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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Final WrestleMania card

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Guest JerryDrake
Are you serious?


They pop when he comes out.  They pop for Torrie.  They pop for the tarantula.  They pop for the stiff kicks.  They're in to his matches.  And they pop when he wins.


How is that not over?

He WAS over from spring to summer, but then he got stale.


Not his fault, but the WWF limited his moveset. Tajiri last good match i recall was at Summerslam.


Tajiri is overrated, hes not as great as people say.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I didn't say he was great.  I said he was over.  I'm not the only one who hears it...he's popular.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I wouldn't know.  I haven't seen him around for months, and I missed his match on Smackdown.

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Guest Tony149

Arn can do a Spinbuster. He did them a lot during his run as the Horsemen manager in 1999. He isn't that crippled. Like cobainwasmurdered said, JR oversold how hurt Arn is.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

he's definetly over. and most wrestlers are overrated/underrated. is a benoit a god? no. is Rikishi a shitty wrestler? ok bad example.....


sidnote- howcome your signiture says Jericho for PREZ. he's canadian, canadians have Prime Ministers. just wondering.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
is Rikishi a shitty wrestler? ok bad example.....

Apparently, Anglesault thinks otherwise...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Really? Now just to spite him i hope Kane ins at wrestlemania.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

yes, yes he will. I predicted it in thread a while ago. It's time for Kane's annual monster push (also known as the Haku push)

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Guest Anglesault
Quote (cobainwasmurdered @ Mar. 10 2002,21:12)

is Rikishi a shitty wrestler? ok bad example.....


Apparently, Anglesault thinks otherwise...



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Guest JerryDrake
he's definetly over. and most wrestlers are overrated/underrated. is a benoit a god? no. is Rikishi a shitty wrestler? ok bad example.....


sidnote- howcome your signiture says Jericho for PREZ. he's canadian, canadians have Prime Ministers. just wondering.

Rikishi actually isnt that bad, i think hes decent. He could work a good match with the right oppenet.


Also my sig i had to think of somthing quick, Jericho is my current favorite wrestler, also isnt Jericho born of New York anyway?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

that's right! i forgot, he was born there because his dad played on the hockey team there, but he's a canadian citizen, and was raised in manitoba.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

what your not tingeling with anticapation mighty damaramu? I AM i can't wait until he starts interupting matches and pouring gasoline all over the mid carders and threating to ignite them if he doesn't get what he wants.




oops i had a russo moment

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Quote (cobainwasmurdered @ Mar. 10 2002,21:12)

is Rikishi a shitty wrestler? ok bad example.....


Apparently, Anglesault thinks otherwise...



I was just fucking with ya, man.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Kane? Monster push? *groan*

It could be worst.


he could align with TEST.....great now i'm going to have nightmeres tonight

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Guest Anglesault
Quote (Anglesault @ Mar. 10 2002,21:48)

Quote (JerryDrake @ Mar. 10 2002,21:43)

Quote (The Mighty Damaramu @ Mar. 10 2002,21:39)

Kane? Monster push? *groan*


It could be worst.




he could align with TEST.....great now i'm going to have nightmeres tonight


Point taken and Duely noted.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

God guys.....you are worse than a horror theater. Quit talking about this!

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

How about a new stable with Test, Bossman, Rikishi & Godfather?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Will the Perfect, Storm & Test vs. Rikishi, Scotty & Albert yield the return of Grand Master Sexay?


He's telling everyone he's returning to the WWF.


So do we see 4 people dancing after the match?


Cause I'll vomit.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, it'd be nothing new for me. I vomit whenever Rikishi or Albert are even in the arena.

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Guest Shadow

It all comes down to the fact that while the angles have sucked for a while now, I was able to take them when we had Austin and Angle putting on back-to-back awesome WWF Title matches at Summerslam and Unforigven (Angle-Austin at Summerslam was one of my favorite matches of the year), but not when we have Hogan and Rock ready to stink-up the Skydome with a crappy match. The fact is that crappy angles that lead to great-to-excellent PPV matches is fine with me, but when those crappy angles lead up to equally crappy matches, what's the point?

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Guest J*ingus

My thoughts:


*Hulk Hogan vs. Rock: you can revoke my Smark Membership Card, but I think this one could actually be good.  Remember that Hogan's best matches have usually been when he's "passing the torch" to a younger guy, like Hogan-Warrior (the FIRST one) and Hogan-Goldberg, and they usually plan the match out step-by-step weeks beforehand.  Rock should go over.  


*Chris Jericho vs. HHH for Stephanie's title: HHH got my vote for Best Wrestler Of 2000.  Jericho would've gotten an honorable mention for Best Wrestler of 1998.  So what the FUCK happened?  I'm not looking forward to this one at all.  Both guys have sucked in-ring for a while now, and Stephanie's heavy involvement only makes it worse.  They're slightly booked into a corner here, because I don't really want the heel to go over at Wrestlemania for the third year in a row, but I don't want to see HHH beat Jericho yet again.  


*Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall: Austin has worked a few miracles over the past year, let's see if he can pull another one off here.  Could be all right.  If they want to get serious with this nWo invasion, Hall needs to win, especially since Hogan is probably jobbing.  


*Ric Flair vs. Undertaker: booked into a corner again.  Taker's Mania winning streak shouldn't be broken here, but Flair is the babyface who's been crapped on and the heel deserves his comeuppance.  Will probably be a bloody half-speed brawl similar to Flair-Vince.  


*William Regal vs. Rob Van Dam for IC title: I seem to be the only one looking forward to this one, as I think Regal and RVD's styles could mesh better than people might think.  Rob definitely needs to win this one.  


*Kane vs. Kurt Angle: I think Angle's great and Kane's underrated, but why the hell does this match even exist?  Oh well, at least it keeps them out of a match with Nash, which was probably the alternative.  Doesn't really matter which one goes over, because I don't think it would hurt either guy.  


*Edge vs. Booker T: I don't like either of these guys very much, especially don't like them in their current face/heel roles, and really don't like the stupid reasons behind their feud.  Who wins, who cares.  


*Four-way for tag titles with Billy & Chuck vs. Hardys vs. APA vs. Dudleys: what, no TLC?  Once again, I just don't care.  Looking at the roster, either the APA (are still over) or Hardyz (Fear Factor) need to go over.  They could've set up the Great Hardyz Heel Turn here, but missed the opprotunity.  


*Jazz vs. Trish Stratus vs. Lita for womens title: Trish vs. Jazz has been the first worthwhile women's feud since the Ivory vs. Tori days.  Throw Lita in there though, and you knock off one star for her sloppy ringwork, and another star for turning it into a three-way.  I don't think anyone really cares about the title at this point, but whoever wins it needs to make a really strong showing.  


*DDP vs. Christian for European title: could be pretty good actually.  But why are these two fighting?  Because they're friends now?  Even though DDP won the Euro belt off Christian in the first place?  


*Test & Mr. Perfect & Lance Storm vs. Rikishi & Albert & Scotty 2 Hotty: competent time-killer, could be a lot worse.  Test will probably go over here.  


In conclusion, well it could be worse, but that card shouldn't be Wrestlemania.  Where are the Hardcore, LW, and Cruiser champions?  Where's Benoit, who was supposed to have some sort of role?  Where are the gimmick matches?  This year there's no tables, ladders, chairs, cages, cells, battle royals, or anything else out of the ordinary.  


As for Kane's "monster push", I wouldn't call it that.  It usually consists of winning a big upset, followed by a couple of smaller wins, followed by dropping the whole thing and claiming amnesia.  That's no push, that's just stringing the poor guy along.  RVD, Tazz, Rikishi, Big Show, and Test get the same "push" every few months.

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Guest mastermind

I think the wwf has its work cut out personally. This card just seems "there" in majority of the matches, but it is WrestleMania and I expect the wrestlers to step it up. I also think Vince is going to shake things up.


*Hulk Hogan vs. Rock:

I think this match will have heat. I also expect people to get shocked when Hogan actually gets cheered(I'm from Toronto and this place is strange like that). The Rock will go over and soon after Hogan will turn face. I say this because the wwf has screwed up the nWo. The guys will probably be gone by next year's Mania. The Rock will finally get his day in the sun.


*Chris Jericho vs. HHH for Stephanie's title:

I think right before the main event Steph will let her daddy strip Jericho of the belt and put it on her. Seriously, this match I really got no clue what to expect. It could stink up the joint with overbooking and the rustiness of Triple H. Add in the fact Jericho might get sloppy again. However, I stated above I will be postive. I think Triple H is going over and turning heel soon after. Jericho is just looking too much like a joke and it's not his fault, but take the strap off him.


*Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall:

I'm going to be the only one to say it, but Austin has been an ass since the nWo have come in. Since he has to share the spotlight he has been dogging it. Look at his crappy match with Jericho last month on ppv. Look how he HAS to get the upperhand RIGHT after the nWo beat him down. Austin isn't being a team player. Hell, even Trips has lost a match since the nWo have come in. This will translate into the match and Hall is going to look stupid. The nWo will lose another match when Austin takes out both Hall and Nash. Austin should lose, but he aint. The nWo is going to die at WrestleMania.


*Ric Flair vs. Undertaker:

Another thing the wwf has backed themselves into. Flair should win, but I doubt Taker will agree to losing his winning streak to Flair. I also think Taker should lose his win streak to an up and comer next year to give the person the rub. Flair is already above Taker. Flair losing twice at Mania is a shame though. Taker wins. The match should have tons of heat though.


*William Regal vs. Rob Van Dam for IC title:

This one could go either way. I see RVD becoming the new champ.


*Kane vs. Kurt Angle: Poor Angle. He's going to lose.


