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Guest wwF1587

How will bischoff "shake up" RAW?

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Guest Coffey
You don't even know what you're talking about! Austin didn't mind jobbing to Brock. The problem was he felt it was a big time match-up, thus it should've had some build up. He was disappointed that he didn't know about the match until the night that it was supposed to happen, so he said "fuck it."

fine then... let the man come back... we'll all mark out like little bitches... then he will do something...who knows what...but SOMETHING...and we will turn on him...


we did it to Trips... we marked out bad when he came back (and don't say you didn't cause I hate that bastard and even I was cheering)


I guess we won't know until it happens...if it happens...

What do you mean by "We?" Not all the posters here are the same. I've like Austin since his Hollywood Blonde days, and I still like Triple H.

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Guest El Satanico

I sure the hell wasn't cheering HHH's return. I haven't ever liked HHH even when everyone was going nuts for the guy.

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Guest BobBacklundRules

During heat Lilian Garcia interview Bischoff about the "30-day" ultimatum made by Vince McMahon to him about turning Raw around. Bischoff promised to "drop a bombshell" tomorrow on Raw.

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Guest thetrendsetter

Well, they need a way to determine a #1 contender for Raw's WM Match... maybe Battlebowl or Wargames?

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