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Guest GameCop

The most significant WWF/WWE PPV's of all time

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Guest GameCop

In my opinion, these are the top 10 most historically significant WWF/WWE ppv's of all time:


1) Wrestlemania 3

2) Wrestlemania 14

3) Survivor Series 1997

4) Wrestlemania 17

5) King of the Ring 1996

6) SummerSlam 2002

7) Wrestlemania 10

8) Survivor Series 1996

9) King of the Ring 1998

10) Badd Blood 1997

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Sigh... This is what I get for coming into this so late. All I've ever seen is #4 and #6.

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

The 1985 Wrestling Classic


Wrestlemania 1, 2, 3,


Survivor Series 1987-90


Royal Rumble 1990


SummerSlam 1988

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Guest EternallyLazy

Bash at the Beach 94, 96 - WCW


WrestleMania 1, WrestleMania 10 - WWE/F

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

1) Wrestlemania III

2) Wrestlemania XVII

3) Survivor Series 1997

4) Royal Rumble 1992

5) No Way Out 2000

6) Wrestlemania VI

7) Wrestlemania X

8) Survivor Series 1996

9) Wrestlemania XIII

10) King of the Ring 1995 (for bad reasons)

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Guest Angle-plex
Wrestlemania 1, 2, 3,

Why was that significant? Bundy vs Hogan didn't exactly set the world on fire.

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Guest GameCop

At SummerSlam 2002, HBK returned and Brock became the 1st main event star since the death of WWF Attitude.

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1. Wrestlemania 3 - The peak of professional wrestling in the WWF/E in terms of both workrate(Savage/Steamboat) and spectacle(Hogan/Andre).


2. Wrestlemania 10 - Signified the end of the 80's era(4 years too late but whatever) with workers(Bret,HBK,Owen) taking over.


3. IYH16: Canadian Stampede - Sentimental classic and considerig gwhat's happened since really memorable to see Owen ,Pillman and Davey celebrating near the end.


4. Wrestlemania X7 - The end of the Attitude era.


5. Wrestlemania 14 - The begining of the attitude era.


And top 2 WCW:


1. Starcade 1997 - 2nd most hyped PPV of all-time(following WM3) and also the PPV which pretty much killed WCW(4 years before their actual death).


2. Slamboree 1994 - The last 'old school' WCW PPV before Hogan's boys took over.


IMO SS97 and BATB96 were memorable but just the big events(screwjob,Hogan turn) and not for the actual PPV. Many people would'nt even know at which PPV those two events happened.

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Guest wwF1587
Armageddon 1999 :rolleyes:

haha I have to agree.... it was the most appropriate ppv title IMO... especially with the way things are now..

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