*Edge vs. Booker T: This match to determine who is the better wrestler who should be using the Japanese shampoo. Hell, I think the wwf was just better off without putting a storyline to the match. Edge in his hometown and plus Booker always loses on ppv. Could be the sleeper match.


*Four-way for tag titles with Billy & Chuck vs. Hardys vs. APA vs. Dudleys: This match is going to rock the house *not*. Another "there" match. Who cares, but if I had to choose a winner it would be Billy and Chuck because I don't want another Dudleys reign. The other teams are just crappy. The Hardys need to change up before another reign.


*Jazz vs. Trish Stratus vs. Lita for womens title:

Trish should win in her hometown. Lita and Trish double team Jazz which is the only way I see Jazz losing this match.


*DDP vs. Christian for European title: Christian turning on DDP this week is possible. I mean how much counselling before he gets sick of DDP? Christian takes back his belt for *Canada* in Toronto. Should be solid.


*Test & Mr. Perfect & Lance Storm vs. Rikishi & Albert & Scotty 2 Hotty:

Should be alright(being generous here). I don't expect HF and Davis vs. Santana/Bulldogs though that's for sure. Rikishi does a dance with Albert and Scotty. It would be funny though to see Christopher come back in Canada after the trouble he caused at the border to get himself fired.


The wwf has upset me, but this is a week for me to be a mark. I will just be positive and be glad it's in my home town.

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Guest Rose of Pain

Well here are my opinions if anyone cares...


(You don't? Well here they are anyways)



Hogan Vs Rock

Sadly thanks in part to Rocks hectic schedual this match has not receved any of the build up it should have gotten. The inital confrontataion was good, the beatdown  was good...

then they had to pull out that stupid ambulance crap.

Just so the could write Rock out the storylines for a couple of weeks. So should they have used this time to have Hogan defame the name of the Rock and attack Rock's character every chance he get's because Rock is not there to defend himself like a good heal should. Instead we get... well nothing.

As for the match itself I am not expecting a MOTYC but I am not expecting total crap either so I will take middle path and say.


EMRR (Expectied Match Rating Ratio) *1/2 to **




HHH vs Y2J ("Unified" Title, I hate the word Undisputed so sue me)

Imagine back in 1992 the build up for the Flair-Savage match involved Randy and Liz getting a divorce weeks before the event, Liz and Flair becoming "Business Partners" and having endless promos and sketches of Randy and Elizabeth snipeing at each and talking about each others genitalias while Flair is almost invisable thoughout the buildup and just fight's a bunch of midcarders on Superstars and Wrestling Challenge.

Would YOU still want to see that match no matter how good it was?  Yah I thought so.


EMRR *** to ****1/2



Scott Hall vs Steve Austin

Hey YO! Survey Says if both are motivated and sober this might be good.


EMRR ** to ***


Undertaker vs Ric Flair

I think Fliar could carry Mark to something watchable

Now if only they took this kind buildup and gave to the world title match then maybe we might have something here


EMRR ** to *** 1/2


Regal Vs RVD (IC Title)

RVD wins and start's a hopefully long fued with Lance Storm

with a series of matches that get's better with every show

( Oh sorry I was in dream land for while)

I mean Regal retains just so Vince can piss of the IWC some more.


EMRR *1/2 to **3/4



Kane Vs Kurt Angle

Kurt is Flair 2002, Kane is Lex Luger(1989 Version) 2002

Draw you own conclusions there Ladies and Gents


EMRR *** to ***3/4




Edge Vs Booker T

Edge Wins NEXT


EMRR *** to ***3/4



Obligatory Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match for the WWF Tag team Titles....

Hardies Vs Dudleys Vs APA Vs Billy and Chuck

Please get the belts of Billy and Chuck PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU! Havent we all suffered enough. Of course the Gay Boys (Well I mean they are always so happy together) will retain because VINCE HATES THE IWC so he will do the thing that pisses them off the most.


EMRR ** to ***



Lita Vs Trish Vs Jazz (Womans Title)

Trish Wins NEXT


EMRR DUD to **



DDP Vs Christian (Euro Title)

Come on Chritain just make peace with Edge and reform your totally awesome tag team and have a kabillion TLC matches with the Hardys and all will be forgiven.

(I have nothing personal against DDP I fact I like his new gimmick but Christian is not the right person to be his Protage)


EMRR ** to ***



Lance Storm, Mr.Perfect and Test Vs Albert, Scotty and Rakishi

Any one know what Skydome Nachos taste like?



EMRR 1/2* to *1/2




So there ya go!

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

In a perfect world, the RVD-Regal match will go something like this:


Regal pounds on RVD for 10 minutes with stiff forearms, european uppercuts, and knee strikes, stretches him like spaghetti with the STF just to increase the punishment, and debuts the Tiger Driver 91 in the WWF to pin him, rather than his standard double-underhook powerbomb.

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Guest converge241

I think you'll see a battle royal added before the event, maybe like shot at the world or IC title on Raw.


early out on a limb as to what the best matches will be:

Jericho - HHH

Angle - Kane

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