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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

The Infalibility of The Bible FAQ

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

This was brought up in SpiderPoet's goodbye thread, and I didn't think it was fair to him to have to deal with it.


Certain Christian denominations believe that the Bible is word-for-word accurate. I am not among them. (The rest of this post is based on MY OPINIONS I will not stop to say this a million times.) The Bible is NOT a History textbook. The Bible is NOT a Science textbook. The Bible is a book of religious truths that written by divinely inspired human beings. There are some scientific, geographical, and historical errors, but the basic message is always true. That message is this: God loves you, he revealed himself to the Jews, he sent his Son to die for you, and he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.


Many of the Biblical stories are laced with metaphors that are specifically meant for Jews, (remember humans wrote the Bible, not God.) there is a lot of symbolism. When read literally you get the wrong impression. I will take the time to answer some questions I have heard.


Was the universe really created in just six days?


The story of Creation is the most misunderstood portion of the entire Bible with the possible exception of Revelation. The six days it took God to create the universe, and his subsequent day of rest is a metaphor for a Jewish man, who also takes a day of rest every seventh day. The message of this passage is not: "God made us all in 6 days." it is rather: "God made us all, and he loves us." THAT is infallible.


What is the symbolism in the story of The Expulsion from Paradise?


God gave Adam and Eve everything they could ever need, but they challenged God's knowledge of what they needed. They, as we all have with parents, guardians, adults, etc., took it into their own hands to find what was best for themselves. the Serpent simply played upon that arrogance. Adam and Eve had that sin brewing in themselves their entire lives, the Serpent simply allowed them to manifest it. This is all symbolic of why WE sin, when we feel that we are greater than God. The message is: "God loves you, and put your trust in him."


Were all creatures created at the same time 5,000 years ago?


No. But can ancient man understand the term 4.6 Billion, or evolution? No. God inspired him to write that God was responsible for all of Creation and he told the story in terms that can be understood to his audience. WE are not his audience.


Why did God indirectly contribute to Abel's death?


It is no coincidence that Cain's name is similar to the word "Caananite". The Caananites where the farming tribes who lived in Israel before the Jews did. This is evident in the tale of Cain and Abel when we discover that Cain is a farmer and Abel is a sheepherder. The metaphorical message is to the Jews, and it is simply: "The Caananites hate you, because they do not worship God. They have always hated you, out of jealousy." The birth of Seth is symbolic of the resilient nature of the ancient Jews. They were conquered many times, but they always returned, with the help of God. This is a prime example of a human author placing emphasis on elements of the story that suits his opinions, and not those of God's.


Why did God destroy the Tower of Babel?


The Tower of Babel was written, for all intents and purposes, to explain why God would allow people to have different languages and nations, and why these nations would make war on one another. it is a nature myth, just as the Greek stories of Arachne and Phersphone are nature myths. They use religion to explain natural occurrences.



That about covers Genesis. I may do some more based on questions I am asked or things I feel I need to explain. Remember, the message behind all the Bible stories is true: God does love you. He did create you. He wants you to love him. Don't allow petty details to get in the way of that truth, however, do NOT choose ignorance over learning by believing that all animals were created at the same time, or that there is a firmament that separates the Earth from waters above and God opens the firmament so it can rain.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
SP had a goodbye thread?

In General Chat, some dude had a Goodbye thread and SP told everyone HE was leaving too, so everyone said goodbye to both of them.



Close enough for goverment work.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Zasz, nice work buddy, I think you covered some good points


SP would be proud...

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Zasz, nice work buddy, I think you covered some good points


SP would be proud...

This reminds me of another thing. How can I go about getting my name changed, but keep my post count? I hate it when people call me Zsaz or Zasz or Zaz or Bob.

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

When I saw this thread, I thought you were trying to contribute to another religious debate/flame thread. But... I was wrong. Nice way of bringing the misunderstanding to an end.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I should note that I really really hope this is the last religion-oriented thread we get for a while.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I should note that I really really hope this is the last religion-oriented thread we get for a while.

Kotz, I'm not a huge fan of these, but I *had* to get this off my chest.

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Guest RobJohnstone

You cannot sum up genesis in a few paragraphs. On top of that I believe your interpretations are wrong. As for Adam and Eve, GOD gave man choices, he wanted to give man a chance for good and evil. The only reason Eve took fruit from the tree of knowledge was because she was the only person who did not see and talk to GOD. So when Satan an angel tells her she will not surely die, she believes him because he is the only non-moral being she has seen. All the information she had came from Adam, not from GOD. That is why she took fruit from the tree of knowledge. Any how, I don't agree with your interpretations and you left out a nice chunk of Genesis like Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham and Isaac. I think if you put your faith in GOD and then read his book you will then understand it better.



