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Guest Shadow

If you could ask Vince McMahon just one question..

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Guest Shadow

If you saw Vince McMahon walking down the street one evening, what would be the #1 question you would answer him? If you could get only one question, what would you ask him?


Some of the answers I've gotten so far on AIM:


(First one's from Scotsman, the rest you wouldn't know)


Would you like my autograph?


Can I fuck your daughter?


Why in the blue hell did you have to let your ego fuck over the Alliance angle by turning the wrestlers into shit and Tazz into everyone's bitch?


I'd kick him in his balls and ask if I could do it again.






Did HBK know about the Bret Hart screwjob?


So what would you guys say? I think this is a pretty funny topic and it should be interesting to see how you all respond.

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Guest art_vandelay

Vince, I have a bunch of questions and I want them answered immediately.


Who is your daddy and what does he do?

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Guest Tony149

I would have a lot of questions, but I would ask...


"How does it feel to fuck up the WCW invasion?"

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Guest teke184

1. Can I make Steph my personal sex slave?


2. Why the f*ck do you keep certain guys around and on TV (Bossman, Billy Gunn, Godfather, Michael "strudel-muncher" Cole, etc.)?


3. Can I have a job?


4. What REALLY happened in the whole Bret-Shawn situation behind the scenes?


4a. What REALLY happened in Montreal?  Work or shoot?


5. Why have you been punishing us since Wrestlemania X-7 (writing went into the shitter by Backlash and has pretty much stayed there.)?


6. How desperate were you in order to give the nWo 3-year deals?


I'd probably ask #2, 3, or 4, but #1 is always a possibility if HHH and Steph ever do break up.

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Guest Brian

May I call you Mr. McMahon?


The great suck-up fest begins until I can get him to think he came up with the cruiserweight division and it is marketable.

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Guest Army Eye



and art_vandelay I friggin' LOVED your answer :)

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Guest Kinetic

You're that XFL guy, right?


What did you think of "Kid A"?


Who's the biggest, package-wise, backstage?


If I gave you this picture of my cock, could you deliver it to Molly?

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

Are those your real arms?


A comment I'd make: Don't worry I woulda looked at her cleavage to.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

"With all the fine women you have in the WWF, why is your wife so damn ugly?"

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Are you the real Vince McMahon? Or are you actually a Demon(known in lesser circles as Vince Russo) who ate Vince McMahon the night after WMX7 and took on his form? Because that's the only way I can explain why TV is so bad!

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Guest Rose of Pain

Well if the current product continues the way it dose...


"Can I have That Supersized?"




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Guest Flyboy

Why is Triple H's dick in your mouth?


Why did RVD get depushed?  (Vince: Because Triple H's dick is in my mouth!)


Why isn't Lance Storm getting a push?


Can I have a job?


Can I have one night with your daughter?

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Guest DerangedHermit

- Why the hell do you insist on putting every member of your family on TV? I haven't seen so much nepotism since...ever!


- Why the hell did you sneak a peek at your own daughter?


- When will you jump into a pit of spikes and impale yourself to death? Because you could probably get huge ratings for that...

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Guest converge241

Asking to see his reaction?

or asking to have him give a truthfull answer?


I would doubt that he would ever answer any intriguing uestion truthfully but i would ask how close they came to shutting down from 94-96

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Why do you hate us so much?


art, I love the question...



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Guest C-Bacon
Vince, I have a bunch of questions and I want them answered immediately.


Who is your daddy and what does he do?

LMAO. man those are hilarious. i'd like to hear some more of those sound clips....

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Guest Dangerous A

The question I'd have for Vince is why no mike time for the midcarders? When wwf was hot, the midcard had ample time to get over and connect with the fans with plenty of mike time and backstage skits.(examples Rock and HHH during their DX vs Nation feud) Instead mike time is going to people who's job it is to put over talent instead of themselves (Shane and Steph) or it's like overtime mike time for people who don't need it (basically the 20 minute promo's for the main eventers)The question will be repeated. Why no mike time for the midcarders?

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