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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Does it feel like WrestleMania to anyone else?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I know.....that HHH/Steph match should have amazing heat when it happens.....as it is Jericho/HHH has almost none.

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Guest Anglesault
r, espically you BPS, all you do is bitch and moan, NO ONE CARES.


HHH is holding RVD down! RVD should be main eventing! HHH sucks! I hate HHH! I want pleasure from RVD!


We get it.


Get a life, and shut up and enjoy the show.

Woah, man. Take a sedative or something. When did he say RVD should main? Calm down and read the posts.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

But correct nonetheless.


Thank you for sticking up for me Anglesault and Rasmus.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

why bother, just let the guy rant, no one'll take him serious he he does it often. Jesus what is it with some people and freaking on you BPS? do you like insult there mothers or something?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think it is a conspiracy.


We all know who I blame.

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Guest Risk

Until the WWF makes me forget the bad memories they've trapped inside my head, I can't enjoy WWF shows.  They need to start over from scratch...otherwise they will not be able to have any respectability.

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Guest Anglesault
Until the WWF makes me forget the bad memories they've trapped inside my head, I can't enjoy WWF shows.  They need to start over from scratch...otherwise they will not be able to have any respectability.

How the hell do you do that? Fire the whole roster?

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Guest RedJed
Until the WWF makes me forget the bad memories they've trapped inside my head, I can't enjoy WWF shows.  They need to start over from scratch...otherwise they will not be able to have any respectability.

How the hell do you do that? Fire the whole roster?

I'm guessing he means to just have a new booking team on board.......start anew with feuds, angles, etc. That would be my guess.


About the placement of the matches, I still feel, even though the buildup has been weak, that Jericho-HHH should be the main event. When there is a world title on the line, that should always be made the focal point of the shows, no exceptions. This is one problem I have had with the WWF off and on......during some ppvs they will place the WWF title match in the middle of the card or something. They did this at Mania 8 and 11 already, and most recently at last year's SummerSlam. I feel that devalues the belt to an effect.

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Guest teke184

Shows where the WWF title was not involved in the main event:


Wrestling Classic (Piper vs. Hogan is on the undercard because the tournament won by JYD is the focus of the show)


Wrestlemania 8 (Hogan's retirement match bumped Flair-Savage for the WWF title to the midcard)


Summerslam 92 (Location of PPV and the planned booking decision put the WWF title defense on the midcard and the IC title defense in the main event)


KOTR 1993 (KOTR tourney was focus of PPV)


KOTR 1994 (see 1993)


Summerslam 94 (Undertaker vs. Underfaker pushed Bret-Owen to the midcard)


Survivor Series 94 (Booking decisions plus "money match" of Yokozuna-Taker puts Hart-Backlund in midcard)


Wrestlemania XI (Bigelow-LT bumps Diesel-HBK for publicity reasons)


IYH: Revenge of the Taker (Money match Austin-Hart bumps Taker-Foley to midcard)


IYH: Ground Zero (Hart-Patriot bumped by Taker-HBK)


One Night Only (UK only, Euro title is in main event because PPV is in Bulldog's hometown)


IYH: Rock Bottom (Austin-Taker bumped Foley-Rock)


IYH: St. Valentine's Day Massacre (Austin-McMahon bumps Foley-Rock)


KOTR 1999 (Taker-Rock was bumped by Austin vs. Vince and Shane)


Armageddon 1999 (Show-Bossman bumped by Vince-HHH)


Survivor Series 2000 (Angle-Taker bumped by HHH-Austin)


Summerslam 2001 (Angle-Austin bumped by Rock-Booker)



There are two main categories of PPVs that don't have the WWF title match as the main event:  1. Those that have a "bad" ending    or   2.  Those that aren't considered to be the draw that the other match is.  There are exceptions, such as political reasons (Hogan HAD to get the main event of WM 8 because he'd main evented every Wrestlemania at that time),  unforseen circumstances (The Austin-Hart match at IYH: Revenge of the Taker was a change from the planned Hart-Sid match), and media considerations (The exposure of LT-Bigelow was supposed to help out the buyrate and the WWF, which didn't really happen).



As for HHH-Jericho, I think that it was bumped from the main event spot due to a combination of political reasons, a "bad" ending, and that the match isn't considered to be the draw that Rock-Hogan is.  


I'm sure a part of Hogan's contract had language in there about headlining Wrestlemania at least once during his 3-year deal, Rocky needs to get a win for the first time after jobbing in the past three main events, and I think that HHH being below where he should be will push back his title win to Backlash at the earliest.

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Guest converge241

it feels like just another ppv.

Hopefully over the weekend I'll get more into it.

This will be the last ppv ill order live.

someone else had a good idea in another thread, with the prices going up Ill wait and gauge net reaction and if a ppv is really good ill order the tuesday replay.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I have to order it live. It's just not the same watching a replay.

But luckily I have like 5 friends that divy the cost evenly. I wouldn't pay 40 bucks by myself for that. I'd be a fool.

But I agree this doesn't feel special. It should but it doesn't. I just don't get the WWF these days.........there's something wrong their.

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Guest Austin3164life

With all the star power that the WWF has in possession, the feel of Wrestlemania around the corner is lost upon me.  The poor buildup is the main cause.  To me, the buildup should begin between Royal Rumble and No Way Out, because No Way Out should be when the challenger is being tested and so is the Champion, to see if both have caliber and can last until Wrestlemania.  Hogan/Rock being the Main Event is understandable because these are two huge star-power guys and it's Wrestlemania.  Triple H/Jericho can be done almost any time and it's not that much of a dream match........

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Guest Frankie Williams

Sorry if this has been posted already, but i havent read all posts. There hasnt been enough time to build WM up. The last few years, No Way Out and WM have been about 6 weeks. This year four weeks. Not enough time at all. You really cant get a proper build up for 11 matches or so, in such little time. I used to love it in the old days that there was 2 months (sometimes more) between the Rumble and WM. Now THAT is the proper way to build up the biggest show of the year, nice and slow. Its like cooking a pot roast. You get more weeks of heat between the wrestlers. Not 2 weeks of "heat" because someone got a shampoo commercial, which has to be the DUMBEST reason to feud 2 wrestlers since Kane feuded with Jericho over coffee. I am hoping....no i am PRAYING that the HHH/Jericho is the last match on the show. I always believed that the only way to end WM is with the champion holding his belt up as they go off the air. Having the Rock throwing up his empty hand in victory, or having Hogan and the nWo standing in the middle of the ring is no way to end the supposed "Super Bowl of Wrestling".

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Even with just 4 weeks...they haven't done ANYTHING in the last 3 that they should have done to build up the event.


4 weeks is enough time.


Flair vs. Taker has excellent build and it's only been 3.

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Guest Ihatesmarksandmarks

does anyone else think BPS hatred of HHH is going to far....i have a feeling hes gonna murder HHH at a house show or something. By the way what happened to wade the duck? I was a big mark for garfield and friends..

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

He'll be back.


I'm purging all of my HHH hatred with my pic and sig.

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Guest Army Eye

hnmm I liked Garfield and Friends but not the U.S. Acres stuff, I gave it 'get off my TV heat'.  I hated how they always did musical numbers.

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