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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Does it feel like WrestleMania to anyone else?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Or is it just another show?


The WWF title match doesn't have any good buildup...and Stephanie will ruin any chance of Jericho carrying HHH to a good match.


Hell...technically there are only 4 matches on the card.


The only match that has any good build up is Flair vs. Taker...and that's not even an official match yet.


I guess ALOT is going to happen this week...seeing as matches have to be announced:


Flair vs. Taker

Kane vs. Angle

Booker vs. Edge

Tag Title MAtch

Women's Title Match

Whatever guys like Christian, DDP, Storm, Big Show, Rikishi & Test are going to be doing.


With all of that left to accomplish...It doesn't seem like they are going to be able to build a WrestleMania feel to this show.


What do you think?


IS this a special show?  Or a throwaway Mania.




Storylines, heat, in-ring work...


It doesn't look so good to me...how about you?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Many former In Your House PPVs last year had better build than Wrestlemania.  Even Backlash had better build and they only had three weeks from Wrestlemania to do it.


Just look at No Way Out.  Every match there had a purpose, and was built up on well before the show.

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Guest Tony149

It's just another show, but the biggest one. A lot of it has to do with too many PPV's. This WM is piss-poor in hype. Most of the guys should be working harder since it is WM, but I have my doubts.

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Guest Army Eye

The Rock/Hogan match feels pretty 'big' but nothing else does.  Last year's Wrestlemania had a poor buildup too but it had some great matches so all was forgiven in the end.

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Guest naturalone

The most recent Ross report said there would probably be 11 or so matches. As already been said there are four confirmed matches. Angle/Kane, Flair/UT and Edge/ Booker are pretty much givens making the match total 7. I think the following four matches could make WMX8 a good show overall, and they all could possibly happen.


1. Women champ Jazz v . Trish v. Lita (already teased)


2. Tag champs Billy/Chuck v. Tazz/Spike v. Hardyz v. Dudleyz (Since APA gave away there shot why should they be rewarded another one?)


3. Euro champ DDP and Christian v. Lance Storm and Test (Have Storm be pissed that Christian is hanging with DDP and broke up their team and bring in Test as a hired gun. This match would be for the Euro title using the anoyone that gets the pin is the champ stip like the Chyna/ Guerrero v. Val/Trish match from Summer Slam 00. Chritian would turn on DDP giving the belt to Storm and reforming the Canadian Mafia angle that was teased earlier in the year. The Mafia would play a role in the world title match later)


4. Hardcore champ Goldust v. Maven v. Al Snow v. The APA v. The Big Show v. Rikishi v. Mr. Perfect v. Big Bossman v. Mystery Entrant (Kevin Nash)- WrestleMania 2000 style (Nash would not be announced until the actual show as the mystery entrant obviously. Mr. Perfect could claim that he can be perfectly hardcore to justify his spot in the match. The match would feel different from the 2000 one because only the APA would be repeators. Nash would win.).


The only person that is glaringly missing who probably should be on the show is Tajiri seeing that he is a champion. Through him on Heat I guess.


Unfortunately I have read that they might do Test v. Rikishi, which no one wants to see.


This is my first post. Sorry if this should be in the fantasy booking folder.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The post fits perfectly right here.


Welcome to the board.


I have a horrible feeling that Test vs. Rikishi will happen.  I guess it's better than them ruining 2 seperate matches...but this is the ULTIMATE garbage match.


I want a 15-20 minute Tajiri vs. X-Pac unification match damnit.

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Guest Ace309

I'd definitely like to see Tajiri on the card, since I'm a total mark for him... I also wish they'd throw Storm and Christian on there somewhere, since Storm's been looking REALLY good lately.


(Side note: Please delete Christian's tantrum gimmick. It's getting old and adds nothing to his character.)

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Guest naturalone

WrestleMania precedent is not on Tajiri's side.


The lightweight title was introduced in late 1997. It was defended at WMXIV in 1998 and hasn't been since. Dean Malenko was the champion in 2000, but wrestled in the 6 person intergender match. I don't even remember who the lightweight champ was this time last year. Crash maybe?


Thanks for the welcome bps21.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think it was Crash.


If Tajiri sees any action...it will likely be on Heat.  Which is really a damn shame.  Tajiri and Hurricane are VERY over midcarders.  And yet...they get no time on real TV shows, or PPVs.


Then again...if it was Tajiri vs. Hurricane on Heat...I wouldn't be complaining.

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Guest RecklessX9

Nah, this isn't like any other WMs. Last year's WM was very disappointing, IMO. Although it had a lot of build, I was kinda disappointed that Taker/HHH was put there just because of some stupid 2 week feud or so.


This year? Same thing. WM has always been about the World Title match but moving HHH/Jericho upper only shows the world that the WWFCC are really struggling to find some ideas. They bought WCW, so do something about it! Bring in Sting! Goldberg! The works!

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Guest The Electrifyer

Wrestlemania, to me, last year ruled!! It was one of, if not, the greatest WM ever. This years, however, barely has anything. Only 4 matches now?? Only HHH/Y2J, Rock/Hogan, Hall/Austin have been built up, and Y2J vs. HHH is being built up more as Stephanie vs. HHH. Wrestlemania should be built up from the Raw right after No Way Out. I think the WWF should space out there PPV's more. Cut a couple if they have to, but make an effort to build up more matches. Hell, theres more then 5 WWF shows a week and they can't even build up a full Pay Per View.

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Guest RedJed

How can you say this buildup has been like any other to Mania, Reckless?? Back in the early 90s, it wasn't that good of a buildup either, but at least they had those 2 hour specials on the USA Network for the sole purpose of building up the ppv. Then when Russo came around, it seemed to get much better with the buildup, from January to April was commonplace as the best TV of the year, well up until this year at least.


