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Guest cobainwasmurdered

the one and only raw thread for march 11,2002

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

RAW preview for March 11, 2002


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With just six days until WrestleMania X8, tonight's episode of RAW will be highlighted by a tag team mega-match -- Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash of the nWo!

For weeks, the nWo has been making Rock and Austin's lives a living ####. But on SmackDown!, the People's Champion and the Texas Rattlesnake stood tall against the demented trio. And just hours before Rock faces Hogan and Austin faces Hall at WrestleMania, the stage is set for one of the biggest tag matches in the history of sports entertainment.


Also, what will the repercussion be after Federation co-owner Ric Flair was falsely arrested last Thursday in San Antonio, thanks to the Undertaker? Will the two finally make their match at WrestleMania X8 official?


You also have to wonder what the next step is in the ongoing battle between Triple H and the duo of Stephanie McMahon and Chris Jericho. After The Game had her car cut in half last week, what will Steph have up her sleeve tonight in Detroit?


Several matches have already been announced for tonight's broadcast. The Hardy Boyz will team up with Rob Van Dam to take on the Dudley Boyz and William Regal. In a tag team battle of beauties, Trish Stratus and Lita join forces to tackle the team of Jazz and Stacy Keibler. Finally, Goldust will be defending his Hardcore Championship against Al Snow.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Hmmmmmm...a three-on-two handicapped match?  That smells fishy.  I can't imagine why they'd give away Hogan's first match back in the WWF on Raw...I'd expect Hogan to get taken out of that equation.


I like how the report talks about "the ongoing battle between Triple H and the duo of Stephanie McMahon and Chris Jericho."  That quote right there pretty much sums up what's wrong with the Wrestlemania situation right now.


Otherwise...it looks like a bonafide snoozer of a Raw, despite all the "Best Raw Ever" stuff that's been floating around the 'net.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

the main event sounds like a reverse bash at the beach

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Guest Army Eye

It sure is a dumb move to give away Austin/Rock vs. NWO for free.  It's not quite on the level of giving away Goldberg vs. Hogan but still up there.  And on top of that it's giving away Hogan's first match.  I would advise some kind of immediate DQ or no contest or something.

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Guest The Man in Blak

In a dream world, if they were going to make it like a reverse Bash at the Beach, it'd be:


Hogan, Hall & Nash




Austin, Rock...& BRET HART




Or Shawn Michaels could work here too.  I just like the Bret Hart thing, since he was going to be the "original third man" of the nWo.  But don't mind me - just watch your head, all those pigs are flying around.  :P

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Guest RicFlairGlory

the "original third man?"


Didnt bret hart hate Hall and Nash as much as he hated HBK?

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Guest The Man in Blak

During Hart's long hiatus after Wrestlemania XII, there were a bunch of rumors flying around as to who would be the Outsiders' partner at Bash at the Beach...and Bret Hart was one of the more popular names, being a recent WWF-er that was out of storylines and, hence, out of the WWF mind.  


However, he didn't go to WCW and they used Hogan instead.  And that, as they say, is that.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Actually, Bret got along with Hall and Nash pretty well until HBK basically told everyone in the Clique (Hall, Nash, HHH, Waltman) to hate Bret.


They better announce some more WM matches tonight, I mean it's a week away and 4 matches have been OFFICIALLY announced. Can't they just announce the matches already?! I don't like relying on David Meltzer and my own imagination for the card until the day of the event, everyone knows Angle's gonna go up against Kane, why don't they just say it?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They are giving it away because the ratings are in the crapper.

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Guest InigoMontoya

Goldust vs Al Snow

This will be the first time I see Al in a long time... Is he thumbs up or thumbs down on the smark board?

I know you will all have the same answer.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

I have a sneaking suspision that with the god awful rating that Smackdown got, Vince is going do something big.  My money is on him spending the money to bring Goldberg in as the 3rd man against the nWo.  It makes sense, too.  Flair could bring him in as the man fought the nWo one handed, and defeated Hogan.  Can you imagine the pop he'd get when he entered the ring as a mystery partner?

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Guest Tony149

I think Hogan will slip on a wet floor taking him out of the match. With the WWF's weird booking ie. feud over a Japanese shampoo commerical...I think that is possible. I wouldn't give his wrestling return on free TV. This is nothing more than to pop a rating, and if doesn't get a good/high rating...I think Vince will hit the panic button again.

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Guest Ihatesmarksandmarks

Its your typical raw tag match as far as i see it.....nothing blockbuster about a hanidcap match. And i wouldnt suprised if nash and hall do the majority of the work anyway, Hogan wont do more than stand on the ring apron and pose.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I figure that Rock and Hogan won't make it to the ring.


They'll battle up the run way and leave Austin against Hall and Nash.


That way they can add heat to both matches...and someone will have to come down and help Austin.


But who?

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Guest Sakura

Well, I doubt they'd bring in anyone special for this since there isn't really enough time to give them a match at Wrestlemania. I think if he was going to debut Goldberg he'd do it after WM and set him up for a match at Backlash.


I also doubt Hogan will have his first TV match tonight.


And yes, they really need to start annoucing matches. They always wait for the last minute. It's obvious Kane and Kurt are fighting at the ppv, they should have annouced it last Smackdown. Hopefully they have them all annouced by the end of the night.

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics
Well, I doubt they'd bring in anyone special for this since there isn't really enough time to give them a match at Wrestlemania.


If anyone did become the third man in the tag team and they were a big name ( Goldberg [which I don't think will happen] or anyone else), there's a ready made opponent in Kevin Nash who is currently matchless.

I know there's not much time to build up the match, but that doesn't usually stop the WWF!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It would seem to the WWF's advantage to do something surprising.


But the NWO is bombing...so I'm sure the WWF would blow whatever it was too.

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Guest Army Eye
They are giving it away because the ratings are in the crapper.

You're right of course.  But I wish somebody would get them the message that good solid TV and consistent storylines from week to week is how to increase the ratings, not one single amazing event

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Guest Risk

You know the third WWFer will be "Big Show" Paul Wight.  It's obvious.  Just know I said it first when it happens.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Wow, this is a hot crowd...or an over-mic'ed crowd.


RVD and the Hardyz to lead off the show - nice choice.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It's time for RVD to do his curtain jerking 6 man routine.


At least the booking is consistent.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

Jesus, this is a hot crowd.  And this match could be good, given time.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

"This will be the first time I see Al in a long time... Is he thumbs up or thumbs down on the smark board?"


Snow used to be good, but ECW ruined him.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Al Snow was not ruined by ECW.


He was never over until ECW.


Head started in ECW.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

This is my favorite crowd of the year.


Where are they?

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Guest Vyce

I have my checkbook out, and I swear, I will sign away my entire life savings to William Regal if he were to snap suddenly and stiff the shit out of every one of those fuckers in the ring.


Well, maybe not RVD, cause I like him.


You hear me, Regal?  You got some green coming your way, just make sure to potatoe the Hardy Boys!

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