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The Hitman will be on TV...

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Not at No Way Out but on TSN's Off the Record. From brethart.com:


Bret will be interviewed by

Michael Landsberg

on TSN's Off The Record !

The interview will air nation-wide

across Canada in two parts

on February 11 & 12, 2003.

This is gonna be good!


This should be interesting as in his previous OTR appearnces Bret's been candid and never held back unliek others(Heyman). Plus we'll get to see how he looks and what shape he's in after his stroke,

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Guest bob_barron

I'll do what I did last time for when Heyman was on and provide a recap as i watch.

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Guest Downhome

This isn't TOTALLY true, as he was shown on TV at a hockey game since he had his stroke...


...I'm just saying, lol.


I wish I could watch the interview. Is it shown online or anything?

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Guest HartFan86

Bret's always a good interview and Landsberg is a huge Bret mark, so all the better.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Why doesn't anyone (not necessarily anyone at this board, but ANYONE) ever vidcapture these things?


We don't all live in Canada, and Canadian TV is harder than hell to find around here.

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Guest starvenger

This ought to be good. One of the things I miss about living in the States is OTR. It's not as good as PTI, but miles better than Around The Horn.


I heard that Bischoff is gonna appear on OTR again as well. If it's a 1-on-1, I hope they play some of his previous quotes...

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