Guest bravesfan Report post Posted January 21, 2003 AgentBond34 - Tampa Bay AgentOfOblivion - Oakland (LOCK) Always Pissed Off - Oakland (LOCK) bps21- Tampa Bay (LOCK) bravesfan - Oakland (LOCK) cartman2092 - Tampa Bay (LOCK) ChokenOne DawnBTVS D'Lo White - Oakland DrTom - Tampa Bay (LOCK) El Satanico - Tampa Bay (LOCK) fazzle Flyboy - Tampa Bay (LOCK) Human Fly - Oakland (LOCK) imajackoff? - Tampa Bay jimmy no nose - Tampa Bay (LOCK) lonewolf218 Kahran Ramsus - Tampa Bay (LOCK) Kingpk - Oakland kkktookmybabyaway - Tampa Bay Kotzenjunge - Oakland (LOCK) MarvinisaLunatic - Tampa Bay (LOCK) meanmaisch - Oakland (LOCK) midnight burn - Oakland (LOCK) phoenixrising - Oakland Rabbi_wilson13 razazteca Spaceman Spiff the pinjockey TheVoicesInYourHead - Oakland (LOCK) WillScarlet - Tampa Bay Y2BigJ ---------------------- Same dealie with previous weeks: PM or e-mail your answers to me, and I'll post them in the "One and Only Superbowl Thread" before kick-off. To make sure I don't miss your predictions, try to have your predictions submitted 2 hours before kick-off. If you've already submitted generic picks to me (Flyboy, AoO, a few others) please submit them with the questions below. Of course, the obligatory simple prediction: Tampa Bay vs. Oakland. --Receive 10 points for the correct prediction. --[LOCK OF THE YEAR] will be worth another 10 points, but with the same consequences of [LOCK]-ing as before. --"Winner's Bonus will be worth even another 10 points. (Each question worth 5 points, points are NOT deducted for wrong answers.) 1--Which team will score first? 2--Who will be leading at HALFTIME? (if tied, question is negated.) 3--What will the total score of both teams be at HALFTIME? (within 5 points wins) 4--What will the total score of both teams be at FINAL WHISTLE? (within 5 points wins) 5--What will the total amount of passing yards (by both teams) be at FINAL WHISTLE? (within 35 yards wins) 6--What will the total amount of rushing yards (by both teams) be at FINAL WHISTLE? (within 35 yards wins) 7--Who will win the coin-toss? (That one's for you, IAJ.) That last one is a just a funny way to end the Pick'Em. I'm sure this entire contest wasn't being taken as anything more than "bragging rights", so I'll finish it on a good note. TOTAL AMOUNT OF POINTS TO BE WON: 65 points. Good luck to everybody... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last week's results.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Props to El Satanico for the win...getting both games correctly predicted, along with [LOCK]-ing them earned 45 points towards his total score. El Satanico - 45 Flyboy - 25 jimmynonose - 25 fazzle - 15 AgentofOblivion - 10 AlwaysPissedOff - 10 bps21 - 10 bravesfan - 10 DawnBTVS - 10 Human Fly - 10 imajackoff? - 10 kkktookmybabyaway - 10 meanmaisch - 10 midnightburn - 10 phoenixrising - 10 SpacemanSpiff - 10 TheVoicesInYourHead - 10 WillScarlet - 10 AgentBond34 - 0 cartman2092 - 0 Kahran Ramsus - 0 Kingpk - 0 MarvinisaLunatic - 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE SCOREBOARD For now, we are breaking ties by alphabetical order. [The ACTUAL TIEBREAKER(s) will be first decided by the total number of correct picks for the season, then if neccesary, # of Victor's Bonuses won by poster.] 1. midnight burn 218[+1] 2. D'Lo White 208[-1] 3. Kahran Ramsus 196[-] 4. The Voices In Your Head 187[+1] 5. El Satanico 184[+17] 6. WillScarlet 183[-] 7. AgentOfOblivion 182[+5] 8. cartman2092 180[-4] 9. imajackoff? 