishes.


Silent/Nathaniel Kibagami: Oh JESUS. I have to open with a chuckle here... man, I remember the early days, when we played the name game... hoo boy. I felt that our feud that led to the HIAC for the ML title was the first “real” feud of mine, and my favorite too, even if it didn’t have a lot of legs. I still think that match is the greatest thing I ever wrote. When you left the first time, I missed you a lot. I often said to people that I missed you, and I admit it: When I was asking for your e-mail address, I had every intention of bringing you back, people’s opinions of you be damned. Granted, your love of illicit relationships is freaky, man... man, it’s freaky, but you have talent. Sad to see your burnout... but it happens to everyone, I guess.


Crusen: You were my Commish for a while, and for a while that’s all I knew you as. Later, when I discovered chat, I found you were one mellow, yet zany mofo. I don’t know if you quite understand what I mean by that, and maybe I dunno either. But it’s good to have SHED ...yeah, I was wondering how long I could hold out before saying that. Good to know you.


Ash Ketchum/Michael Craven: I wonder what would have happened if I had jobbed the TV belt to Fury instead.


Insane Luchador: What are you still doing in the JL? One of those who has been around longer than me... wow. Back at that ML PPV, you almost beat me for the TV strap... though you’re a young’un yet, I’ve always respected you, and hoped that you’d make it to the top.


Suicide King/King of Hearts: The other half of what the ML meant to me. The first promo I ever read in the IGNML was one of Suicide King’s, when he was defending his title in a match where Adam the Red was the special guest referee. That promo totally blew me the fuck away, and I said to myself, “How in the hell can I compete with this?” I remember in my debut promo when I said I was gonna take the title from you... oh, newbie mistakes. One of the things I really regret is that we have never written against each other... one of us has always no-showed.


Munich: Suck it, queef.


Mistress Sarah: My opponent in the finals of the JL World Title tourney after the merger, one of those who I was bumped with. Remember the storyline we were gonna do? And you abandoned me for the Carnival? Just kidding, just felt like bringing up ancient history. Though you dropped out of AIM for a while, before that I felt like we were becoming really good friends. Hope to talk to you soon.


Grimedogg: Thanks for giving me my first WF angle. Though it may not have seemed like much, it really helped me get my footing and not feel like a newbie.


Fallout: The first member of the WF Clan. Also, a damn scary person to write against, IIRC. How long did he hold the LHW? Anyway, it’s a shame you NEVER FUCKING PROMOED... heh. Wonder when you’ll be back.


Jay Dawg: You know, I’m not exactly sure why I’m putting you here... but thanks for the laughs, man.


Malice: You ruled ten gongs and a bell. Wish you were remembered better.


Boston Strangler: Another Clan alumni... and the greatest member of the ALLEY 4 LIFE IN DA HIZZOUSE! Yeah, I’ll never quite let you forget it. Sadly, I don’t think I know you as well as I should. Maybe it’s your overwhleming love of sports that I cannot comprehend plus your hatred of DDR. No, I think it’s just that we never talked, you know? Maybe we should talk about our favorite foods or something, sometime in the future.


John Kruger: I loved your writing style and gimmick the first time I met you... too bad you couldn’t take the giant word limits. As the first person to ever use DDR music for his theme... I salute you, space cowboy.


Chris Raynor: Another person I never knew as well as I could have. I always pictured you as a lovable turqoise dinosaur. And to be honest, that picture says more than I could ever hope to. If you come back, you have a serious shot at the World Title.


MrGalatea: I KNOW you have naked pics of Miss G. You HAVE to. Send me some.


HVT: Thugg is justice, Thugg is rule. That win over ELM shocked us all, and gave us you to look up to for a very long time. When I finally got my shot, you did your damnedest to put me over and seem like a very credible threat to your title. You also said that you feared me winning most of all. I wrote about 9,100 words, my longest match ever... and lost. Sigh... you’re unstoppable. I was very happy to write against you. The couple times we talked, I greatly enjoyed your company. Cheers.


Annie Eclectic: One of my best friends in this whole thing. You kicked ass in the JL, and I immediately felt like you belonged in the Clan. While you were with us, I really felt like I should take care of you, like you were my kid. I don’t mean to be demeaning in the least. If someone were to insult you, I would take it very personally. I hated seeing you struggle early on in the WF, but I think you’re just a millimeter away from suddenly rocketing up the card. To be honest, you’re the first lesbian I’ve been friends with who I’ve been aware was a lesbian. And to be honest, I really learned nothing from that, which is a good thing, because it means that I’m not closed-minded, and that you’re really just like one of us.


