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Guest Mole

My mom passed away, PLEASE read to see...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Mole I am so so so sorry. I know what it's like to lose a family member.


and whoever this fucktard is he'll pay.


I want to know what name he used to post here under. and I want him to have the balls to bother me.

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Guest Mole
Mole, my condolenses as well. How you even have the strength to talk about it astounds me.


As some of you may know, he's annoyed me over IM as well and while before I considered him a very annoying troll, he's now one of the lowest beings on this planet.


I personally guarantee you that should he ever try and get back onto this board, he WILL be banned. I hate that asshole anyway.



Thanks Dames, I do my best.


I guess you can say that I talk about it just to get it off my chest, that way it doesn't upset me later in life. It's hard because when I say things about my mother around my friends, they don't know what to say. The only person who knows what to say is my dad.


Thanks for your support fellas.

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Guest EdwardKnoxII

Hey Molestomp I just wanted to say that I'm very sorry for the lost of your mom. I know how it feels I lost mine in '98. But, keep in mind that wherever she is she is in a better place.

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Guest Nathan J

Like everyone else here im sorry to hear that Mole.

I can't believe that you managed to be so calm when that Idiot was messaging you, I'd go around the bend if I was in your situation. Anyway he will get his.

Hang in there Mole, things will turn around.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

I wouldn't worry about this guy. He used to IM me with that first sn all the time back at the old SM board. He IMed me and asked a lot on innocent wrestling questions that I had no problem in answering, but then he really began to get annoying with his IMs, asking me stuff about things that I would have no clue about (backstage happenings) and what have you. I eventually blocked him, but he IMed me with another sn. Eventually, I just changed my sn (not because of him, just needed a change) and I didn't have to worry about him anymore. It's because of people like him that I don't post my sn. I don't have time to deal with shit.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
It's hard because when I say things about my mother around my friends, they don't know what to say...

Don't get bummed that your friends don't know what to say to you about the situation either, because it's really really hard to say the right thing.

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Guest bravesfan
Don't get bummed that your friends don't know what to say to you about the situation either, because it's really really hard to say the right thing.


Couldn't agree more.


And please, let that shit that LKDawg (or whatever) said to you, just roll off your back. There are LOTS of shit-heads that don't deserve the time of day from common people.




But from my POV...


The only way I can extend condolences is to say that I'VE been through your situation before, and since you're of a older age (early 20's), you'll able to get through this, no matter how long it takes.


Be glad of the time you've spent with her, and how much she means to you.


Allow the words of the smarks to at least comfort you for the moment, and be able to help your family (especially your Dad) get through this trying time.

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Guest The Old Me
It's hard because when I say things about my mother around my friends, they don't know what to say...

Don't get bummed that your friends don't know what to say to you about the situation either, because it's really really hard to say the right thing.

I'd have to agree. One of my best friends had their mom die less than 1 year ago. I was the first person on his answering machine. I may not have known what to say, but he knew I was there no matter what. Now might be a good time to spend more time with your dad too, as I'm sure his words can be comforting.

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Guest imajackoff?

My sympathies, mole. That's just awful. Keep your head up and spend time around those who will suport you.

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Guest Mole

It sucks because today was the first day that I got really down about the whole thing. I guess it was because my brother went back home, so now I am alone most of the time.


I even went on a date tonight, and I was just sad the whole time. The only thing that will make me feel better is time, talking to people and some medicine.


Thanks for your support fellas.

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Guest The Superstar

I guess I'm a little late in saying this, buy I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my uncle to cancer about 5 years ago...but I can't even imagine what it would be like to lose my mom...I wish you the best during this difficult time.

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Guest nl5xsk1

I hate to "bump" this and get it back up, because I'm sure it's a scene that Mole wishes would just go away, but I had to offer my condolensces as well. I've yet to lose a parent, but have had more friends pass away than I care to think about.


I couldn't even read through the entire posting of the IM conversation, I was so angry. So I skipped those and read the rest of the thread. By the time I finished reading everyone's sympathy and kind words, the anger was replaced with sadness for your loss and happiness that people who so often argue about the petty things here (i.e. wrestling) all come together to support one of their own.


I don't know who here believes in karma, and a deity that oversees what's going on down here, but I strongly believe in both. This asshole who thinks its funny to kick someone when they're down will feel that pain tenfold, and all you can do is overlook his antics and know that what goes around, comes around.

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Guest Mole

Thanks bro. Yup, karma will come back to him and kick his ass. Or if I ever happen to see him in real life, even though I'm a small dude, I'd kick that guys ass.

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Guest What?

I'm sorry to re-bump as well, but I would just like to say I am sorry for the loss of your mother. I almost lost my mom to heart disease a few years back, and every day that she was in the hospital, I was depressed.



And that fuckhole that IM's you...




you want me to take him out? With extreme prejudice?

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Guest Mole

Do whatever pleases you bro.


And I'm sorry about your mother too, it's no fun as you know.


And re-bumping it doesn't bother me at all. It's nice to know what people say.

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