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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
When I saw this thread, I thought you were trying to contribute to another religious debate/flame thread. But... I was wrong. Nice way of bringing the misunderstanding to an end.

I apprciate your comments. I'm glad you took the time to read a post before flaming it. I wish others on this board *coughcwmcough* would do that more often.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Okay, now that the dispute is looming thanks to Rob, can a mod close the thread or something?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
You cannot sum up genesis in a few paragraphs. On top of that I believe your interpretations are wrong. As for Adam and Eve, GOD gave man choices, he wanted to give man a chance for good and evil. The only reason Eve took fruit from the tree of knowledge was because she was the only person who did not see and talk to GOD. So when Satan an angel tells her she will not surely die, she believes him because he is the only non-moral being she has seen. All the information she had came from Adam, not from GOD. That is why she took fruit from the tree of knowledge. Any how, I don't agree with your interpretations and you left out a nice chunk of Genesis like Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham and Isaac. I think if you put your faith in GOD and then read his book you will then understand it better.



I respect your interpretations, but you must understand. These stories are in many ways, just like the parables Jesus told. The spiritual truths that they stand for are true, just not the details.


I take offense with your last comments. Just because my interpretation differs from yours, doesn't mean I have any less faith in God, or the truths contained in the Bible than you do. I have chosen to accept knowledge along with faith.


I said I would do more if I got requests, i seem to have two requests. Watch out for my next post which will contain Sodom and Gemorrah, and Abraham and Issac.

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Guest RobJohnstone

Kotz I did not start the thread, only replying to it. Also I am sure Spider will explain better, he has a better gift than I for putting words on paper.



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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Here comes Mr Zsasz, the Man Without Fear!


Okay, maybe not but, you have to be pretty brave to post a topic like this.




Why would God destroy Sodom and Ghomorroh?


The Destruction of Sodom and Ghomorroh is a *prime* example of the use of exaggerated imagry to tell a basic religous truth. The style in which it was written reflects a movement of literature known as Apocolyptic, even though that facet of Jewish culutre didn't creep into existence till the Roman Occupation. Everything from the fact that ten good people couldn't be found, to the reactions of the citizens to the Angles, to the final fate of the cities is an exaggeration of a simple truth. "Live the way God has told, or you shall recieve judgement." The destruction of these cities is symbolic of the destruction of ALL evil on Judgement Day. It's very possible that two cities could have been destroyed, and then people say: "God did it!" because they lack our modern knowledge.


Why would God do that to Abraham?


This is the best example of the parable type story. This story could be entirely true, but if it isn't it still illustrates a simple point: "Put your faith in God, and he will never steer you wrong." I happen to believe that it DID happen almost exactly the same way as presented.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

But SP isn't here anymore, that's my point. We're going to eventually have a shouting match here, about religion.... AGAIN!!!!!

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
But SP isn't here anymore, that's my point. We're going to eventually have a shouting match here, about religion.... AGAIN!!!!!

I think everyone here has been *very* diplomatic.


Really, if you don't enjoy debate why did you post in this thread? Simply ignore it.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

SP was going to be scaling back, but he changed his mind. He just didn't want to be perceived as another Dopey, but once he saw that he wasn't, he'll be posting as much as he ever was.

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Guest Samurai_Goat

And, from what I've seen, everyone but Robby has been pretty cool in this little thread here. And this is the last thing I'm saying to Rob about this for at least a small while. I will at this time agree with Rob. Eve didn't listen to God (or GOD), she listened to man. This led her astray, away from God. So, in other words, we shouldn't listen to man, we should find our own religion within ourselves and with God. In honor of RobJohnStones tremendous ideas, I will now never listen to a single thing he says about religion, for, by listening to a mere mortal, this could lead my faith to a place it should never go.


But, since everyone else seems calm and rational, I think I'll at least hear them out.

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Guest RobJohnstone

Thanks for being childish goat, that is not what I meant. I did not say don't listen to anyone but GOD, I simply said follow God's rules. Not to hard I think.



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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Thanks for being childish goat, that is not what I meant. I did not say don't listen to anyone but GOD, I simply said follow God's rules. Not to hard I think.



You're interpretation of the Bible can be described by someone a bit more blunt thatn I, as childish. By refusing to accept any modern scientific fact that doesn't coincide with a 2000 year old religous text that isn't even about science, you have chosen ignorance over knowledge.


Your faith is admirable, but humans still came from apes. It's been genetically proven. Your faith is admirable, but the world is still 4.6 Billion Years old, it's been scientifically proven. Your faith is admirable, but Noah's flood only covered Mesapotamia, it's been historically proven.

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0
Your faith is admirable, but humans still came from apes. It's been genetically proven. Your faith is admirable, but the world is still 4.6 Billion Years old, it's been scientifically proven. Your faith is admirable, but Noah's flood only covered Mesapotamia, it's been historically proven.

Er... incase you didn't know or somehow forgot, humans didn't come from apes. Both humans and apes came from a common primate ancestor that scientists assume looked like a rodent.


And the great flood also covered Atlantis, which some people think was actually within the Indian Ocean.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Your faith is admirable, but humans still came from apes. It's been genetically proven. Your faith is admirable, but the world is still 4.6 Billion Years old, it's been scientifically proven. Your faith is admirable, but Noah's flood only covered Mesapotamia, it's been historically proven.

Er... incase you didn't know or somehow forgot, humans didn't come from apes. Both humans and apes came from a common primate ancestor that scientists assume looked like a rodent.


And the great flood also covered Atlantis, which some people think was actually within the Indian Ocean.

Yes, i know about the missing link, but I was speaking metaphorically. The "Humans from Apes" thing has always been the first thing we think of when we talk about evolution.



Alantis was a myth. Give me evidence of it, then I'll believe it. The flood described in the story of Noah was a flooding of the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This was where the first civilizations wwere founded, so people thought the entire world flooded.

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Guest TheBlackerScorpion

All this arguing over the Bible...I TOLD God to call it "This Is the Way It Is, So Stop Thinking For Yourselves!"


But NOOO! He had to get his chuckles from watching men fight over a few words in a book.


What a cad.

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

...Well, maybe I am thinking of a different flood that happened before the Great Flood in Mesopotamia. There is evidence though that around 10000 BC, the end of an ice age, the sea level rose and if there was an Atlantis, it would have submerged it until only its mountains were above sea level, forming the Indonesian islands.


www.atlan.org - the guy who has his stuff on this site has analyzed languages, religious texts and scientific evidence to back his assertion that there was an Atlantis (two continents, infact), and it was located near India.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
...Well, maybe I am thinking of a different flood that happened before the Great Flood in Mesopotamia. There is evidence though that around 10000 BC, the end of an ice age, the sea level rose and if there was an Atlantis, it would have submerged it until only its mountains were above sea level, forming the Indonesian islands.



Atlantis began as tale told by the great Greek thinker Plato. If this was the flood that caused Atlantis, then there is no way Plato could have known about it.


I've read a lot about the myth of Atlantis, but I've never read anything that has convinced my that it wasn't the work of the greatest imagination of his time.

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Guest RobJohnstone
Thanks for being childish goat, that is not what I meant.  I did not say don't listen to anyone but GOD, I simply said follow God's rules.  Not to hard I think.



You're interpretation of the Bible can be described by someone a bit more blunt thatn I, as childish. By refusing to accept any modern scientific fact that doesn't coincide with a 2000 year old religous text that isn't even about science, you have chosen ignorance over knowledge.


Your faith is admirable, but humans still came from apes. It's been genetically proven. Your faith is admirable, but the world is still 4.6 Billion Years old, it's been scientifically proven. Your faith is admirable, but Noah's flood only covered Mesapotamia, it's been historically proven.

When you can prove evolution brother, please let me know. You will be the first person in history to do so. Seriously this has been debated a million times here on TSM. You honestly think you can prove a theory as big as this where no man has done before? Give me a break.



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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

Well, you can't really prove that it was a myth either, and I can't prove to you myself that it was real. So... whatever. Thanks for giving me a few chances to add to my post count here ;)


Moses (aka poster with lame gimmick)... if none of us thought for ourselves, we would be very vulnerable to evil as well.


Robjohnstone... no, we can't *prove* anything highly controversial and in ancient history without a time machine, and I do mean anything by that. But genetics and mutations to DNA would... well, you've heard it all before.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Thanks for being childish goat, that is not what I meant.  I did not say don't listen to anyone but GOD, I simply said follow God's rules.  Not to hard I think.



You're interpretation of the Bible can be described by someone a bit more blunt thatn I, as childish. By refusing to accept any modern scientific fact that doesn't coincide with a 2000 year old religous text that isn't even about science, you have chosen ignorance over knowledge.


Your faith is admirable, but humans still came from apes. It's been genetically proven. Your faith is admirable, but the world is still 4.6 Billion Years old, it's been scientifically proven. Your faith is admirable, but Noah's flood only covered Mesapotamia, it's been historically proven.

When you can prove evolution brother, please let me know. You will be the first person in history to do so. Seriously this has been debated a million times here on TSM. You honestly think you can prove a theory as big as this where no man has done before? Give me a break.



Genetic links have been obtained by mapping genomes between Humans and other primates.


Pick up a Scientific Journal, asshole.

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