177[-] 10. meanmaisch 174[-] 11. kkktookmybabyaway 173[-] 12. bravesfan 168[+2] 13. MarvinisaLunatic 168[-5] 14. bps21 165[+1] 15. phoenixrising 165[+1] 16. Always Pissed Off 164[+1] 17. Kingpk 160[-5] 18. Kotzenjunge 160[-5] 19. AgentBond34 151[-1] 20. DrTom 150[-1] 21. ChokenOne 148[-1] 22. Spaceman Spiff 148[+1] 23. DawnBTVS 147[+1] 24. Human Fly [b 140[/b][+1] 25. Y2BigJ 140[-4] 26. Rabbi_wilson13 130[-1] 27. razazteca 130[-] 28. Jimmy No Nose 127[-] 29. the pinjockey 109[-] 30. fazzle 106[+1] 31. Lonewolf218 101[-1] 32. Flyboy 73[-] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted January 21, 2003 FUCK! I forget to put picks in, and I drop to 18th. Sure, only one would have been right and I wouldn't have locked the Eagles, but... dammit. Can we do a super-duper UBER-Lock for the Super Bowl? Like a bazillion points or something? Double or nothing? If we're going to do pseudo-gambling, LET'S GET SERIOUS!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted January 22, 2003 There's more than the game prediction to submit this week. The prediction and 7 questions related to the outcome of the game. There's a hell of amount of points to be won here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted January 22, 2003 Did I miss something? Where are these questions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyboy Report post Posted January 22, 2003 He'll probably post them later, Kotz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted January 22, 2003 eeexcellent...after spending all season in the twenties i have cracked the top 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kingpk Report post Posted January 22, 2003 Did I miss something? Where are these questions? If I know my Superbowl gambling, I have a few ideas: Which team will score first? Will it be a TD or FG? Will the total yards for Oakland be more than the longest drive at some golf tournament that takes place on Sunday? Things like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest imajackoff? Report post Posted January 22, 2003 and my fav: who will win the coin toss!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted January 22, 2003 someone pin this bitch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrTom Report post Posted January 22, 2003 Consider this bitch pinned. And after not submitting my picks this past weekend (I unexpectedly wasn't home, and had no PC access), I'm definitely getting in on the Super Bowl. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted January 27, 2003 ***This would've been posted up earlier, but the boards has been screwing me over lately...*** To avoid flood control, here are the winners of Questions #1, #2, #3 and #7. I'll edit them out and insert these, along with the rest of the still-to-be-answered questions, into the "Predictions Thread", once the real game finishes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question #1--Which team will score first? AgentBond34 AgentOfOblivion - Oakland Always Pissed Off - Oakland bps21 - Oakland bravesfan - Oakland cartman2092 - Oakland ChokenOne DawnBTVS D'Lo White - Oakland DrTom - Oakland El Satanico - Oakland fazzle Flyboy Human Fly - Oakland imajackoff? - Tampa Bay jimmy no nose - Oakland lonewolf218 Kahran Ramsus - Tampa Bay Kingpk - Oakland kkktookmybabyaway - Oakland Kotzenjunge - Tampa Bay MarvinisaLunatic - Oakland meanmaisch - Oakland midnight burn - Oakland phoenixrising - Oakland Rabbi_wilson13 razazteca Spaceman Spiff the pinjockey TheVoicesInYourHead - Oakland WillScarlet - Oakland Y2BigJ Correction Predictions: AgentofOblivion, AlwaysPissedOff, bps21, bravesfan, cartman2092, D'Lo White, DrTom, El Satanico, Human Fly, jimmy no nose, Kingpk, kkktookmybabyaway, [MarvinisaLunatic/i], meanmaisch, midnightburn, phoenixrising, TheVoicesInYourHead