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Guest The Hollywood Fashion Plate

2003: Best Rumble Match since '92?

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Guest Choken One

Well, if you want to get techical, Chyna was last in the Corporate rumble...


Besides, You'd figure that eventully they'd go ahead and have #30 win and finally solidyfy the number as threat...since #27 is the REAL winner (3 times I believe)

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Guest the pinjockey

This rumble showed why they need a heel announcer. One of the things that made the 92 rumble stand out so much was Heenan having a coronary every time Flair got close to the ropes and then going buck nutty when he won it. Here you had Jericho eliminating Michaels in a completely legal fashion yet JR keeps going on and on about how Michaels is going to get his revenge. For what? The rumble is no-DQ and Jericho took advantage of the situation. Damn him for being smart and instead of having a heel commentator to point that out Lawler does nothing. After a little while he makes a half-hearted attempt to say Jericho is his new favorite but doesn't actually panic when he almost gets eliminated. Then when Jericho finally does leave we get this:


Lawler: "Well Kane is my new choice"

JR: Don't hunt what you can't kill, Jericho.


WTF?!? Jericho puts out a superhuman effort, gets screwed out of the match and there is noone saying anything about it.


Sorry, I have just been wanting to rant about that. So to answer the actual question this rumble gets **1/2 from me putting it in the middle of the pack or higher since rumbles can really suck for alltime rumbles, a nearly flawless first half to rack up early snowflakes followed by hossapalooza.

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Guest CanadianChick

Pinjockey, I have been saying the same thing for ages. That's why I liked the Ross/Heyman team so much; it was the last real face/heel commentating team. When you have a uber-face like JR, you need a heel to call him on his hyprocrisy, like what Venture used to do to Monsoon (which is the best commentating team from the ones I have heard IMO).

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Guest cabbageboy

No doubt that Gorilla and Bobby made that 1992 Rumble special. So many funny lines and comments.


Bear in mind that Jericho was doing nothing wrong, if you recall Cactus Jack and Terry Funk beat each other with chairs when they were 1-2 in 1998. Back then JR was amused by both men's toughness.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
Bear in mind that Jericho was doing nothing wrong, if you recall Cactus Jack and Terry Funk beat each other with chairs when they were 1-2 in 1998. Back then JR was amused by both men's toughness.

That's because Cactus Jack and Terry Funk are legends, and Jericho...well, JR's always seemed to have some sort of bias against him, even when he was a face.


Jericho to Steph:"Buy a couple of boxes of Clearisil....and stop being a filthy, dirty, disgusting, skanky, brutal, bottom-feeding trash bag ho....maybe then, you'd have a shot, with the Ayatollah....of ROCK...and.....ROLLAH!"


JR(not an exact quote):"Ah know Jericho won't git a Christmas bonus."

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Guest Youth N Asia

Did Jericho actually get thrown out?


He played the deal where he almost got thrown out every single minute, but there was a time where it looked like he couldn't save himself...then the camera changed and you couldn't tell for sure.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I would have enjoyed the Rumble more if Cole/Tazz did the announcing, but it was still one of the better rumble matches. Much better than last year.


I never thought that I would ever see a day when Michael Cole is the best play by play man in the company.

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Guest Choken One

I think it's Tazz that makes Cole look better, Kind of how Heenan made Monsoon LOOK great, when if you noticed Monsoon wasn't sweatness with others other then Ventura.


Remember Cat and Cole? They were horrible, Tazz compliments Cole's style quite well.

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