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How the next month of Raw should go

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At the Rumble: Angle retains, Brock wins the Rumble, and HHH retains as well.


On Raw: Eric comes out in the opening segment and announces that the first big shake-up for Raw is that with Vince's approval that Brock Lesner's SD contract is now null and void do to a loophole in the contract Heyman had Brock sign and that Brock's back on Raw. Not only that, Brock will get to face HHH at No Way Out for the Raw title and that for WM the winner will get to fight the SD champ to reunify the titles.


HHH goes apeshit and refuses to go along with this and threatens to "pull an Austin" when Eric announces that if HHH walks out, he forfits the belt and that Eric will bring back Austin and that NWO's main event will be Austin/Brock. Eric also makes reference to the fact that HHH is a pussy and scared of Brock and insinuate that HHH was working with Steph to steal Brock away from Raw because HHH was absolutely scared of facing Brock.


We build up to NWO with Brock and HHH fighting in various six-man/tag match combinations with HHH using every dirty trick in the book to beat Brock. It's made pretty clear though that HHH is weaker than Brock though and that the only way HHH can beat Brock is to cheat and use his trusty sledgehammer. Meanwhile Kurt Angle makes various non-wresting appearances on Raw to gloat at Brock not being able to touch him until Mania and to play shit-disturber with HHH by bringing up the whole "I screwed Steph behind your back the entire time you were married to her" to piss HHH off.


At NWO Brock beats HHH CLEANLY to get the rub of being the man who slayed the beast that was HHH. At the end of the match Austin makes his triumphant return and stares Brock down.


The next night Eric gets fired for bringing Austin back and gets Shane brought in to take over. Meanwhile Austin and HHH feud some while Kurt Angle gets permission to wrestle on Raw from Vince leading to a series of showdowns with Brock that lead up to WM while Austin/HHH feud as the secondary WM feud for Raw...

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Guest Rob Edwards

all well and good apart from the words "beat HHH CLEANLY" and the feeling I have that Austin won't come back to work with HHH

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