and Will Scarlet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question #2 - Who will be leading at HALFTIME? (if tied, question is negated.) AgentBond34 AgentOfOblivion - Oakland Always Pissed Off - Oakland bps21 - Oakland bravesfan - Oakland cartman2092 - Tampa Bay ChokenOne DawnBTVS D'Lo White - Oakland DrTom - Oakland El Satanico - Oakland fazzle Flyboy Human Fly - Oakland imajackoff? - Tampa Bay jimmy no nose - Tampa Bay lonewolf218 Kahran Ramsus - Tampa Bay Kingpk - Tampa Bay kkktookmybabyaway - Tampa Bay Kotzenjunge - Oakland MarvinisaLunatic - Oakland meanmaisch - Oakland midnight burn - Oakland phoenixrising - Oakland Rabbi_wilson13 razazteca Spaceman Spiff the pinjockey TheVoicesInYourHead - Oakland WillScarlet - Tampa Bay Y2BigJ Correct Predictions: cartman2092, imajackoff?, jimmynonose, Kahran Ramsus, Kingpk, kkktookmybabyaway and Will Scarlet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question #3 - What will the total score of both teams be at HALFTIME? (within 5 points wins) ***Predictions between 18-28 will count as correct predictions*** AgentBond34 AgentOfOblivion - 24 Always Pissed Off - 24 bps21 - 20 bravesfan - 21 cartman2092 - 24 ChokenOne DawnBTVS D'Lo White - 21 DrTom - 27 El Satanico - 23 fazzle Flyboy Human Fly - 24 imajackoff? - 24 jimmy no nose - 25 lonewolf218 Kahran Ramsus - 24 Kingpk - 20 kkktookmybabyaway - 23 Kotzenjunge - 23 MarvinisaLunatic - 17 meanmaisch - 20 midnight burn - 27 phoenixrising - 31 Rabbi_wilson13 razazteca Spaceman Spiff the pinjockey TheVoicesInYourHead - 20 WillScarlet - 24 Y2BigJ Correct Predictions: AgentOfOblivion, AlwaysPissedOff, bps21, bravesfan, cartman2092, D'Lo White, DrTom, El Satanico, Human Fly, imajackoff?, jimmynonose, Kahran Ramsus, Kingpk, kkktookmybabyaway, Kotzenjunge, meanmaisch, midnightburn, TheVoicesInYourHead and WillScarlet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question #4 --What will the total score of both teams be at FINAL WHISTLE? (within 5 points wins) ***Predictions between 64-74 will count as correct predictions*** AgentBond34 AgentOfOblivion - 41 Always Pissed Off - 38 bps21 - 40 bravesfan - 42 cartman2092 - 49 ChokenOne DawnBTVS D'Lo White DrTom - 43 El Satanico - 53 fazzle Flyboy Human Fly - 35 imajackoff? - 43 jimmy no nose - 41 lonewolf218 Kahran Ramsus - 48 Kingpk - 41 kkktookmybabyaway - 38 Kotzenjunge - 48 MarvinisaLunatic - 41 meanmaisch - 40 midnight burn - 50 phoenixrising - 51 Rabbi_wilson13 razazteca Spaceman Spiff the pinjockey TheVoicesInYourHead - 48 WillScarlet - 52 Y2BigJ Correct Predictions: NONE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question #5 - What will the total amount of passing yards (by both teams) be at FINAL WHISTLE? (within 35 yards wins) Credit: Oakland - Gannon 272 yds. Tampa Bay - B. Johnson 215 yds. Total: 487 yds. ***Predictions between 452-522 will count as correct predictions*** AgentBond34 AgentOfOblivion - 514 AlwaysPissedOff - 467 bps21 - 500 bravesfan cartman2092 - 547 ChokenOne DawnBTVS D'Lo White - 510 DrTom - 445 El Satanico - 517 fazzle Flyboy Human Fly - 487 imajackoff? - 540 jimmy no nose - 610 lonewolf218 Kahran Ramsus - 550 Kingpk - 500 kkktookmybabyaway - 433 Kotzenjunge - 460 MarvinisaLunatic - 570 meanmaisch - 500 midnight burn - 598 phoenixrising - 500 Rabbi_wilson13 razazteca Spaceman Spiff the pinjockey TheVoicesInYourHead - 435 WillScarlet - 450 Y2BigJ Correct Predictions: AgentofOblivion,AlwaysPissedOff, bps21, D'Lo White, El Satanico, Human Fly, Kingpk, Kotzenjunge, meanmaisch and phoenixrising. Scary note: Human Fly nailed this prediction ON THE HEAD, with 487 yards. Very creepy, ladies and gentlemen.