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Guest Mole

Tough Enough Finale..

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Matt could be the 2nd coming of Raven with that damn hair...




maybe THAT'S why he got released...

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

My two picks won it


Dont be suprised if Jonah and Eric get jobs though, its the WWE after all, they gave almost all of the finalists of TE1 jobs

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Guest Zero_Cool

I think it should've been Jonah and Matt, because we know that John can't bust out the standing ssp in a match.


First thing for Matt...he gets the hair cut, because his cool blond mop is just too 80s.

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Guest Vyce

I think the trainers were freaked by Jonah's self-doubts.


But it's not even a joke when I say that he'll likely have a contract before the year's up. I'm almost positive of it.

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Guest HartFan86

Somehow I doubt we'll be seeing Eric anytime soon....but I do see Jonah getting a contract for OVW.


Matt and John up there....just doesn't look right with Matt and no Jonah by his side.

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Guest Zero_Cool

Heh, Jonah shows up on TNA next wednesday...


Tenay: Oh my god! He's shooting...and he doesn't have a book deal!!

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Guest MillenniumMan831


scotts a pimp...smacking that milf Ivory's ass

God bless that kid!

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Is that Josh from TE1?


Anyways, I'm ecstatic Matt won. I predicted him winning in the first episode. But Jonah should've gotten the first contract. The entire show was practically centered around him and with good reason. He's got personality. John had no charisma whatsoever. He had the look, but other than that, he just didn't do it for me.

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Guest Downhome

Wow, I picked the two winners (I didn't post it) and I never even watched the show. I figured the standing SSP guy and the one that Bob Holly tore up would win, heh.

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Guest notJames

DOOD~! Picking the winners was too easy. Jonah and Eric look too average and wrestle too average, whereas John's got the moves and Matt's got the look. Too bad he's got HBK disease. Mybe it was Holly who beat Christ into his life. Ugh.

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Guest EricMM

I was totally rooting for John the whole way. If he's a boring bitch then they will ignore him, but at least he can move good. If he spends a couple of months working at his execution, he can work in the CW division, hopefully.


Matt, I'm ambivilant towards. I think that his look with the hair etc gave him the edge, although I was rooting for my boy with the same name, Eric :)


Jonah, well, he definitely stuck out on the show, but he had all those doubts and all that other junk. But if Chris N. could go the Indy way, Jonah probably can. As long as he can work...

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DOOD~! Picking the winners was too easy. Jonah and Eric look too average and wrestle too average, whereas John's got the moves and Matt's got the look. Too bad he's got HBK disease. Mybe it was Holly who beat Christ into his life. Ugh.

He was just making an acceptance speech it doesn't mean it will be his gimmick.


Heck believe it or not Bradshaw is a Christian, but you don't see him acting like HBK

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Guest Human Fly

AAAAAHHHH my Internet and Cable went out right after John won. Cable's still out but I'm glad to see Matt won.


Who cares if John appears boring he can wrestle circles around Jonah. Everyone complains about the WWF not pushing the quality wrestlers and only going for Hosses or Charismatic guys who can't wrestle a lick. So what happens when they pick the wrestler who is less charismatic on the stick?

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Guest Ravenbomb

I think someone should get a whole bunch of wrestling training in secret, and then sign up for tough enough

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Guest Choken One

Nowinski was already trained for about 6 months with Kowalski.


They should take someone like AmDragon and just put him on TEIV and let him send those kids into SHOCK and then have him destory them.

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Guest phoenixrising

Didn't Nowinski have previous training? Or was an amateur wrestler? In the first TE (one of the first episodes) he started doing something, and then Tori came up to him and told him to do it their way and not the way he learned it. So they'd probably be retrained the WWE style or washed out for some other minor reason.


Congrats to Matt and John, and I managed to pick them both. But you probably could have taken any combination of the four guys and wouldn't have had much controversy, I could see WWE offering the two other finalists contracts. Especially Jonah, if he's really committed to becoming a wrestler.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Anyone one of them could have been picked. This was the first time that I thought all of them deserved to win. Hell, No one liked Jamie, but she looked better then both Linda and Jackie from last season.


Jonah's Entertaining in that "Real World" or "Road Rules" Character, but he never did anything that looked really good in the ring. He seem like a slow learner.


Eric, Well tough luck. Keep Trying.


Sad part, picking Matt and John was the smartest, and the thing that has made the most sense in WWE in about 2 years now.

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Guest TheGame2705

They know they won't do shit with John so why'd they pick him? They fucking robbed Eric. He was fucking boring as hell but he was also fucking hot. They wouldn't have used any of these guys besides Matt so might as well have picked him.

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