Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted January 25, 2003 What an amazing load of horseshit. Is this magazine even out on stores yet? Now let's go through this: Austin said HHH hasn't been pulling his weight with the company. He said just look at the numbers and ratings for the amount of time he is getting. He says HHH should drop 25lbs and get back to like he was in 2000. True, true.. He said the reason he left was because of creative. He wasn't happy with his character or how things were being written for him. He didn't like them writing promos for him and wanted to make them up himself. Okay then... He said comedy doesn't sell and says Ric Flair wasn't doing comedy back in the NWA when he was at his peak. Yeah, but it's gotten today's guys pretty far. When beer trucks and This Is Your Life Rock are some of the highest rated and/or memorable moments, you have to just suck it up and deal. He says wrestling should move away from Hollywood and become more of a competition with less backstage. Never going to happen. "Wrestling" as a little smoky bar sport has died so we can have "wrestling" with bright lights in big arenas and performers who think they can act/sing/dance. Since so much of the company is currently riding on Rocky's Hollywood Adventure, I wouldn't discount it going away for a long time. He says the 25 year old kids writing the show don't have a clue and the booking power needs to be given back to the workers. No, they just need to bring back the old-school writers. Giving power to the workers results in guys like Kevin Nash putting himself over others. The most common complaint about WCW was "the inmates are running the asylum." Even the oldest angles can look fresh when you have today's new "shades of gray" wrestler and this really good production team shining it in a different light. He thought when he walked out that it would send a fuck you, this ain't right to Vince and that it would wake him up. Instead, he gave himself the worst possible light to present himself and currently looks like a crybaby. He says the writers aren't doing their job, which is making money, and they have never taken a bump and don't know what the business is about. *yawn* He says if they do continue with the current booking style then wrestlers have no place in production meetings and mentions HHH. Well, that's true. Steve said he doesn't have a problem with Hall and Nash Of course! That's why he was selling so much for them at X8! BWAHAHAA but Hogan is and egomaniac and a manipulator Hogan's just gone around and jobbed for guys, but we were just one quad tear from a storyline of Big Lazy going over a bunch of bright stars. Where was he for that report? As expected, bull, but I'll probably buy it anyway just for the whole "HHH is ruining everything" stuff in print. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins Report post Posted January 25, 2003 J-Day and KOTR Brock/Rhyno and Rhyno can team with Austin/Edge at Vengeance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted January 25, 2003 Austin's friends with both Hall and Nash. Problem is, he knows Nash manipulates backstage and he caught Hall drinking twice before Mania. That's why he took away so much of his offense and got the booking changed last minute: he wasn't willing to put his neck (literally) on the line. I'm guessing that your going with turning Angle face before giving him the big win at SummerSlam. I know they're going to Benoit/Brock for sure sometime after WrestleMania. How did you get Austin on SmackDown? Do you mean the Rock? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted January 25, 2003 Hmmmm interesting. If Austin had no problem with Hall how ocme he treated him like shit and NEVER put him over once. Not in promo's, angles, matches anything. But I like Austin andt hey need him so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt(althoguh I wonder who's idea it was to piss on Double A). Because Hall is a useless Drunk who had no right going over Austin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted January 25, 2003 I'm guessing that your going with turning Angle face before giving him the big win at SummerSlam. I know they're going to Benoit/Brock for sure sometime after WrestleMania. How did you get Austin on SmackDown? Do you mean the Rock? Yes. They have to. The only reason I'd be somewhat against it is they can't have Benoit keep losing. I would have sent Austin to SD!. Now everything is fucked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted January 25, 2003 Austin's friends with both Hall and Nash. Problem is, he knows Nash manipulates backstage and he caught Hall drinking twice before Mania. That's why he took away so much of his offense and got the booking changed last minute: he wasn't willing to put his neck (literally) on the line. I well I can understand making Hall use Stunners due to Steve's neck (although I think it shows just how poorly they were thinking this through) but he pretty much bounced Hall around the ring and called it a night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest wwF1587 Report post Posted January 25, 2003 Austin Rules. Bottom line and when (or if) he comes back, I hope he can straighten things out and give the booking a kick it deserves.. I never buy any WWE magazines cause they are full of crap but i will pick this one up and I hope all this is true. Austin will return, HHH's power will soon deplete and all will be good again, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted January 25, 2003 Austin will return, HHH's power will soon deplete and all will be good again, right? Either that or HHH will pull an Austin (hah!) and run all his detractors out of the company. It already happened with Raven. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted January 25, 2003 Yeah, but it's gotten today's guys pretty far. When beer trucks and This Is Your Life Rock are some of the highest rated and/or memorable moments, you have to just suck it up and deal. How much money did those segments make? When has comedy ever sold a PPV? Comedy can make for a nice t-shirt and memory, but when it all comes down to it, the WWE is not a sitcom, and never will be. Instead, he gave himself the worst possible light to present himself and currently looks like a crybaby. Only the anti-austin people look at him like a cry baby. The WWE had no direction - they were willing to job Austin to Lesnar in a throw-away match on RAW. Austin had every right to leave them as he did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted January 25, 2003 A face Austin, and a heel Rocky = WWE on the rise once more. Yes, because rehashing old successes has done wonders for WWE lately. Don't mean to be negative, but Vince has gone down this road before. Quick fixes do not help. See NWO, Hogan, Steiner, and Micheals. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted January 25, 2003 A face Austin, and a heel Rocky = WWE on the rise once more. Yes, because rehashing old successes has done wonders for WWE lately. Don't mean to be negative, but Vince has gone down this road before. Quick fixes do not help. See NWO, Hogan, Steiner, and Micheals. Are you insane? The Rock and Austin are proven to help business. Ratings prove it, buyrate prove it, and just the look across the crowd when they are there proves it. Just their being on the show, it just gives it a better "feel", especially after being gone for so long. To doubt them, you simply have no idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted January 25, 2003 Ya know, I don't believe half of the stuff said. I don't even think Austin himself wrote it, I just can't believe it. All I care about is Austin coming back, that's it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BoboBrazil Report post Posted January 25, 2003 Ratings didn't rise last time Rock came back. The rating will raise for Goldberg and Austin when they come in, but it won't last long with horrible writing. The problem isn't the wrestlers they have. It is the writing and lack of engrossing storylines. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest IB2BLACK Report post Posted January 25, 2003 Why would JR, need to send a "postcard" to reach out to Stone Cold? Aren't they friends? Doesn't he have a have a phone, doesn't JR know where Steve lives at? Can't they just call each other? And I'm sure Vince has Austin's number, and vice versa. This article is shady to me. it seems like it's geared to the net. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted January 25, 2003 A face Austin, and a heel Rocky = WWE on the rise once more. Yes, because rehashing old successes has done wonders for WWE lately. Don't mean to be negative, but Vince has gone down this road before. Quick fixes do not help. See NWO, Hogan, Steiner, and Micheals. Are you insane? The Rock and Austin are proven to help business. Ratings prove it, buyrate prove it, and just the look across the crowd when they are there proves it. Just their being on the show, it just gives it a better "feel", especially after being gone for so long. To doubt them, you simply have no idea. Ratings were dropping when Rock and Austin were still here. And Rock doesn't pop a rating for more than a week. Anyways, hogan gets absolutly great pops, but he hasn't improved buyrates and ratings and such with the exception of WM18. And Rock will only be here for 2 monthes or so, so that won't help. I think I need to clarify this again: ratings were dropping when Austin was still here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BoboBrazil Report post Posted January 25, 2003 Ratings were dropping when Rock and Austin were still here. And Rock doesn't pop a rating for more than a week. Anyways, hogan gets absolutly great pops, but he hasn't improved buyrates and ratings and such with the exception of WM18. And Rock will only be here for 2 monthes or so, so that won't help. I think I need to clarify this again: ratings were dropping when Austin was still here. Yep. This is just like people that think HHH's power is suddenly going to end when he comes back. I guess people don't remember he was out of control when Austin was there before. Austin will just take airtime from midcarders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RenegadeX28 Report post Posted January 25, 2003 It seems this new RAW magazine looks like an interesting read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vern Gagne Report post Posted January 25, 2003 I'm anxious to see Austin again, but I won't get my hope up things will change. Austin did nothing to stop the ego trip before. His match against Jericho at NWO was a dispointment, mostly because Austin gave a half-assed effort. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted January 25, 2003 No one person, feud, or skit will bring the WWF out of the gutter. A consistant, quality product will. Austin can help bring that, along with the Rock. Both are good/great in the ring and on the mic and are assets to the company. A feud between to the two won't solve the wwfs problems, but it most likely would help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted January 25, 2003 Plus listening to Austin over the years he knows what makes a good wrestling show. That's it! Austin as head writer! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonX 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2003 So, what the hell will Kurt do until Summerslam? What about Benoit? Guererro? Eddy: Tag Division Angle and Benoit: Yet another six months of jacking each other off in the ring while doing absolutely nothing...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zero_Cool Report post Posted January 26, 2003 I'd like to see them give Austin the book...of course, I'm not sure if I'd like it if he reintroduced Count Out wins and time limit draws, which were killed off completely right after the Monday Night Wars started. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted January 26, 2003 So, what the hell will Kurt do until Summerslam? What about Benoit? Guererro? Eddy: Tag Division Angle and Benoit: Yet another six months of jacking each other off in the ring while doing absolutely nothing...... No, I think Angle and Benoit will be real threats this time around Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest geniusMoment Report post Posted January 26, 2003 So thats why he beat his wife, to send Vince a Fuck You. Seems logical Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EternallyLazy Report post Posted January 26, 2003 I am the person that was claiming that Austin didn't have a problem with Hogan, and if this is really from the interview, then I stand corrected. HOWEVER, in 1996 in his torch talk shoot interview, conducted after he was fired from WCW, he stated that he had no problem with Hogan, and actually made it seem like he thought Hogan was an okay guy. Things change however, and maybe now he sees the light. I do however find it kind of funny how he describes Hogan, because that can describe practically every major star in the business Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted January 26, 2003 Hopefully his time off allowed him to clear his mind and he'll be able to stay focused and avoid falling back into the rut he was in before he left. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RickyChosyu Report post Posted January 26, 2003 Austin doesn't have a problem with Hall? That's strange, what happened to all the reports that he "didn't even know why he should bother trying" to work with Hall since he would be gone in no time. But then, considering the source (is there one?) I'm not really buying the story. If you're going to make something up, at least try to make it coincide with what had previously occured. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nater Report post Posted January 26, 2003 I'll be happy to see a motivated Austin back. The last good Austin memories were also the last good HHH ones. If Rock isnt going to be around, then maybe Austin and HHH can get back to being interesting instead of duct-taping drunks to chairs and tearing their quads. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted January 26, 2003 How much money did those segments make? When has comedy ever sold a PPV? Comedy can make for a nice t-shirt and memory, but when it all comes down to it, the WWE is not a sitcom, and never will be. Comedy doesn't build a hot PPV, but it can save a disasterous one. What I was really trying to say though, is that although they might as well drop the edgy stuff (because they just can't compete with Jackass and the like anymore), wrestling will always be bright lights, big crowds, and guest appearances on national TV. We're never going to go back to the old-school Flair NWA days again. Even if the WWE dies, someone else will take it's place eventually. But it's gotta be bankrolled by some downright huge pockets to get attention. Only the anti-austin people look at him like a cry baby. The WWE had no direction - they were willing to job Austin to Lesnar in a throw-away match on RAW. Austin had every right to leave them as he did. It's The Marks, Stupid. (Note: Not actually calling you stupid) Austin's explosion/disappearance helped nobody, fucked up the company pretty hard for the next month, left Eddy/Benoit high and dry (and thus took them an additional 6 months to be taken seriously,) and dumbest of all it allowed the company to paint Austin as a crybaby to the marks. And don't tell me it's not a stretch to call him that. There had to be more options. Austin should have asked to be moved to SmackDown or something. Instead he pissed on everyone, from the people who were paying him to the people who he was feuding with to the people who bought tickets and assumed he'd be there. And now, with this column, more bitching and moaning and airing of backstage issues are appearing in the company line (TV shows and magazines.) You guys are all happy about this just because Austin shares your Anti-HHH opinion and a fair number of you mark out for him, but if you were more objective you'd see this smacks of WCW in it's death throes. We'll see what happens at No Way Out, but we're only this close [holds fingers apart] to Hogan and Russo bitching each other out on Bash at the Beach. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted January 26, 2003 Let's see, will the fans believe Austin or McMahon JOTW? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites