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Guest Johnson1620

Some pretty cool optical illusions.

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Guest Johnson1620

I don't know if everybody likes optical illusions or not, but if you are into them as I am I'm sure you'll get a kick out of these.


Click Here!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

the sight that does that is ghey. it's not scary at all if that's the point

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I found some of the optical illusions interesting, but was unimpressed by the "joke".

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Guest Johnson1620

The joke itself isn't the best part, it is just an extra bonus. The illusions are cool as hell though!

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Guest Flyboy

Those were pretty cool, but nothing beats:




(Don't cheat and look at the URL, you bastards.)

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Flyboy...it took me a while to see that...but damn that is cool

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

I purposefully turned my head. That stuff freaks me out too easily.


So I don't spoil it ... if you want to know what it was, look up the url on this red x that I post.



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Guest Gamengiri2002

For whatever reason I'm not sure, but the pic Flyboy posted creeps me out much more than the original link.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Why does everyone think it's so great? It's just an outline of a baby. Big whoop. I think the picture itself is pretty good on its own without the baby part. The loving couple together, looking out onto a murky lake with a sinister tree above them...

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Guest evenflowDDT
Why does everyone think it's so great? It's just an outline of a baby. Big whoop. I think the picture itself is pretty good on its own without the baby part. The loving couple together, looking out onto a murky lake with a sinister tree above them...

Maybe they were thinking about having children? Oh the symbolism!


The only thing I dislike about illusions like that are once you see them the first time, you can't "unsee them". Like I can't look at that and just see the tree anymore.


Also, I'd like to commend the Flying Dutchman on his clever way of giving it away without spoiling it for those who didn't want it to. The rest of you...











should've tried the same, in case anyone didn't see it right away but didn't want to feel stupid like having it given away to them.

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Guest Johnson1620
Kotz is just sippin' on the Hater-Rade.


That pic rules and he knows it.

It is a damn good one.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"I don't know if everybody likes optical illusions or not, but if you are into them as I am I'm sure you'll get a kick out of these."




For the record, I liked them...

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