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question #6 - What will the total amount of rushing yards (by both teams) be at FINAL WHISTLE? (within 35 yards wins) Credit: Oakland - 19 yds. (Garner 10; Crockett 6; Gannon 3) Tampa Bay - 150 yds. (Pittman: 124; Alstott: 15; Johnson: 10; Stecker: 1) Total: 169 yds. ***Predictions between 134-204 will count as correct predictions*** AgentBond34 AgentOfOblivion - 176 Always Pissed Off - 147 bps21 - 200 bravesfan cartman2092 - 215 ChokenOne DawnBTVS D'Lo White - 180 DrTom - 165 El Satanico - 138 fazzle Flyboy Human Fly - 164 imajackoff? - 210 jimmy no nose - 135 lonewolf218 Kahran Ramsus - 230 Kingpk - 120 kkktookmybabyaway - 179 Kotzenjunge - 145 MarvinisaLunatic - 190 meanmaisch - 175 midnight burn - 195 phoenixrising - 75 Rabbi_wilson13 razazteca Spaceman Spiff the pinjockey TheVoicesInYourHead - 160 WillScarlet - 190 Y2BigJ Correct Predictions:AgentOfOblivion, AlwaysPissedOff, bps21, D'Lo White, DrTom, El Satanico, Human Fly, jimmynonose, kkktookmybabyaway, Kotzenjunge, MarvinisaLunatic, meanmaisch, midnightburn, TheVoicesInYourHead and WillScarlet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question #7 - Who will win the coin-toss? AgentBond34 AgentOfOblivion - Tampa Bay Always Pissed Off - Tampa Bay bps21 - Oakland bravesfan - Tampa Bay cartman2092 - Tampa Bay ChokenOne DawnBTVS D'Lo White - Oakland DrTom - Oakland El Satanico - Oakland fazzle Flyboy Human Fly - Tampa Bay imajackoff? - Oakland jimmy no nose - Oakland lonewolf218 Kahran Ramsus - Oakland Kingpk - Oakland kkktookmybabyaway - Oakland Kotzenjunge - Tampa Bay MarvinisaLunatic - Oakland meanmaisch - Tampa Bay midnight burn - Tampa Bay phoenixrising - Oakland Rabbi_wilson13 razazteca Spaceman Spiff the pinjockey TheVoicesInYourHead - Tampa Bay WillScarlet - Tampa Bay Y2BigJ Correct Predictions: AgentofOblivion, AlwaysPissedOff, bravesfan, cartman2092, Human Fly, Kotzenjunge, meanmaisch, TheVoicesInYourHead and WillScarlet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a little too burnt out to do the final scoring tonight, but I'll try to get them out before Monday night hits. 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Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted January 27, 2003 Damn, stupid me didn't check this thread all week. I didn't see any new posts, so I didn't think to check in here for the SB questions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted January 27, 2003 I tore it up on the questions..too bad the Raiders got fucking stomped. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Human Fly Report post Posted January 27, 2003 Right on with the passing, and only 5 off with the rushing. (too bad about who won the game). I'm building momentum for next season! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jimmy no nose Report post Posted January 27, 2003 I've had a pretty big post season after a bad regular season. I think the 5 or so weeks I missed knocked me down at least 10 spots from where I could be though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted January 28, 2003 Damn I may actually win this contest after being #22 after Wild Card Weekend in which i missed EVERY single game. I had been in the 20's since I started playing this contest in week 3 after missing the first two weeks. Talk about a comeback Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted February 11, 2003 Just a little thing I wanted to point out: Maybe this and the Fantasy Football threads should be unpinned? (cries at having to admit that football is over) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites