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Guest Youth N Asia

Words you're trying to get out of your vocabulary

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Guest Youth N Asia

Ok, you ever start using a word and then get sick of it? Only you can't seem to strike it out of daily usage?


Though...I know I can't drop the word all together, but when I write I notice I use it way more then I should, and I think I say it a lot as well.


Good deal...I don't know where this came from, but it's bugging me now. When someone tells me something positive I tend to reply with "Oh, good deal"....I need to stop.


Dude...I will never lose dude, although I don't want to. I used the hell out of it and I still do, and after hating it I've grown to like it now. Dude kicks ass.

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Guest AM The Kid







I dont think I have an original sentance left in me.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I can, nor ever will I ever be able to rid myself of the words "Murda" and "Holla". And no, the latter is not Scott Steiner influenced, they're just words I used when I wanted to fuck around with the white thugs at my high school back in the day. Well, I'm out of high school now and still can't stop using them. I tend to use "Holla" at work a lot, like by answering the phone or just greeting people.

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Guest AM The Kid

I'm actually trying not to use "fuck" so much as well. I dont really need it in every fucking sentance.


Get my point?

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I said "ownz" once, and washed my mouth out with soap for an hour afterwards...

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Guest nl5xsk1

Verbally: Stoked ... wicked (when it means very or really) ... mad (when it means many) ... regardless ... "right on"


In writing: Thus ... "for real?" ... and the worst thing I need to stop doing is using the stupid (...) rather than just using a period to end one sentence and then start a new one.

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Guest Kinetic

I use a lot of phrases repeatedly and will usually continue to do so until someone calls me on it. "Criminally underrated," for instance, was a personal favorite until LooseCannon pointed out that it was used too often. I haven't said it since. I, myself, am good about encouraging people to not overruse words and phrases. We're all aware of the "like" epidemic raging all over America today and I take great pride in not only being nearly "like"-free myself, but having encourage those around me to decrease their "like" usage under threat of physical violence.

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Guest The Electrifyer

I want to get rid of saying "man", like "Whats up with that, man?" or, "Man, I'm tired."

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Once in a while, I'll use things like "Snootchie bootchies." and then afterwords I'll say to myself, "Gah, you fucking nerd, why are you talking like that?" It doesn't happen that much though.

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Guest Scarlet Pimpernel

Whenever I complain about something, or something bad happens, I always say 'Aww man'. I would REALLY like to get rid of that, but it just comes out of my mouth. I can't help it.


Aww man, this sucks.


Oh, and also 'riiiiiiight' Dr Evil style

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Guest T®ITEC

I was trying to stop cursing, with the aid of a "curse jar"... But I ran out of money. I'm too poor to stop cursing!


Also: "Taha".

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Guest EricMM

I hate saying the word "like" as some sort of um-substitute. It's like stupid. I totally like hate doing it, you know? It's like... I totally like sound like that sometimes you know?

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Guest What?

"Snoogans"-I don't even know when I started saying it, but I do, and I hate it.


"Uber" - as in "Uber-swank" or "Uber-Cool." Christ...


"Fo sho, my nizzle"-for obvious reasons

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Actually, to all the "like" haters, the Oxford English Dictionary folk actually recognized the merits of the word in a fairly prominent statement about a year ago.

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Guest Mole

I got all the anti-homosexual comments out of my vocab, but I went back to college and they came back in. I really hate it when people say, "Ahh, this is so gay." And I started using it again! I'm doing my best to get rid of it again, which I think I am.


Instead of "Oh my GoD" I used "Oh my stars" But that is really dumb, so I am trying to get rid of that too.

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Guest CED Ordonez

I'm trying to stop actually typing "well" when I chat (ie "Well, I just..." or "Well, that sucked.") I keep getting visions of Road Warrior Hawk as I read over my chat dialog.


"Tell 'em, Hawk!"



Aside from that, I'm fine with my vocabulary.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

What I want to stop:*



uh, huh and wuh

argh and blargh

ah and bah






My vocabulary seems to not have evolved much past caveman speak..


Expect some ooga boogas posted soon..since it seems that my regular everyday talk has translated itself quite easily into my typing.


*and yes, I do say argh, blargh, wuh and bah in regular everyday conversation..

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Guest saturnmark4life

Yeah, I'd quit 'oh my stars' because that's just too ghey. I type fuck quite a lot, more than I actually say it, which is fairly pointless. Oh, and me and my friends cannot stop saying 'hoss' and use it without wanting to sometimes, to express, well anything. It doesn't look like slowing down, either. Hoss.

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Guest CanadianChick

I swear too much, which isn't good when your in a Catholic school. And I say "dude" WAY too much. Hmm...

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

I swear way too much, but who gives a fuck? Ah crap I did it again. Ya'll is part of my vocabulary that I can't change even though I want to.

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Guest EQ

"Y'all" is something I'll never say. I curse alot, some people say too much, but I don't mind it. I know when it's appropriate and when it isn't. I'm fairly satisfied with my vocabulary. I can't think of any words I want to stop saying/typing.

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Guest hardyz1

I lived the first 9 years of my life in Oklahoma, so y'all was part of my vocabulary for a long time. Then I moved to Pennsylvania, where I was exposed to something even worse: "y'ones" (pronounced "yuhns"). Thankfully not many people say that anymore. But they do still say "crik" instead of "creek".

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Guest midnight_burn

I seem to be adding "or whatever" onto the end of my sentences when i talk, usually when i'm asking a question, i really have to stop doing that.

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