Remember some of the Raws in 97 leading up? There was one with Bret v. Sid in a cage match that was just nuts........built up both Taker/Sid and Austin/Bret almost perfectly, and then we saw Bret swearing on national TV after pushing down Vince.


98 was a great buildup with Tyson in the mix, and generally the intensity seemed high....everyone was trying hard, including the bookers.


2000's undercard was awful. With last years buildup though, I recall the shows being pretty good overall, and then right at the last minute you had the WCW purchase in the mix and that really upped the interest as well. They worked hard with the buildup last year, perhaps better than a few years previously (99 and 2000). They justified the fact that it was going to be a big show with the buildup.....hell they got a huge buyrate from it, one of their largest ever in recent history. With Taker-HHH, I actually think they did pretty good with that buildup considering that wasn't the original plan in the first place. The story that HHH never had ever beat Taker, nor had they ever faced each other in a big show was good enough buildup for me. Same with the stuff leading into Benoit/Angle.......it was only a weeks worth of buildup, but it delivered.


But this year has taken the buildup to an all time low. The only real positive was the night after No Way Out with the Rock/Hogan angle....but other than that, what has there been? Pointless run ins/attacks, rehashed scenarios, etc. It's just nothing interesting enough to even get me hyped about seeing whatever match. I'm still only interested in Rock/Hogan, thanks to that promo they did in the middle of the ring 3 weeks ago.


Hopefully in this last week, they pull out all the stops. Smackdown was halfway decent in building up Mania, and with them having to announce more of the matches, and Rock back, something has to give this week, you would think. The matches that really needs the most buildup at this point is HHH-Jericho and Kane-Angle, IMO.

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Guest Van-Daminated

the fact that only four matches count them FOUR matches have been announced is PATHETIC. i did a rather lengthly post about this elsewhere so i'll cut this one short,bottom line is that the wwf should go back to just the big ones Royal Rumble,Wrestlemania,King Of The Ring,SummerSlam, and Survivor Series

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

If only they could build the whole show like UT/Flair.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

How did they do such a good job making me care about an Undertaker match...and yet I don't care about the rest of the show.


That shouldn't add up like that.

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Guest Brian

I think they can salvage Jericho/HHH within a week, but probably not enough. I'm definately interested, in kayfabe-sense, about Hogan/Rock and Undertaker/Flair. Austin/Hall is just below the interest line, but really the rest of the card doesn't have much to show for on TV. Of course, there's that feeling that it is WrestleMania, so it coul still work out. That's my kayfabed view of it, my smarkened look says no.

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Guest Sakura

The lack of build up and signed matches is nothing new and shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Last year they had only 2 matches official until 2 weeks before the show. This time last year they had I think 5 or 6, it wasn't much better.

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Guest Caliban

This is a great topic.


I feel last year's Wrestlemania had just as poor a buildup as this years. Austin/Rock was based more on Debra, just as Stephanie is the main focus in the HHH/Jericho buildup. But it didn't harm the buyrate - it was a record. And the show was fantastic, so those who bought the PPV last year will most likely do so again, thinking the show might be of the same quality.


And I don't see why it won't... The matches do have poor buildup but there are some that could deliver.


HHH/Jericho has the potential to be a ****+ match, as does Edge/Booker T if they are given enough time. Hogan/Rock will deliver on sheer markout value alone, as should Taker/Flair.

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Guest JerryDrake

You kids have yet to realise that they didnt annoucne most of the matches for WM the week before, LAST YEAR.


AND IT TURNED OUT TO BE THE BEST WRESTLEMANIA EVER, so go cry me river, espically you BPS, all you do is bitch and moan, NO ONE CARES.


HHH is holding RVD down! RVD should be main eventing! HHH sucks! I hate HHH! I want pleasure from RVD!


We get it.


Get a life, and shut up and enjoy the show.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

What the fuck was that?


Let me re-read this thread and see where I mentioned HHH and RVD...since that's all I do...


Nope didn't mention RVD once.


What do you know...Drake must be flaming me...


Time to ignore.

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Guest Anglesault

Are you trying to say that Test/Rikishi doesn't just REEK "Wrestlemania?"


Yeah, you're right. It just reeks. And that wouldn't be Rikishi's fault.

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Guest Caliban

Everyone is forgetting that last year had great matches, but it also had:


Ivory vs Chyna (horrible)


APA and Tazz vs RTC (equally horrible)


Eddy Guerrero vs Test (no heat)


the Gimmick Battle Royal (Enough said)

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Guest JerryDrake
What the fuck was that?


Let me re-read this thread and see where I mentioned HHH and RVD...since that's all I do...


Nope didn't mention RVD once.


What do you know...Drake must be flaming me...


Time to ignore.

I dunno if u stop this HHH/RVD nonsense, because i havent been online much lately, but if u did sorry.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I just don't like the fact that Rock/Hogan overshadows the title match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't like the fact that Stephanie overshadows the title match.


But here we are.


HHH is holding down RVD........sorry...it's like terrets syndrome.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

there's a tittle match? holy shit whn did stephanie win the belt? i mean she IS wrestling HHH at WrestleMania right?right?

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Guest JerryDrake
I just don't like the fact that Rock/Hogan overshadows the title match.

I dissagree with your point, IT SHOULD overshadow it.


We seen Jericho/HHH before, and even then it wasnt a dream match.


Rock and Hogan is somthing ORIGNAL, FRESH, and LAST YEAR We would thought we would never ever see this match, unlike Jericho/HHH where there could be possiblites.

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Guest Tony149

I'm kinda glad Jericho/HHH is overshadowed by Hogan/Rock. It's been all HHH & Steph. I guess they forgot Jericho was Champ.

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