Sacred: I read your re-debut match against Fallout a long time ago, and I remember getting really excited, even though honestly, I had no idea who you were. It was a real thrill to watch you win the whole damn thing, because sumbitch deserves it. If I had any advice for you, it would be to smile. I always envision you frowning. Why is that? I dunno. Smile!


Synareo: This forgotten no-showing newbie’s name is just an excuse for me to write the word penis. Penis.


Mark Stevens: This man is a class act, and every time I talked with him, I got the impression that he carried himself with dignity and class. I have nothing but respect for you. Not to mention that you’re one of my favorite champions, because you embody the qualities that a champion should hold. Honor. Dignity. Respect for those that came before. Your final promo is one of the greatest I ever read.


Z: Oh man, how could I forget YOU?! At first, I wasn't sure what to make of you. You had a very original character, and you even managed, yes, to beat Tom Flesher! I also enjoyed talking KoF with you... but it wasn't until you wrote "The Ballad of Chrissy Stardust" that I realized your true potential. Anyone who can write something that good belongs in the annals of SWF history. Hard to believe that, in truth, you've been around a lot longer than us. By the way, do you have the KoF 2001 ROM? MAME just started to support it yesterday, and the ROM I have is a bad dump. :lol: You're awesome, man.


Tom Flesher: AGH! How could I miss you, too! One of my favorite Clan members, if only because I got him to change his name to Durandal, a move none of you truly appreciated for it's beauty. I don't think Tom did either, which is why he changed back. Any, I remember moving to the Smarks, and wondering when new people were going to join... and you were the first guy I saw. Granted, Danny Williams was a very close second, but I noticed that you were at the forefront of a new group of people we had yet to see compete in our fed. The non-IGNers, if you will. You broke out to become the Next Big Thing. Nothing away from the Next Next Big Thing, who is Frost... but I'm rambling here. I think of you as the most well rounded guy not only writing-wise, but as someone who can talk about pretty much any topic. Glad to have met you. Don't let the women fuck you up.


Fugue: Your gimmick rules. Keep it up.


So... that’s all I can remember at the moment... I’m sure, though, that I’ll miss a few, and I’ll feel real guilty, but I’ll edit in anyone I forget and want to add in.


I’d to end by saying that everyone can contribute to the fed in his or her way (TRY DONATING YOU CHEAP TWATS), like the website... so I resolve, from this point on:


The SWF Weekly Audio Show.


I’ll do one final promo after Smarkdown to wrap it all up. I’ll be in chat and on the boards though, so I’m not going anywhere.


Thank you all for a wonderful experience and lifetime memories.

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Guest TheAntipop

Because you asked nicely, and more importantly because you called Munich a queef, the pictures are in the mail.


I love you, man.


And I mean that in the gayest way possible. :wub:

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Guest Lightning Flik

No way... Can't believe ya going to be leaving the SWF. Even if it's temporary for right now...


Well, hopefully, the time off will get you recharged to come back. I really enjoyed reading your stuff. (yes, I did read WF stuff when I was still around. oh wait! I am around).

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Guest HVilleThugg

The few times we talked? Fool, we talked more than a few times, and don't make me come over there and remind you. Come on...remember all those times we bitched about Stubby...I know you remember... :)


Seriously though, I already knew you were leaving so this isn't a shock to me, but it's still sad to see you go. When I got bumped from the JL, one of the things I was happiest about was that I got to leave on top because I didn't have to face YOU coming over from the ML. Very frightened I was...just like in that four way with me, you, PDS, and ELM for the title several months later. You're a good guy, most of the time...hee hee :) and even though we didn't see eye to eye on the whole recent Stubby thing, I have the ultimate respect for you for doing it. Everyone else kept just talking about it, but you did something about it, and I have to respect that. So, even though your obsession with DDR frightens me to my core, you're still cool wit me.


And hey, anytime you need help with your Comp sci stuff or you need to bounce ideas off someone, you can drop me a line. I'm about to get my CS degree from Maryland, so I might know a thing or two.


Da "really knows nothing" H

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Guest realitycheck

So, the one guy who can talk KoF (Among... other... bizzare interests) with you, and I get no-sold in the acknowledgements? Dammit!


Heh. Seriously, though, it's going to be a little odd not seeing Thoth on the cards anymore... when I was doing my super-extended lurking around this place, I liked the Thoth character. Once I finally joined the fed, and was in it for a few months, I realized something: Thoth was a true cornerstone of this fed. Someone who was always there, always writing, someone who did a lot to shape the way the fed was. Outside of the Stubby thing, and the fact that you were responsible for moving us to these boards, you did more for this fed than I think you might realize.


Oh, and you gave me my Euro Title win over Tom at Absolution. (Y)!


Okay, that said, I'll just cut right to the point: Thoth, in all honesty, with no false sentiments at all, you are one of the people here I respect. A lot. You'll be missed, even if you'll still be around, and you certinally won't be forgotten. ::tips hat::



Oh, and thank you for refering to Raynor as a "loveable turquoise dinosaur". That's fuckin' PERFECT.

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Guest Suicide King

Thothers... you've come a long way from the n00b who challenged me in his first promo. You've consistently been one of my favorites once you recoverered from that glaring faux pas, and I know you'll come back one day to accomplish what I have always known you would...


Thoth, SWF World Champion.

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Guest Angel_Grace_Blue

Ah, Thothage, I kind of expected this would happen, as there are very few that can go on writing as long as you and others have. And I'd like to thank you for a few things:


1. For introducing the glory that is 665 unto me.


2. For writing some nifty matches throughout your career (And I might have marked a few, though the first couple weren't good jobs on my part as I was a n00b to marking)


3. For being part of one of the freakiest stables ever to stable a stable of stables.


4. Er...uh...for uh, that one time, where you uh...oh yeah, those classic arguements in chat we had. (Speaking of which, KoF and Capcom vs. SNK and other such stuff SUCKS THE GNARLED AND GENITAL WART-COVERED COCK OF MUNICH!)


Good times, good times...and finally, a buring question I have to ask you:



Care for a bagel?

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Guest AnnieEclectic

Somehow, I understand what you said about me without fully understanding it. And I think that's good. Or, that could be the DayQuil talking, but still.


Being in this fed has been a hell of a ride for me so far and I don't think I'd still be here if it weren't for Thoth. If you weren't the first WFer to notice me in the JL then at least you were the first to vocalize it. I still consider you a close friend even though all our contact has been through the net. Still, you've been a force in the league and I know that Annie or Allison wouldn't be who they were today if it weren't for you. And to toss it back at you, you're probably the first straight friend I had that didn't try to overtly show me that all I needed was *the right guy* to be with, even in a joking manner (Jaaaaay Daaaaaawg.... Straaaaaaangleeeeeer :P ) and I always appreciated that even if it didn't bother me that other guys did. I always knew that no matter what you respected me and even though we had a rough time or three along the way, we still respect each other. I'm very very glad to have a friend like you, and it's sad to see you go.





That said, be prepared for an onslaught of attempts to drag you from the Home a'la JD v. Thugg. HUZZAH~!




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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Annie, you KNOW you want me.


Thoth, thanks for the kind words. I remember when you were discussing the early part of my career, and talking about how you never thought I'd become anything. Well, who's laughing now? HUH? HUH!? H...


*Thoth kills TBS*


Aw crap.



But on a serious note, you'll be missed, Thoth. You were a longtime vet, you did some great things around here, and your writing in late 2001, when you were absolutely on fire (before that whole nervous breakdown or whatever) was about as good as I've ever seen. You could hang with the best of 'em. Here's hoping that you find the motivation someday and finally capture the big one.

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Guest Ace309

Thoth, thank you for the time and effort you put into the fed.


Also, thank you for the rants. Christ, those were entertaining.

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Guest midnight_burn
Oh, wow. I think I'm the only Clan member not mentioned in the original post. :D

Christian Fury, John Doe, K-Os, i'm sure there are others too.

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Guest Ace309



Listen, you seem to be missing the part about how the world revolves around me.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

The Balancer has left the building.


One of the guys most devoted to the fed steps down for a while, and it's probably a good idea. When you feel that burn-out, you have to take off. Many thanks for the memories, for the wild planned stories, for the Edwin-joins-the-Clan story that never was, for the still-alluring notion of the Three Kings, and for always taking this thing seriously. You're the guy who's been closest to the top and juuuuust been iiiiiinches away, and if you ever choose to come back I'm sure you'll be leaping over the mountain in a moment.


::spills a 40 oz. for the strap pants::


Happy trails, psycho boy.

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Guest chirs3

A lovable turquoise dinosaur...




Why do I get the feeling that this is going to stick with me for a long long time?


Bah. I've never been too good with responding to retirement posts, which is why I usually don't, since I can never figure anything other than "Bye" to say.


So, uh...




I suck at this...

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