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Guest Mole

Best Super Bowl..

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Guest Steve J. Rogers
Pot = pregnancy was hysterical. The only thing that could have made it funnier is if it was the same girl from one of those other "Harmless?" commercials...the one where she smokes pop and passes on the couch while a boy pretty much molests her in a crowded room.


I don't smoke pot...but some people I know do, and they made their better decisons while doing so.

Yeah, when I heard about it I was like "Geez, now pot-smoking=unprotected sex? Lovley" I guess pot is now on the level of estacy and that date rap drug.


If they REALLY wanted an effective pregnancy/pot commercial do something where smoking pot WHILE pregnant leads to birth defects, thats a whole different ballgame than unprotected sex from smoking some weed prior to it.


I mean it kind of makes more sense to toke up AFTERWARDS rather than BEFORE as it RELAXES you and you really want to be hyped up before doing the deed. (Okay, I'm basing that on the amount of times in movies/TV I've seen characters smoke cigarettes after sex)



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Guest Vern Gagne

Why doesn't ABC try moving Alias to a better timeslot, or don't they really care if it stays on the air.

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Guest Lethargic
Why doesn't ABC try moving Alias to a better timeslot, or don't they really care if it stays on the air.

How would moving it help? Seems like a good slot where it is. Moving shows around is what kills them off. I don't see how it'd help. The ratings are there. It's still doing good. They just want it to do better than good I guess.

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