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Guest Mole

Best Super Bowl..

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Guest Mole

Well I don't see this thread yet, so I am starting it.


What was your favorite SB commercial this year?


Mine are the Fed Ex one, and the Crazy one.


I had chills up my spine in the Crazy one. It was just a great, moving commercial.


What about you fellas?

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Guest Justwitty

The Osbournes Pepsi Twist commercial had me dying. I read about it yesterday and thought it would be horrible. But they played Ozzy's "confused about any and everything" look perfectly. I nearly shit myself when I saw the look on his face upon first seeing The Osmonds. The ending was quite clever too.


I also enjoyed the Fed Ex one for it's idea alone. What ended up being in the box was hilarious.


Honorable mention goes to Jim Belushi running naked during the preview for "Less Than Perfect." I don't know why but the man just makes me laugh.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

The Fed Ex One, The Budweiser Horses playing football with the Zebra doing the replay and although not actually a commercial, I also liked the Crazy one.


The Osbournes one was the worst..

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

The Osbournes comm. is telling me that the Ozzy fad is quickly fading.


My fav was the Zebra/Horse one.


Honorable mention goes to the dog/fire hydrant. There was a Sierra Myst one that I liked, but I can't remember what it was (wasn't the monkey one though)...

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Guest Justwitty

I've only seen one episode of The Osbournes which is what made his facials so funny to me. I haven't been overexposed yet.


I also forgot to mention earlier the McDonald's ad where the father and son are complaining about their day and then the mom suggests going to McDonald's. The kid's reaction cracked me up. (I didn't see the zebra one but the descriptions I've heard are pretty damn funny.)

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I'm sure the Zebra comm. was the first one to air post-kickoff. It set the bar so high that nothing else came close. What make it sweeter was that was around the time the refs botched a call that was challenged and overruled (fumble).


I didn't get caught up in the Osbournes, and saw the episodes every now and then. They were entertaining, but Ozzy and family was soooo saturated in the media that I think their luster isn't as shiny -- ratings, though still high for cable, are down for their show and that award show a week or so ago on ABC that they hosted (and heavily pimped on) drew disappointing numbers...

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Guest Vern Gagne

The Zebra was my favorite.


The Fed Ex seemed kinda dated


I can't stand Jack and Kelly


The guy wearing his dog has a wig was good.


I didn't buy Terry Tate has a Football player, he looked a little undersized, and thick.

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Guest Lethargic

Besides the movie trailers my favorite was the football player tackling everybody in the Reebok offices. That was hysterical seeing those people flying around.


I believe that on the commentary track for Castaway, Zemekis actually said that there really was supposed to be a satellite phone in that box. So it wasn't really original.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

I liked the Terry Tate one.


"Break time was over 15 minutes ago, MITCH!"


"That's a long distance call, DOUG!"


"If it's game time, it's pain time! Whooo!"

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Guest GeneMean

Reebok's Terry Tate easily.


When he screamed at the guy for needing cover sheets on his TPS reports I bout shit myself.

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Guest hardyz1

Terry Tate

Zebra ref

Upside down clown "Can I have a hot dog?" "No"

Guy with the shell on his ear


And the most unintentionally funny commercial was the "Drugs = pregnancy" commercial. I didn't see it when it aired, but I just watched it online, and it is just unbelievable what those scumbags are trying to pull.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Pot = pregnancy was hysterical. The only thing that could have made it funnier is if it was the same girl from one of those other "Harmless?" commercials...the one where she smokes pop and passes on the couch while a boy pretty much molests her in a crowded room.


I don't smoke pot...but some people I know do, and they made their better decisons while doing so.

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Guest The Electrifyer

" I didn't see it when it aired, but I just watched it online, and it is just unbelievable what those scumbags are trying to pull."


What site did you go to see the Superbowl commercials?

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Guest starvenger
Reebok's Terry Tate easily.


When he screamed at the guy for needing cover sheets on his TPS reports I bout shit myself.

Oh hell yeah. Nothing like an Office Space reference.


The Yao Ming one wasn't bad until the totally unnecessary Yogi Berra bit at the end.


There was another one that had women doing stetching exercises, and I couldn't find fault with that one for some reason...


And according to USA Today stats (which shockingly did not include a graphic) Celine Dion's Chrysler ad ranked in the bottom 10, which somewhat restores my faith in humanity.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I liked the beer commercials where first they were having the strong man competition where the fridge was full of beer (bud light I think) and the fans kept stealing it. When the short guy stole it I was dying, when the old man stole it then the people cornered him and he held up his kane and said "Who wants to be a hero?" I friggin lost it.


The other was the one where the guy is on the phone with his friend talking about meeting his girlfriend's mom for the first time. His friend tells him to take a good look at the mom because that is how the girlfriend will end up looking. He looks through the peephole and mom is fine, he opens the door and she has a gigantic Rikishass.....They then show here bending over to pet the dog...gold

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Verne, how can Terry Tate look undersized and thick?


That one was my favorite, Tate played it just right. The zebra was probably second for me.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Terry Tate, Office Linebacker was by far the best, honorable mention to beer in the clown's ass.

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Guest Vern Gagne
Verne, how can Terry Tate look undersized and thick?


That one was my favorite, Tate played it just right. The zebra was probably second for me.

He looked to short to be a football player. It's only a commercial, but find someone with some size.


The worst was the Levi's ad with the Buffalo Stampede. I was hoping the two people would be trampled.

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Guest Kingpk

My top 5:


1) Terry Tate - Just hilarious. I thought it would be something stupid, but I was rolling.

2) Alias - The color red never looked so good. The black one she broke out (w/riding crop) in the episode wasn't bad, either. I must watch this show more often.

3) Bud Light "Strongman Contest"

4) Bud Light "Momma's got back"

5) The Fed-Ex "Cast Away" spoof. Would have been great if they got Tom Hanks for it, though.

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Guest Lethargic

If you liked the Terry Tate thing you GOTTA go to http://terrytate.reebok.com


They got the full 4 minute version and it's even uncensored. So things like "break was over 15 minutes ago, MITCH!" is now "break was over 15 minutes ago, BITCH!" It's hilarious.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Is Alias doing poorly in the ratings or something? Having Jennifer Garner in lingerie (not complaints here) seems kinda desperate.

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Guest Mole

Yes, I believe the show isn't doing very well. I think it's pulling around a 9.3, but I could be wrong.

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Guest Lethargic
So no one liked the Crazy commercial???

I have no idea what the Crazy commerical is.

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Guest Lethargic
Is Alias doing poorly in the ratings or something? Having Jennifer Garner in lingerie (not complaints here) seems kinda desperate.

They're not doing poorly really but they've dropped from last year, causing a bit of a scramble. I didn't find the lingerie desperate, I found the plot to be desperate. Completely out of the blue, the Alliance is gone? This is what the whole show is based on.


It reminds me of Twin Peaks. The whole show was based on the Laura Palmer mystery. Once that mystery was solved, there was no more show. Alias has been entirely based on the effort to destroy SD-6, now they destroy it just for a crappy post-Superbowl ratings stunt. Will they be able to produce the same quality show without the entire purpose of the show? I mean, if SD-6 is gone, Sid should be retired now right? Wasn't that her plan? And the Francie thing at the end was such a desperate attempt at a twist ending that it was beyond retarded.


I also question the mindset of ABC. To try to build the audience back up for this show, they try to reset it and do a big time post-Superbowl show. But then they put on nearly 45 minutes of extremely boring needless post-game activities like Bon Jovi playing that same damn song they've been playing for 5 years. Sitting through all of that garbage was so boring that I was about ready to give up on watching the show myself, I'm sure all the "new" viewers were gone by time the show finally came on at 11pm on the East Coast.

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Guest El Satanico

the Terry Tate commercial was the only memorable one for me. The rest were bleh and just there.


Is it just me or have the overall commercials sucked the last two or three years?

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Guest Youth N Asia
Is it just me or have the overall commercials sucked the last two or three years?

I don't know, but it really seemed like this was the only year in recient memory where you didn't hear a lot of hype about upcoming commercials. At least I didn't.

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