Guest treble charged Report post Posted March 11, 2002 1.Thoughts on the Rock. -Good mainstream rep for the WWF. He doesn't come off as an idiot, since he is very well spoken. Decent in the ring, great on the stick. 2.Thoughts on Austin. -Great character, better worker than the Rock, but still not great. Very good on the stick as well. Without a doubt, the best heel in the WWF in 2001. 3.What would you as the booker do with these two in the near future? -If you're going to have the nWo be monster heels, they have to have Rock/Austin team up to fight them. They're the two biggest full fledged faces they have right now. 4.Who will win at Wrestlemania? -The nWo should destroy both of them, if they are going to be monster heels. Spray paint, the whole deal. 5.When all is said and done in history, who will be remembered as the bigger legend? Why? -IMO, Austin. He's had better matches, plus, he overcame a career threatening injury (in real life, not like Rock being hit with the truck). Remember, when Rock was gone for all those months in the Summer, he wasn't missed as much as when Austin was gone for those 2 weeks after Unforgiven this past year. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted March 11, 2002 My friend Angry Johnny (he did 2 or 3 columns for Slash Wrestling a little while ago, one called The Reality Check, and the other 2 called Pissing In The Wind In The Year 2002, or PIWIY2K2, featuring me on the Mighty Mutant Power Smarks one) sent this to me. Thought it was cool. 1.Thoughts on the Rock. 2.Thoughts on Austin. 3.What would you as the booker do with these two in the near future? 4.Who will win at Wrestlemania? 5.When all is said and done in history, who will be remembered as the bigger legend? Why? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Repo Man jr Report post Posted March 11, 2002 1.Thoughts on the Rock. He's really good and wins loads of matches except when the wrestlers cheat( I hate that!) 2.Thoughts on Austin. I like it when he drinks beer thats cool. 3.What would you as the booker do with these two in the near future? Have them in a tag match with Hardy Boyz. 4.Who will win at Wrestlemania? The fans! 5.When all is said and done in history, who will be remembered as the bigger legend? Why? Andre The Giant, because he was 7'5 and 700 pounds.(Bigger than Earthquake) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Army Eye Report post Posted March 12, 2002 1. His good points are well documented. But he's been a can't-lose-clean babyface for over three years now, and his character hasn't changed in that entire time. It's starting to get old. Any time he wins a big match almost seems like an anticlimax to me, since he's won so many big matches and so many world titles already. 2. A #### of a worker. A lot better than Rock when he's 'on'. Also a better interview than Rock, who is too reliant on his material, while Austin can say just about anything and get cheered like mad. Was playing a great heel in 2001 and it's too bad that the "what" thing got out of control. 3. I would've kept Austin heel until Wrestlemania XVIII. Too late for that, so I would phase out the "What" stuff so he can be seen as a somewhat serious character again. With Rock I would do a very slow heel turn over several months, steadily dropping all the ass-kissing in his promos and acting more heelish, and hopefully have him as a total scumbag by the end of it. 4. Austin and Hogan will win. 5. Definitely Austin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 12, 2002 1. Underrated wrestler. 2. Best actiove wrestler on the WWF roster. 3. Give Rock his final win over Austin as soon as they can. 4. Austin and Rock will win. 5. Austin obviously. He had to overcome so much during his career, both politically and physically. One of the best workers in the US for a long period of time, though part of it was spent nursing injuries that limited him. Still, he adapted. His influence is obvious. Probably one of the marketing geniuses of wrestling when it comes to slogans, designs. and shirts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites